Las Vegas Shooting

The problem here in the states is there is no middle ground, you have one group that wants to change the constitution and ban all guns Vs. the other group that wants to keep things as they are. Cities and States with the nations most strict gun laws also have the highest rate of gun violence. So no evidence a middle ground approach will work either

Another issue is the news media glorifying the shooters, if someone wants instant fame in the US just go out and kill a bunch of people and your name and face will be all over the news for weeks. Then the next killer sees all the attention this guy got and starts planning an even bigger mass shooting, and the news media keeps score like it is some kind of sporting event.

anyway it is a complicated problem

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Let’s also not forget Hollywoods role in all this as they put out dozens of movies every year that are nothing more than 2 hour infomercials for gun violence, Today if an actor takes one puff of a cigaret it is an automatic R rating, but firing a gun or killing someone as long as there is no blood can still get a PG rating. You think things are not a little twisted here

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.[quote=“Dennis3450, post:40, topic:115847”]
You think things are not a little twisted here…

NCIS here, NCIS there, Murder Mystery this… Murder Mystery that…

One Smoke and shazam an R Rating… Absolutely…Totally Agree…

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All sensible stuff.

Restriction of fire-arm capabilities to manual (single shot) would leave gun-owners at a tactical disadvantage to police forces but would allow them to defend themselves against aggressors and continue recreational gun use such as target shooting and hunting. This would not fall foul of the constitutional right to bear arms.

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Again the problem is the anti-gun crowd wants a repeal of Second Amendment and total ban on all firearms. They would only take your “sensible stuff” as a stepping stone toward a total ban.

Note: Our right to bear arms was not added to the US Constitution to protect “recreational gun use” but for the people to take down our government should it no longer serve the interest of the people, and we are getting very close to that point

Good conversation all

Yes, I understand the purpose of bearing arms in the US. And I have no problems with that - self-defence, recreational shooting and the constitutional right to bear arms are viable reasons to own a gun and are each separate issues.

But the opposition to tightening controls on automatic and semi-automatic weapons does not make the pro-gun lobby position appear proportionate and responsible, and actually aligns them with these despicable criminal shooters.

It is nearly impossible to legally purchase an automatic weapon in the US, and of the very few permits that are granted to collectors, I have never heard of any of ty
I personly would have no issues with banning bump stocks but with 3D printer, someone could just print one

How about putting people with mental illness on a no gun list, and anyone taking meds for depression or any med known for suicide thoughts as a side effect. Yes try this and it will not be the NRA you have to fight

as I said, it is hard to find the middle ground

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This is applied in Australia already… You need to complete a firearms safety course, a “28 day cooling off period”, Proof of membership of a Gun club and 100 points of ID (Driving Licence, 2 Credit cards, land rates docs etc. etc.) They know who you are better than you do… and so they should.

The return of the Gun License can take 6 to 8 weeks! That’s why the copycats are resorting to vehicles… Very few “heat of the moment” gun events in Oz… professional criminals is a whole different matter…

AT LEAST two students have been killed and more than a dozen people injured after a 15-year-old boy allegedly opened fire on his classmates at a US high school.

A 15-YEAR-OLD student killed two classmates and hit a dozen others with gunfire, methodically firing a handgun inside a crowded atrium at his rural Kentucky high school on Tuesday.

And again…same story…similar MO…15 year olds with access to Handguns… possibly. If Dad didn’t have it, the shooter would not of got access…

Yet not allowed to purchase alcohol until 21…unfathomable to most of the western world.

I would like to know what meds this kid was on, or was he bullied to the point he thought he had no choice.

In the US this escalating trend of violence in schools began when God was expelled, it has been downhill since`

Back to Hollywood, 60 years ago there was more cigarette smoking then gun violence in movies, 60 years ago in real life cigarettes killed more people than guns. Today gun violence greatly outnumbers people smoking on screen, In real like gun violence has overtaken tobacco as a major cause of death. There clearly is a connection here

Most Australian’s are not as God fearing as in the US…We don’t have the Bible belts of the US. RE was removed from the public schools curriculum many years ago… and the types of crime has not really changed.

