Journal of a 90%+ win rate trader :)

Its always a shame to see a vibrant babypips thread seeming about to wind up but this thread has been of nil value since it was opened.

The only insight @PhoneticNachos has posted concerning his trading approach is that he is a contrarian price action intra-day trader. This is not enough to cause anyone to abandon all other approaches and definitely not enough to start trading as a contrarian price action intra-day trader.

If the thread goes dark at least I won’t have to waste any more time on it.

Yes, because the purpose of everyone journal on babypips is to provide some kind of value to you. That’s obviously the defining pre-requisite of any trading journal. The very nugget of wisdom we should all abide by.

You should really consider going by other journals and providing this overwhelmingly positive feedback too. I’m sure this kind of positive reinforcement is exactly what we all need.

@PhoneticNachos - Obviously not everyone thinks like these hypocrites do. Alteast one has no history of posting any charts and discussing price action/much less a journal.

I personally enjoyed the entries, found value and looked forward to updates. Shame that’s going to discontinue because people, who never used myfxbook, insist on you using it.

There’s so far been very little to discuss on this thread, very little to learn, very little scope for contribution. What has any contributor or lurker learned? What has the OP learned?

I hope to participate in some trading discussion here at some future date but so far, over the last 12 months, there has been no scope for dialogue. The OP has stated he’s a great trader, so he obviously must have some knowledge that could be of some use to others. But its a shame it just isn’t visible here yet.

He obviously got enough to keep members curious ,each to their own for entertainment

Hi @darthdimsky

I did not think I particularly singled out this guy for criticism. I was merely comparing the OPs opening statement that I pasted in my post, with this most recent statement, and did not consider these numbers to be consistent with each other, that’s all.

Pulled out my last round of profits to invest in stocks, account back to an initial deposit of $550, since 4/22, profits almost over $200.

In May 2021 I posted:
You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people .
Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

It is the content that I find of no use to other members, not the person.

Such blogs are very useful for beginners to read. I advise you to look for more such blogs and use them in your work.

Just wanted to say dont let the people on here get to you and draw you out. Keep on doing what you are doing. I gain my forex knowledge not from one source but from snippets from all around including this here thread. I doubt I am unique in that regard. Thank you.

I find it curious that the persons who usually have a problem with threads such as this are surprisingly not new traders but veterans LURKING who seek to give the impression they already know all there is to know about trading. I have learned that many of them are not really nice persons but are actually opportunists in disguise seeking to profit from the techniques of others whose results they envy. I could have said that another way but i’m trying to be nice and diplomatic. They often resort to goading people to get them to spill the beans and when that doesnt work they attack the person and try to ridicule and belittle them and their strategy. I’ve been on the receiving end too with some even sending me private messages. Interestingly enough you dont see them making posts of value to anyone as they say they want you to do.
Personally I have learned a thing or two from this particular thread but what stands out for me is the names associated with the aforementioned behavior.
I couldnt sit by and watch this continue without adding my 2 cents. And when guilty people now attack me please point out where I am lying. My back is broad by the way.
Later today i’m gonna post up a screenshot of my latest trades for those people to rant about again, lol.

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I don’t entirely agree with your post but even forums when really people don’t know the other from Adam have their clicks

lol. Got it. So which part dont you agree with?

I don’t support personal attacks on any poster on the site. A forum is a place for exchange of ideas not insults. Through that exchange its possible that all parties contributing can gain something to add to their trading. No trader can ever be said to have reached a state of perfection so there is always something to learn.

However, some OP’s run threads which absolutely reject trading discussion. These threads are not a forum for discussion and sharing ideas, they are simply platforms for the individuals to portray themselves as champion traders.

Well, maybe they are champion traders. Maybe they are entitled to brag about their win rates and profits.

A few traders here who might be struggling might possibly be encouraged by recognising that it is after all possible to make it in this game, despite their current difficulties. But helping new struggling traders is not what these OP’s wish to do. They just want to be thought of as today’s great swinging d1cks.

I’m not sure what obtains elsewhere but down here in my banana republic called Jamaica whenever you fling a stone into a pig pen the one that squeals loudest is usually the one that got hit. I stand by every word I wrote there and readers can judge for themselves. Incidentally I am still waiting for someone to tell me I am talking garbage or that I am lying.

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I don’t know who profitable on here I don’t care .I’m reasonably perceptive and I have an idea.I don’t think you can categorise who you say are at fault

So in this case why would you need to use perception instead of the evidence before your eyes to come to a conclusion about profitability?

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Good luck to you GOATE

And as I expected you couldnt answer the simple straightforward question. I sincerely hope people are reading these exchanges before people withdraw them.


If phonetic nancho started the thread with his post he posted on the 21 st of May he.might have won over a few more people as I think he spoke a lot of sense regarding trading

Why should any of his content be useful to anyone if it’s in his journal? As long as it functions to better his journey, of being a better trader, it’s served it’s purpose.

Get off your high horse. It’s a journal. He can say whatever the hell he wants. He’s not entitled to give you or anyone else an explanation. If you want to be disappointment look in the mirror and ask why you haven’t posted even one chart in the recent past for discussion. Ask why you fiercely guard your own trading while you persecute other members for their trade histories and strategy.

If u’re not familiar with what he’s doing. He’s doing the same thing athletes do.

In his journal he’s absolutely allowed to have the biggest d!ck. He’s the big dog. The best trader in the world. It’s the standard he holds himself to.

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I don’t see that simply pointing out the obvious purpose of a trading forum to someone who doesn’t understand this is getting on a high horse.

Of course, nobody coming to babypips is obliged to post details of their techniques, approaches, systems or strategies. Actually, I have posted every single one of the strategies I have used over the last few years but not every user wants to do this.

But a few people arrive on babypips determined to say nothing about what they do - except that they are great traders. Well, they might indeed be great traders. I’m prepared to believe some of them are - I have never asked anybody on babypips to post account details or trade records to prove what they say.

But what are these guys actually saying? They are saying they have no respect for the new and struggling traders that babypips is aimed at: they do nothing to help them in any practical way. They are saying they have no respect for experienced traders here either since they won’t engage in any meaningful debate on the markets or trading techniques.

Its possible that all they want to say is that they are god’s gift to trading and we should all bow down to them. We can speculate why they need to think they are seen by others as a genius or the greatest trader in forex. And we might think perhaps they need some validation on their lives because they are friendless and worthless individuals with nothing good in their existence barring a shiny laptop.

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This is a fair post lots of good pointsHow I trade is a simple thing. The best way to trade well is to control the mental side.

I am a contrarian price action intraday trader.

I scale into my trades with a top down approach from monthly/weekly.

Look for good setups versus daily levels and entry off the hour, maybe down to 15 min if I really want to watch for the “shakeouts”.
But this usually is the type of thinking that is like trying to save money by driving to a much further away gas station to save a penny per gallon. When your bigger problems are all the other things you spend money on.

Really simple setups, why complicate things? I use naked charts even, TA didn’t help any of my relatives with stocks, etc or the guys I learned forex from.

I do read a lot of macro trends and news each morning, and read Bloomberg/WSJ/reddit.

There is no trick, just disciplined trading that fits my style. Most people probably couldn’t trade the way I do anyway. I have a very aggressive style.

This is a way for me to document my trades and meet people to talk with on discord.

Not going to go into more on static websites that take time go back and forth with, why I like typing/talking in discord live.

I have no ulterior motives, there’s tons of people who trade better than I do/make more money.

I am still learning and improving.

I just got comfortable trading over a $10k account