Journal of a 90%+ win rate trader :)

Lol - remember the three C’s on the back of the old driving licences?


Back in the days when road rage was being cross because because tar got stuck on your shoes in the summer :slight_smile:


Been busy with work (yay promotion lol ), and investing heavily into other assets (pulled my money out to invest), starting back up my forex now.

Threw in $100 Sunday night to get the cobwebs cleared out, up to $135 as of this morning.

Will start adding in around $500 a month I think.

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Welcome back, and congratulations on the promotion :smiley:

Look forward to a sit rep now and then on your 90%+ win trades (unless strategy and plan has been modified). But in any event, please continue to post

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Going to be able to grow the account much faster, aside from a couple oz of silver I am buying (from a LCS) with my extra pay and overtime, the bulk of my pay raise per paycheck is going into my forex account/investing.

A good combination, silver long term, forex short term.
I had to look up LCS (local coin shop). The UK being what it is, we are charged VAT on silver purchases at 20%, but not on gold. Go figure!
Anyway, what is the premium over spot for an silver eagle these days from the LCS?

Thanks for clarifying the “with trend”. It is my understanding that it is more statistically right than to trade counter-trend. But I have never been able to demonstrate that in limited back testing either plan.

I buy bullion coins only, just interested in the raw silver coins.

Usually for premium it’s around dollar above spot, but I don’t try to haggle or anything.

ASE’s are around $8-11+ over spot usually.

So if spot is $25, the 1 oz coins I buy are around $26-27, the ASE’s would be like $35-38.

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It’s not possible to make profits all the time. You have to make losses too because that’s how it works.

Well it seems Oanda removed the account analysis feature. Really disappointed in that, will be switching brokers once I find one that has this feature.

To avoid being affected by account size, you could trade in a small account connected to zulu or similar copyu trading platform and get 20% of the profits your followers do. You could earn a lot

Looks like a scam. Not interested.

what’s the myfxbook or sth of this trading account OP?

Pulled out my last round of profits to invest in stocks, account back to an initial deposit of $550, since 4/22, profits almost over $200.

Don’t think Oanda can link to that anymore because of their API changes. I remember it worked back when I started around 8 years ago.

Even still, not inclined to post that detailed of my trades aside from text and the occasional screen shot.

I have nothing to prove, or care about meaningless votes, smiley faces / likes or upvotes or awards.

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then I cannot give you my support and most likely others cannot too

Don’t care and didn’t ask. I don’t carry people like you who want free trades. Why I seldom use these sites. Just get spammed for tips.

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Bye then, and best of luck :wink:

7,200 views in just over a year. Amazing promise, and amazing disappointment with the outcome.

Hello, this is going to be my trading journal here.

I have been trading forex for almost 7 years, also known as DividendGamer, and Varkeer.

I started this new account to show a couple people at my job how I trade.

Funded it March 19th with $2,500.

For this week, I am at a 100% win rate for $523 over 7 trades.

Here is my current standings:

Total profits: $1,422

Win rate: 90%

Winning trades: 88

Losing trades: 10

total losses: $122

Don’t know how often during each week I will update this, but will keep it accurate and honest.

Cheers and happy trading!

Who said I was leaving? Just not going to spoon feed people.

Still trading just as well, if not better. I would be the number one trader (as a percentage of my winning trades) on youtube that I know of if I would publicly show my trades.

Maybe in a year or so when I buy my house and don’t have roommates I will finally make trading videos/ livestream too.

I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, but not going to suffer fools, scammers and people wanting free trades.

Exactly why I know you are not worth my time. The fact that you are just acting childish. I am almost 35, and a business professional. Not going to get baited into flame wars kid.

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you’re such a bad liar dude but let’s pretend that you are what you’re hallucinating to be lolol

What is wrong with you? Why are you demanding the OP put up a myfxbook entry for any kind of support? Are you delusional? If that’s the case why don’t you start applying the same principal on your journal?

What am I missing? Why is this one guy being singled out for so much criticism for his journal. Why is there so much hostility for wanting tor update a journal as he wants? Why do folks want to drive him away from BP so badly?