Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

Almost time for Sunday open! I’m thrilled. Pulled a few pairs and it looks like I might have a few setups. So far the best looking setup comes from one of my personal favoites… AJ!

What I expect to happen, the order I post these in are the order I believe the reliability of the pattern is paired with hopefully the most movement and least drawdown:

Aj I expect to long. If market opens down, this is my first choice to buy immediately after the opening sell gap. If market opens long I will skip this pair and go on down the list

AU could be a very nice long potential as well, same entry goal as AJ

EU starting to look like more possible draw down and not too much movement, and this pattern I normally do not trade often
EU Short

EJ Same thing not looking as sexy as AJ or AU, a similar pattern to this I lost on an EJ so I expect it to Short (vs prior to new rule… long) EJ is my last choice, but I do expect some decent movement from her.

Will post an Update after I get in. Going to church so my update may be a lil late.


Snuck my trade in before church started xD. I took my first choice AJ, and it looks like the other pairs are meeting my expectations as well. AU might have been the better trade, however, I am still happy with AJ

AJ: entered at 95.55 currently +3.6 pips

Will be back later on with another update before I close the position. If not I will post the results and will be back in time to post/place my trade for 4/7/14.

Happy trading! Cheers

After reading some of your reply’s on WinPsych’s thread. I realised we are very similar minded when it comes to trading & strategies. If all else fails on the other thread we could maybe have a chat on Skype. Toss a few idea’s around for another strategy to diversify what we are already doing.

Keep it up :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=“Tyrone Archer;618698”]After reading some of your reply’s on WinPsych’s thread. I realised we are very similar minded when it comes to trading & strategies. If all else fails on the other thread we could maybe have a chat on Skype. Toss a few idea’s around for another strategy to diversify what we are already doing. Keep it up :)[/QUOTE]

Good looks man! Keep up the good work. I am down. What time zone are you from?

London BST. You?

If I recall correctly volatility on yens use to be crazy high and it’s backed down a bit. If you’re looking at say the past year and a half-2 years, it’s averaging 105

I remember those days! Last year yens had a crazy high average. Every day nice sized candles. Definitely dropped down a bit, but they still move quite nicely. I might start looking into CJ then. 80 pips is still nice. Thinking about the yens though… if they have dropped some since last year in volatility, I wonder what is going up?

Trade udate: 1 hour and a half left in the day…

AJ: at current price down -2.9 pips. Still looking good, will be back with the results.

Trades didn’t go quite as planned… actually took a small hit on AJ -18 pips. I also got a price well above open… i would have lost at max 5 pips had i gotten in at open on any of the 4 pairs I was looking into. Learning as a trade though…

Today on the other hand. I got some very low integer value data from EJ and EU. Both looked interested with the safest trade being EU.

I shorted both though, taking quite a lot of risk tonight I expect some moves tomorrow. Looking very likely for low draw down on either pair though.

EJ Short @141.448
EU Short @1.36978

I am -136 pips right now on AUD/JPY. My target price is 93.800 where I will be in plus with all my positions. I expect to hit that in the next 5 days.

Good luck with that XD. My trades are not going so well at the moment. I’m going to hold them and see if I have a possible trade recovery option tonight.

Currently: EJ -32.7 pips
EU -43.1 pips

Since I only pull Sunday data to trade Monday, could this be the cause? Or was it my desire to trade a new pattern I had high hopes for? I suppose I need a more regiment trading plan. My goals for tomorrow are to pull 10 pairs of data and go for the pattern I have been developing rules for not just any attractive pattern I see (seems like I lose when I do this). I’m definitely going to have a stricter plan for tomorrow.

I am going to do some in depth research and post the results when in a few hours about the particular string of numbers i am trying to identify as the high probability setup.

EJ and EU are not far from open so I still have a good statistical chance of reversal for the day no big deal. Some high impact JPY news is supposed to come out today as well. Be back in a bit, happy trading!

Got so busy this weekend but yea I’m down about the same on AJ & AU . Will see what happens later.

EJ appears to be on the move. Fortunately for us in our direction XD…

Only down -19 pips in EJ right now

EU is still holding -43.4 pips. Fortunately I put more units in EJ

Will definitely take an in depth look at your system as soon as some undesturbed quality time allows me to.

[QUOTE=“WinPsych;618960”]Will definitely take an in depth look at your system as soon as some undesturbed quality time allows me to.[/QUOTE]

Sounds golden. I sent my spreadsheets to upcomerfx for review. He’s going to hit me back. Like I told him, check out my pg 14 in this thread. If you want to see the stats themselves I will gladly send you the sheets as well. I’m confident if we get a team on this, we will have one of the most successful technical systems on the net.

EJ on the move. EU staying constant.

EJ: -9 pips
EU: -48 pips

Definitely pretty surprised with the results today. Considering the strands I choose to take, and it being down for the day, I didn’t do so bad. Looks like EJ’s strand tonight is giving a very nice sell signal. EU appears to be a sell as well, however I do not like it’s strand as much and do not know it very well. However, I do intend on keeping the trades from yesterday in, with the same stop put in yesterday (except EU I added an additional 50 pips to give EU a fair chance to breathe). Fortunately according to the system i am allowing my trades to potentially recover some losses. Built in Recovery is not always an option, but tonight it seems like a safe choice and my capital is still in tact. Didn’t have time today to take an in depth view over my performance the past two weeks, but tomorrow I will have some time so I will get to that and post my findings.

Seems like the forums have been rather quiet lately? Weird.

Heading off to sleep.

EJ currently: -8.8 pips
EU currently: -45.5 pips

Will be back in the am, with hopefully some nice recovered lost pips with some green ones as well :slight_smile:

Took a hit on EU. Lost 101 pips or so. EU and EJ are not correlated right now? Weird anyhow, EJ was a great strand to trade and am currently up 50+ pips. Nice! My trade recovery option worked perfectly! EJ has made enough pips already to wipe out the EU loss I took today, and I will have some profit leftover :slight_smile:

Be back in a bit with an update.

what a Perfect trade EJ has been! Sure I got in a day early and have suffered some undesirable drawdown… that being said though, today had very low draw down and so far some excellent movement!

Currently: EJ +85.8 Pips!

If she breaks over 100 I am probably going to get out. I will be very satisfied with 100 pips today in Ej, been a while since I have taken the full 100 :slight_smile:

EJ just made the move, I’m up 116 pips at the time of this post! What a thrilling ride it has been. I decided to move my stop up to +105 pips and let her run. Will be back later with an update.

I ran out of patience… Still working in it. That being said I closed my EJ position. I’m out and done for the day.

EJ: +130 pips

Be back later tonight. Have a great day trading, cheers!