ATM in Melb. Australia, we have a spate of home invasions, car jackings and bashings… weapons of choice are tools (screwdrivers, hammers), broken bottles, machetes and knives… no access to firearms and most of it perpetrated by a certain nationality of immigrants. (Google knows all)

A free press Australia no longer has, with the state Police frantically telling the public that all is well, until our federal government jumped on them…to report the facts…

Soon as this ethnic group are known to be involved in the crime the media drops all description of the assailants…

Just like in the US, don’t let facts get in the way of the story trying to be told…

Fake News is a world wide phenomena…

This is so true here in the US as well, but they are not fooling anyone as when they leave out the race of the criminal everyone knows exactly who did it.

And just for the record in the US one ethnic group that makes up 13.5% of the US population commits 50% of the murders here.

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“Bailey Holt and Preston Cope – both 15 years old – died from gunshot wounds. Fourteen other students were shot and four more were injured after they were trampled while trying to escape. This is the latest of at least 11 school shootings in the U.S. since January 1.”

So what has changed from the time I was in school, back then, 1965-1977 we walked to school, never locked our cars or homes. We had guns in the home back then, and lots of toy guns too. Is it in the water, do vaccines have anything to do with this, are all these kids on prescription drugs. There has to be a reason or combination of reasons but no one is investigating, no, it is easier to just blame the weapon used

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Looks as tho’ I’m a few (not that many) years older than you and we used to have a shotgun (12 bore) standing in the corner of the kitchen. A few Cartridges kept in the kitchen drawer. We were semi-rural and had pheasants and Rabbits coming into the garden. Either “Cowboys” or “War GAmes” were favourite pastimes. I had a high power air rifle for my 8th birthday and wore a large sheath knife when I wanted to.

We got into loads of fights and ended up with black eyes and bruising more than once, but nobody ever took a knife into a fight, much less a gun, which most of us could have accessed if we wanted.

Our dads went to work and paid taxes, our mums mainly stayed at home and ran the house and kids. I did not know of a single kid being brought up by one parent nor of anyone who was divorced. Boys learned from their dads how to behave, mend cars, dig gardens, shoot and fish or play football and make stuff. Girls learned from their mums How to be “girls”.

Now I only know one couple who are still “married for the first time” and one of my daughters is engaged to a lad whose parents are still the ones he was born with.

many many boys have never had a male “Role model”

Men across the world commit suicide far more often than women. A good friend of mine said to me "If anyone ever gets me to the stage where I am thinking of committing suicide - I’ll kill THEM - not myself - You’ve got half a chance of getting away with it and prison can’t be any worse than “being dead”.

I never cease to be amazed how many people just quietly kill themselves and stop being a “burden” to authorities and others, when inside they must be really hating the way society is treating them.

I don’t know WHY the guy who was the subject of this thread did what he did - and by the same token I have no idea WHY the guy who shot that woman MP in UK did it. Same as - once he got picked up - his background information - just got “Censored” somehow.

There is however a distinct and increasing amount of evidence that a LOT of people are getting really disgruntled about the way that authorities and social pressure groups are interfering with their ways of life. Nigel Farage’s UKIP and the election of the Recent President, which the same “Authorities” and “social pressure groups” find so abhorrent, are signals - and as traders we know signals can sometimes portend significant moves.

As @Dennis3450 has said “A gun is a tool - it can be used for many purposes. That not mean the tool is to blame somehow.”


I was making my own at 15 - and my dad used to sneak it out of teh demijohns and drink it while I was out !

Sometimes I despair of the youth of today ! :laughing:

also shocked, defitelly agre with you

The Las Vegas shooting is looking more like a gun sell gone bad, Still more questions than answers, and in the most video surveillance city in the country we have not seen one video the shooter carrying all these guns to his room, Has anyone heard any released 911 tapes, I would like to know just when the hotel called police

“AT LEAST 17 people are dead after a shooting rampage at a Florida high school allegedly carried out by a former student.”

Again, same story…similar MO…18 Shootings this year … and it’s not even the end of February.

Its a terrible tragedy. Its worse that there were so many victims. But seeing this as essentially a gun problem isn’t going to prevent further tragedies.