Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622321”] True that lol. I highly doubt I will even get a trade today. Nothing is moving[/QUOTE]

Yeah markets are going to be side ways till like midnight prob , it’s still holidays & banks are still closed in few country’s

Yup. I had forgotten about that to be honest. My sell on GN would have still panned out, but I put my limit order far from open because I didn’t like the 1hr data. Oh well. No trade today lol, I get to work on the website :slight_smile:

Your analysis on GN was similar to mine on EA, up ~35 on that sell.
Even with the lack of volatility today, I expected the AUD strength. Good luck on the website!

I found the opportunity I was looking for in GN. I shorted it, looking for around 40 pips today.

GN Short at 1.96127

Thanks upcomerfx. We already have our niche which will definitely set us apart from any other FX site out there! I am excited. Will even have tshirts in a month or two :). You guys definitely need to become members (its free) and help get the forums rolling when we first go live! It’s going to be fun, with some added entertainment to take away some of the dryness of FX.

Be back later with an update.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622351”]I found the opportunity I was looking for in GN. I shorted it, looking for around 40 pips today. GN Short at 1.96127 Thanks upcomerfx. We already have our niche which will definitely set us apart from any other FX site out there! I am excited. Will even have tshirts in a month or two :). You guys definitely need to become members (its free) and help get the forums rolling when we first go live! It’s going to be fun, with some added entertainment to take away some of the dryness of FX. Be back later with an update.[/QUOTE]

Looks Like GN Is going to break out towards the up side I would watch that trade carefully

I appreciate your concern. But that seems highly unlikely. It is at the top of the range and it is already reversing.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622363”]I appreciate your concern. But that seems highly unlikely. It is at the top of the range and it is already reversing.[/QUOTE]
It may pull back near your short order but it’s trending up , by the end of week it will be @ 1.97/1.98 but the market dose what it wants
I could be wrong

[QUOTE=“Libertysilver;622369”] It may pull back near your short order but it’s trending up , by the end of week it will be @ 1.97/1.98 but the market dose what it wants I could be wrong[/QUOTE]

If I where “smart money” (hedge fund) I would be shorting it right now. I’m shorting it for other reasons… First of all I trade for the day, I could care less where it ends at the end of the week. Nor do I have a model to give me a weekly signal, that’s just not my style. Second, the market over price rejected going short Friday and Sunday. Third, Hedge Funds do not buy high, they sell high. If you want to make money, to have to ditch your retail thought process and think like a hedge fund.

I could very well be wrong, but I am confident in my analysis and research. Good luck to you

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622372”] If I where “smart money” (hedge fund) I would be shorting it right now. I’m shorting it for other reasons… First of all I trade for the day, I could care less where it ends at the end of the week. Nor do I have a model to give me a weekly signal, that’s just not my style. Second, the market over price rejected going short Friday and Sunday. Third, Hedge Funds do not buy high, they sell high. If you want to make money, to have to ditch your retail thought process and think like a hedge fund. I could very well be wrong, but I am confident in my analysis and research. Good luck to you[/QUOTE]

Yes but hedge funds don’t try & fight the trend and when the do there selling billions and the trade only last seconds There trading algorithms

You may have a strong Interest in this video explaines how big hedged funds trade and
You ever heard of the big flash crash of 2010/2011 that caused the Dow to drop over 2000 points in less than 40 mintues out of the blue , hedge funds don’t trade like you and me especially in this day and age the trade with algorithms and there trades literally last a few seconds

I will check out the video. In the meantime read some of this:

IAMA high frequency trader, AMAA : IAmA

This is what a Real HFT trader says about trading for a firm. He trades algos. And I might add, I trade Algo’s as well… Exactly what you just said hedge funds do, except I don’t trade in nano second time frames. My strategy could be adopted into a shorter time frame If I wanted it too as said by the guy I just sent you the link about, but that is not what interests me. Day length trades produce what I believe to be the most amount of profit per trade with the least amount of risk and commission.

I love watching these kinda videos man. Excellent find! If you have any more like it please do send! I have been studying the crash of 2008 in the past several days as well…

Similar videos to the one you sent me, but about the financial crash of 08’ located here:

Money, Power and Wall Street | FRONTLINE | PBS

I’m still waiting on episode 4… I already watched the first three, they are very good and informative.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622375”]I love watching these kinda videos man. Excellent find! If you have any more like it please do send! I have been studying the crash of 2008 in the past several days as well… Similar videos to the one you sent me, but about the financial crash of 08’ located here: Money, Power and Wall Street | FRONTLINE | PBS I’m still waiting on episode 4… I already watched the first three, they are very good and informative.[/QUOTE]

Yeah im going to Cheak that link out but the one I sent it’s pretty sick It’s all about Algo’s and HFTs and hendgfunds that trade HFTs it’s sick a video have you had time to Cheak it out yet ?

Yup. Already watched it an hour or two ago. It was awesome. I just finished a video about Quants. It too was excellent!

Trade update:

GN dropped handsomely from the high. I’m sitting in profit. Will post results later when I choose to close it.

Trade update:

GN +29.4 pips and rising.

Looks like I have a good shot of hitting my goal of 40 pips today. Nice. Be back later

Yeah man, I’ll be sure to join and participate when it launches. GN and EA falling for us both.

Thanks for those videos you guys spoke about. I’ve watched a lot of the trading/investing documentaries but these are new to me. I’ll check them out when I can. Are you guys familiar with Quants? Is this about them or something different?

I didn’t post anything about quants. Will post that video in a bit. But yeah the site is definitely going to take off, it has a really awesome niche that just isn’t out their yet :slight_smile:

GN is selling exactly as expected. I didn’t look at EA or any other pairs, but nice! Take those pips! I think I am only going to trade EN and GN indefinitely. Highest volatility = more fun to watch and profit from.

Video on quants. A very good watch indeed:

GN Trade Result: + 41.5 pips

I am led to believe GN will short today as well.

Today’s Trade: GN Short.

I could be wrong, but It appears to me that GN will long roughly 40 pips or so to hit 1.96 before it reverses and shorts for the day, So. I am going to place my GN limit order at 1.9590 to hopefully accommodate spread.

Anyhow, Hopefully my order gets hit. Otherwise I will have to get in at a reasonable price during American session. If not I will have to pick a different pair to trade tomorrow.

Happy trading.

Wow. my estimation for the high and where to put my limit order was spot on today. I figured 1.96 and the market hit 1.95963. Solid. Best trade of the week so far in terms of RR.

GN: +53.9 pips

Starting to get a lil nervous. I’m on a roll this week and really do not want to screw it up. I’m just going to keep doing exactly as I have been, it appears to be working well.

Be back later with an update

Seeing that my drawdown estimation was indeed pretty spot on, I expect GN to close around 1.95 today. I entered a second short position as I saw the market rise close to my original entry.

GN short: first entry @1.959
second entry @ 1.95702

If all goes according to plan, I should take 80+ pips on the first trade and 60+ pips on the second trade. Will see what happens.