Journal of a 90%+ win rate trader :)

No, think you should demonstrate your own abilities to calm yourself and not feel as outraged. You’re not a forum appointed moderator or some kind of internal audit. What gives you the right or authority to go into another member’s journal and demand answers?

If you were serious about protecting the community from menace you should question and report the various posts by @dushimes over a month, which has only served to try and undermine the OPs entertaining content. That psychopathic behavior goes unnoticed here it seems.

Try not to be as hypocritical when you assess things like this.

There are clear guidelines and forum rules that member are expected to follow. Apparently these don’t apply to the “experienced traders” here.

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Some people do expect that there are a significant number of scammers who often invite newbies to go off-site so they can complete their devious work unobserved by those of greater experience.

Those who are new and simply claim results which are apparently unachievable in normal circumstances can expect to be questioned as to their motives and methods.

Your vitriol seems rather exaggerated ! :rofl:


Do you perhaps mean Hypercritical ?

These are the OP’s concerns and have been addressed, by the OP. As are my comments on his thread…if he has issues with them then he’s more than welcome to report them.

You sound like an employee I manage where I work. He/she reports grievances to me first instead of trying to work it out directly with the other co-worker, which I always encourage. As the manager it is my job to address the situation, however this sometimes leads to resentment towards the person making the complaint, which could have been avoided through proper communication. So, until further investigation I had no reason to report him, nor did I want to.

Enjoy the rest of the thread.

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Aah another Jihadi. Guilty till proven innocent. You’re clearly not qualified to tell the difference between a scam and what’s not. Till you do I strongly suggest reporting scam posts to moderators.

The other alternative was to leave him alone. But you somehow got a kick from putting him down over and over again. Like how you justify that to stalk someone’s trading journal over a month and undermine him over and over. Well done!

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As were you free to report him to moderators. How’d you miss on that key fact?

This is so hilarious. This analogy applies more to your situation than it does mine. You assume the role of a manager and me employee? You exert no authority over me. No matter what you tell yourself no one here is answerable to any line of questioning from you. You’re sense of authority is self appointed and, IMO, pompous.

Do us all a favor and keep the policing to moderators.

10/69 posts from @dushimes harassing OP over a period of a month. What’s hypercritical now that he’s even said the OP’s guilty till proven innocent? Vigilantism at it’s finest

Again, this is up to the OP.

I’m not going to keep going in circles with you, this thread has gone way off topic so I’m out.

@PhoneticNachos sorry for the interruption, and have a great trading week.

What are you blathering on about ?

Clearly your understanding of English is poor - in that at least it is supposed to be used to make sense - not just to string words together in some sort of “Shakesperian Chimp” manner ! :wink:

You’re saying I’m hypercritical for pointing out that a self-appointed moderator chose to go after someone minding his business maintaining his journal while ignoring the obvious vigilantism by another member?

When I point out why this is more obvious to me you take offense? Did I understand that right? If that’s too Shakesperian how should I have put it?

Oh come on with the rreading ! :roll_eyes:

I never said YOU were hypercritical

“For pointing out …”

I never even said YOU were hypercritical at all !

Read and try to understand what I actually DID say - If’n you’re going to have a go at me !

.Got you. My fault. You never said I was hypercritical. Sorry.

I`m curious to see your strategy if you want to share it.

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Good point. I’m out as well.

@PhoneticNachos I’m still curious why any person with a 90% win rate would deliberately keep his account small. But, hey, I suppose there are people who don’t want more money.

Best wishes.

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Nothing wrong being vigilant, why people need to be aware of scammers like ICT, AstroFX, IML and on and on.

Lure in people who can’t tell fake trades.

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I’ve already explained this before, along with how I trade.

The psychology will play a big part when compounding numbers that quickly


Thanks for the reply.

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I was with IML…what a waste of time and money that was!


Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people .
Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

Here’s my counter-argument, and you may need to be peculiarly British and of the 1970s to understand the context.

Nobody expects a Spanish Inquisition!