Its impossible to make money from forex through technical/fundamental analysis

Is there any such thing as a leading indicator? If so, what is it?

Puxatawnie Phil?


Down here in the south our groundhog is General Beauregard Leeā€¦ yā€™all

First of all, can someone teach me how to multiquote in one single post so I donā€™t have to spam 20 replies to answer 20 people?

Why do humans share knowledge?

No I didnā€™t. In fact, I remembered being in a pleasant discussion with you, so Iā€™m surprised by your sudden aggressiveness.

Because people are naturally evasive about losses. How many people have you heard of selling books on how they failed in life?

You get my point.

Using that argument, it would be even more possible to win big in roulette as well. But you seeā€¦

So, using this idea of a leading indicator, I will buy DXI futures when the armoured carrier company stocks rise?



I think your basic understanding of forex is skewed.

NOā€¦ sell DXI futures!
An increase in the ā€œarmored carrier indicatorā€ is a sell signal.
But only when confirmed with an up tick on the ā€œgreen ink flows indicator". :wink:

Iā€™m a little confused why youā€™d be so surprised by anyoneā€™s sudden hostility/aggressiveness towards you. Itā€™s not like this scenario isnā€™t familiar territory for you is it.
You really donā€™t have much of a successful track record with debates on here do you. Pretty much on a parallel path with your trading record by the looks of it ā€“ multiple burn outs.

Still, at least youā€™re changing tack with the subject matter & coming at it from a different angle, Iā€™ll give you that. :slight_smile:

It was from the book New Market Wizards, written by a trading statistician who started his life being a trading data tester for wall street investment firms but grew disillussioned from the sheer lack of evidence for successful trading.

I would think that a person of your calibre should be aware of this.

Hereā€™s a laymans link:

How Much Do Big Banks Trade in the Forex Market, and Why Should You Care?

Note that the guy who wrote the above is a trading junkie himself (i.e. dreamer), and even he admits that big banks donā€™t trade!

Big Banks donā€™t ā€œtradeā€. They make money from the spread. That, my friend, is the very definition of market making.

If they really did trade, they would all go broke.

If you consider your ā€˜debating skillsā€™ superior to mine, its no wonder youā€™ve never won a debate in your life.

The S n P 500 index of each year

Timeframe: 1900 to the present.

Timeframe: from 1900 to the present

Measure: Purchasing power of US dollar as compared to purchasing power the year before. So 3% inflation means that the US dollar has -3% purhcasing power as compared to last year.

Why short term? Long term measures are more robust.

It doesnā€™t matter! The ATR and all those patterns you mentioned are just lagging indicators with no predictive value.

Adding in position sizing would not make a shred of difference.

But for the purposes of this experiment, I will oblige. Whatever you want.

Well, youā€™de have to call Burton Malkiel and his cohort of wall street researchers and investment analysts ignorant pricks for Mr. Lee taking it from the horsesā€™s mouth.

You pluck your evidence of that from your professor buddies at Massey (NZ) xtraction? :smiley:

Like I predicted on page 1 of this ridiculous thread, itā€™s turned into a pointless, long winded chain yanking exercise.
As are all your threads on this board sweetheart.

I wonder what odds youā€™ll receive today for getting to triple figures on your post count this time around?!
Hurry, hurry get your posting sneakers on!

This isnā€™t knowledge though, itā€™s opinion. Opinion that very much flies in the face of both logic and common wisdom. To be where you are, propagating the myths that you are, there must be a deep seated interest behind it in my opinion because you know what reaction you are likely to face.

Just merely a desire to exchange information doesnā€™t cut it.

I donā€™t believe in God but I havenā€™t once visited a religious forum to try and convince the believers otherwise. Thankfully, Forex as an investment opportunity has a great many more facts behind it than religion!

Iā€™m terribly sorry if you thought using the word ā€œliarā€ was a form of aggressiveness. It wasnā€™t and it isnā€™t. I am not quoting you verbatim, I am merely pointing out that by you implying that Forex is impossible to beat, you are by virtue of that belief, saying that me and other people who are willing to hold their hands up as consistently profitable traders, must be telling porkies.

