Journal of a 90%+ win rate trader :)

Yeah, I show people at my work trade setups and track things using tiny trades.

So I will watch pairs with like $1, and depending on where they go, add in more money.

I have always been scared to do more than 2 trades a session
I don’t know if I should follow this your strategy
Don’t know if it would work for me
But nevertheless it’s a good strategy :ok_hand:

And sorry I wanted to ask does this mean you trade on 98 different coins?

No, just usually 3-6 pairs like EUR/USD.

Ended up with a $1k day on Friday and $2.6k for the week

Account status since March 19th

Congrats, you either need a high win rate, or a decent RR to be successful in this game.

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Glad I have both!

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Fair play. It’s certainly possible with the right strategy and time taken to nail it down.

Why trade such a small account with a 90+% win rate?

A master trader would be placing larger 1% trades each month. Right?

This month it’s $10. Next month, $100. Then $1,000, and so on. Yet, here you are, making trades with a margin equivalent to lunch money.

I don’t understand the mastery there. Could you explain it, please?

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Maybe that is all he has?

Not rocket science. “Only trade with what you can afford to lose”.

With a 90% win rate and compounding your gains, you’d be a millionaire in less that a year. No?

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I’ve used the money I make trading forex for years to pay for discretionary spending each month. I have usually pulled out my profits.

So, you’re constantly pulling out your profits instead of compounding? You’re deliberately keeping your trading account small?

I don’t understand. Could you explain the benefit of pulling out profits regularly instead of leaving that money in and growing the account to 10x the size?


That’s a habit of maintaining a trading journal and the win rate is also quite high. I never got a chance to make several wins continuously. But I am working on my trading plan and I am hopeful that I will be able to make it as profitable as I can. I will share it here once it’s done.

win rate is not everything.
If your risk to reward is wrong you can go bust with a 90% win rate.

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Good question

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I have needed the money to cover things, unexpected expenses etc.

I don’t carry credit card debt, I trade usually for discretionary spending.

That’s how I budget to cover fun stuff I want to buy.

These past few years I have been earning more and can start leaving the money alone more to grow, but I have taken out chunks at times to buy into crypto.