Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

Trade is looking great. Low drawdown occurred and EJ is on the downward move.

EJ: +25 pips

EJ is still on the move.

EJ: +75 pips

Heading out for the weekend. Unfortunately since I won’ have internet on my laptop (prefer to watch the market on it rather than the iphone), I went ahead and closed my EJ position. Made enough this week despite the losing trades I placed.

Trade result:

EJ +75 pips

Have a great rest of your Friday and a great weekend everyone. Keep rackin’ up those pips!

I will still be on the forums, but I’m done trading for the week. Sunday I will probably place a trade at open, so I will get back to you guys on that.

I should have went in on EJ but i actually made back into profit range on the NC :slight_smile: .

Have a good weekend!

[QUOTE=“nined3z;618205”] I should have went in on EJ but i actually made back into profit range on the NC :slight_smile: . Have a good weekend![/QUOTE]

Nice! I haven’t looked at NC. Does it have a daily moving average of 100 pips or more?

Honestly I don’t even know lol. How could I calculate that?

[QUOTE=“nined3z;618218”] Honestly I don’t even know lol. How could I calculate that?[/QUOTE]

There was a chart I found online a while back I used to pick the pairs I would follow from then on out. Not sure where the link is for it, will take a look when I get back home Sunday. However, for a more basic version, there is an indicator I think that is already packaged in free on mt4. Under custom indicators, and I thin it’s call A-info or something like that. Gives the pips from high to low for the day as the day is moving, 5 previous day movement avg as well as the distance from current price to opening price in pips. Very useful! It’s the only indicator I put on my charts :slight_smile: don’t use to trade, just nice to look at and know where price is relative to open and to those avgs posted above.

Awesome I will check it out, thx.

No poblem man. Good luck. Hit me up if you find it? I will post the exact name when I get back Sunday.

Yea I will for sure

If by N/C you mean NZD/CAD, then no. Range averages 85 with a StDev of 45.

[QUOTE=“LiquidGenius;618254”]If by N/C you mean NZD/CAD, then no. Range averages 85 with a StDev of 45.[/QUOTE]

My mistake for not spelling it out, it is NZD/CHF

[QUOTE=“LiquidGenius;618254”]If by N/C you mean NZD/CAD, then no. Range averages 85 with a StDev of 45.[/QUOTE]

Only 85? That’s depressing :frowning: and I even came up with a beautiful nick name for her! Nadia Carlton. Oh well, guess I have no choice but to dump her.

NZD/CHF however, is undetermined; I don’t have access to data atm. I’ll probably be able to check that by tomorrow if nine doesn’t get to it first

You see “Wolf Of WallStreet” yet Bro?

Movie rocked, I bought it last week, great flick, I think Jordon named his Boat Nadia…

[QUOTE=“MoneyNVRSleeps;618274”]You see “Wolf Of WallStreet” yet Bro? Movie rocked, I bought it last week, great flick, I think Jordon named his Boat Nadia…[/QUOTE] First, thanks liquid. I will hopefully be back on Skype Sunday. Don’t remember my password to log in on my phone…

@Money. I don’t think so yet, but anything trading related as far as entertainment goes, is a must see in my opinion! I will definitely give it a watch when I get back home. Have you seen Margin Call? It’s a great movie! I loved it! If you get a chance, check out “the lifestyle of billion dollar Wall Street traders” on YouTube (I think it’s called that…). It’s wicked! Top Wall Street trader makes an astounding 1.5 BILLION per year!!! It’s insane! I’m pretty sure he got there with 2% risk management!!! Haha, NOT!

Yeah, I seen Margin call, it was good… Wolf of Wallstreet just came out on DVD, so its new, Im a fan Of Jordon Belfort, even tho he went to jail for the same thing that Bankers and Loan officers DO.

Not to mention what Tim Sykes and his cult are doing daily…

[QUOTE=“MoneyNVRSleeps;618292”]Yeah, I seen Margin call, it was good… Wolf of Wallstreet just came out on DVD, so its new, Im a fan Of Jordon Belfort, even tho he went to jail for the same thing that Bankers and Loan officers DO. Not to mention what Tim Sykes and his cult are doing daily…[/QUOTE] Ah so you have heard of Tim Sykes? I always thought his story was a load of bullsh**! Lol so it is after all, how am I not surprised…

I’m definitely going to check out the movie!

Verdict on NZD/CHF averages 71 pip range daily

[QUOTE=“LiquidGenius;618625”]Verdict on NZD/CHF averages 71 pip range daily[/QUOTE]

AJ around that range too off the top of your head? If so I might trade nc for now on. I love AJ