Of course they are. Forex must be unique then. An entire industry based around something thatā€™s impossible to do. One giant ponzi scheme of sorts.

You really would think that this massive global fraud would have been exposed properly by now.

The fact that you are the first person Iā€™ve come across who actually wants to go as far as to say itā€™s impossible, speaks volumes. All it is, is just quite hard to master.

I donā€™t believe that you believe what you say. That makes me as bad as you, I guess.

Terrible example.

If there were two outcomes with roulette, it would be great. But there isnā€™t.

In any bet where there are two outcomes only (ignore all this sideways crap, the market doesnā€™t stay sideways for ever, it eventually goes one of two ways), you would not expect to get odds better that 2:1. Same with Forex, you must pay the spread so your odds are sub 2:1. But, still probably better than you would get from a gambling establishment, especially if your TP/SL are wide (the wider they are, the less of a factor the spread becomes of course).

With that 50/50 bet, you will only ever see your small, fixed odds return. The house must win, it must preserve itā€™s existence.

The odds are not stacked in trading. There is no house. Therefore, with the right management, your 50/50 (less spread) ā€œgambleā€ could net you 1:2, 1:3, even 1:10 or more return (I have had a 1:15 R/R trade before now).

With those possibilities, the odds - once you have a clue about what you are doing - become far more favourable than any bet, just by virtue of what your return on investment can be. Therefore, trying to compare it against roulette becomes futile.

You show me another way that I can invest and get 15 times what I put in, a few hours later? Thatā€™s why I love this industry and all you will be doing is missing out on itā€™s wonderful potential if you believe your own BS.

Pity for you mate.

Wellā€¦it is very clear Mr Lee has all the facts on his sideā€¦

This isnā€™t Xtraction. If it was, he wouldnā€™t be saying the market is unbeatable. He would be saying it is beatable but only by using horizontal lines.

Hi ,Forex is a global way of making money if you are able to understand the ups and downs of the trade.I have been trading forex for many years and i have recorded great losses but with proper study of the business i am able to start recording profits, especially that i laid my hand on a unique trading system that gives me up to 500 pips daily without a single loss.I have been using this system now for the past two months and no single loss has been recorded.
Today i trade forex with peace of my unlike before.It is very possible to make money using a good trading system. you will be making your money easily

Hi , i disagree with you.You can make money from both technical and fundamental analysis all you have to do is to adequately understand the trading system you are using.Study the appropriate time frame for your trading personality and always avoid oversold and overbought regions.You also need to know the highest peak buy/sell for pair you are trading for that day.

So are you going to share your amazing 500 pip a day no loss system with us or is it a secret?

Crosshairs, you could be right I donā€™t know. But there does seem to be a certain type that pops up from time to time. Multiple people who think the same strange way? or one person with a multiple personality disorder? hmmm

Am I right to guess dividend reinvestment is included in those returns?

Measure: Purchasing power of US dollar as compared to purchasing power the year before. So 3% inflation means that the US dollar has -3% purhcasing power as compared to last year.

But what measure of ā€œpurchasing powerā€ are you using. CPI? PCE? Something else?

Why short term? Long term measures are more robust.

A finance professor friend of mine just told me 90-day T-Bills are the standard benchmark for the risk free rate.

Indicators are not supposed to have predictive value. Iā€™ve told you that previously !

The fact that ATR lags is irrelevant. You claimed that the only way that you could unambiguously specify a rule for a stop was to set it at a fixed level. I simply pointed out that a multiple of ATR is unambiguous, and allows for dynamic values to be used.

To claim position sizing has no effect on performance must rate amongst one of the most ignorant statements Iā€™ve ever heard !

By the way, I spent today downloading data, and writing code to undertake your ridiculous challenge. I was going to share the detailed results with you, but its become clear you are incapable of logical analysis.