Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

Excellent trading. I’m awaiting AUD new release tonight, it shouldn’t affect NZD but they seem to lazily move together.
Something big might happen though. Large volume entered AUD and NZD this morning. SM seems to be positioning.

[QUOTE=“UpcomerFX;622620”]Excellent trading. I’m awaiting AUD new release tonight, it shouldn’t affect NZD but they seem to lazily move together. Something big might happen though. Large volume entered AUD and NZD this morning. SM seems to be positioning.[/QUOTE]

I do expect the moves to transition into EN and GN. I did notice NU as well. Good heads up on the AUD news, just the aggregate I will need for the market to hit my price projection. XD. I actually shorted EN at open today. I just only post my RVAAnalysis trades in my journal. My other account is for fun. But I still trade the exact same system on it, I just enter at open instead of using limit orders on it. That in mind. All 3 trades are green. Keep up the good trading mate

Anyone see that HUGE gap in price that occurred right at 5 pm eastern time? Thats insane! I have never seen anything like it during normal market hours… Did something at the exchange go wrong? some huge news article come out? I mean the market just stopped moving for an entire minute than opened up way down… thats crazy! Spread was 50+ pips in GN

yeap, crazy is right,

*Note to self, never trade EN or GN


First day i ever looked at EN, had it played good, thinking 5 pip spread was large, BUT 35 pip spread jump, I cant deal with that,…

[QUOTE=“MoneyNVRSleeps;622649”]yeap, crazy is right, *Note to self, never trade EN or GN lol… First day i ever looked at EN, had it played good, thinking 5 pip spread was large, BUT 35 pip spread jump, I cant deal with that,…[/QUOTE]

Satisfy yourself with with 10 pip open to close (daily) moves on the other pairs then :stuck_out_tongue: EN and GN are for pros lol. If you trade like I do. A 10 pip spread is a drop in the bucket compared to how many pips I will take xD

Might I add. Don’t enter on a 35 pip spread!!! Not supposed to trade these pairs during dead periods anyhow. No way to make any kinda money that way.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622653”]Might I add. Don’t enter on a 35 pip spread!!! Not supposed to trade these pairs during dead periods anyhow. No way to make any kinda money that way.[/QUOTE]

Watch out for NZD interest rate report tommrow , 5pm

might I add, it would of been a Sell stop, not just a dive into the action with a 35 pip spread. Guess you got to be a pro for that too, huh.

[QUOTE=“MoneyNVRSleeps;622658”]might I add, it would of been a Sell stop, not just a dive into the action with a 35 pip spread. Guess you got to be a pro for that too, huh.[/QUOTE]

Despite the sarcasm, it’s been a relatively dead past two weeks in the currency market as a whole. Spreads have been widening unusually, when their is no news to indicate the spreads, and also even the most volatile pairs have been very slow. Not to mention you have seen the gaps yeah? If you use a stop ( I normally do nowadays ) their is no choice but to put it very far away ( very very far) otherwise current market conditions will take you out 9 times out of 10. The market basically just sucks now. Is it the time all the hedge funds went on summer vacations?

I must admit I am quite surprised at what happened today. My GN trade did not go as well as planned. Reviewed the spreadsheets and found a highly probably cause for GN to long yesterday as oppose to short like I had envisioned. That being said, I haven’t closed my trades yet. I expect some pretty hefty draw down again today. The funny thing is, GN pretty much hit the prices I expected it to yesterday. It just didn’t close where i thought It would.

Anyhow. My plan today is much different than “normal”

I’m holding my GN shorts until the market hits 1.952, then I will long GN at 1.952 via limit order. It seems kinda weird, but the data suggests GN will draw down roughly 66 pips or so. The data was very very similar to yesterdays oddly enough. Assuming I am correct, GN will almost be a replay of yesterday, except it will not hit 1.96 first… (hopefully)… I get to capture the pips I already had yesterday, then capture the long. I get a second chance XD. That is very rare indeed.

Guess I am going to sleep. Happy trading!

I’ve been reading for the last 10 min the reddit post and I’m speechless.
I’m also into C/C++ at professional level but not at a HFT firm, obviously.
Keep posting all good stuff man because I am reading it all. Good luck!

[QUOTE=“mihk;622705”] I’ve been reading for the last 10 min the reddit post and I’m speechless. I’m also into C/C++ at professional level but not at a HFT firm, obviously. Keep posting all good stuff man because I am reading it all. Good luck![/QUOTE]

I appreciate it! Fascinating right? I found it very entertaining and informative to read.

I have some other interesting videos and good reads I will post tomorrow. I’m very into algo trading of course, so I watch lots of videos for entertainment purposes (more so than informative reasons) about HFT trading and trading Algo’s in general. Yet the videos are highly informative as well which is what they are designed for I suppose. Also, for whatever reason, I have been studying and learning all about the financial crashes. Got two books today about them I intend on reading. Anyhow, good looks.

You still sleepin Bro?;>

well, good spot to long EN, 1.6060 TP 1.6115 SL 1.6040 Looking for 55 pips

or Short at 1.6020 TP 1.5945 SL 1.6040 Looking for 70 pips

Oh I got f=cking raped today. f-ck. I was doing excellent for around 2 weeks then today just mirks me. It is what it is. I don’t think I had a well enough rounded analysis based on further study. I’m not going to just stick to EN or GN anymore, I’m going to search all the pairs. I think I found a better indicator on my sheet of low draw down and heavy movement, but I won’t know for certain until I continue to test it. I’m probably going to attempt to trade like I have been in terms of limit orders. The thing that annoys me is that the market is pretty much dead and has been for the past two weeks. No point really even in trading it doesn’t seem like, at least until after may. I’m just going to have extremely low expectations on movement. But regardless, I need to practice practice practice my approach. I’m getting there, just need some more time to get it right.

I’m probably breaking our little rags to riches contest rules. I’m thinking of putting in some monies tonight. Not much, but more to play with and have fun with. As soon as I find a decent job (have been searching quite rigorously) I’m probably going to slowly deposit more and more money and continuously cut my risk down. When i have 10k I will probably only risk 10% max per trade. Maybe 20% but thats pushing it. I’m starting to adopt “conventional” wisdom as you can tell. I want consistent returns with the ability to lose every now and again. I can’t trade 100% risk and afford to lose even a single day at the rate I trade. That being said, I traded pretty stupid today. I have a lot to learn yet. Oh well, I’m learning lol.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;622946”]Oh I got f=cking raped today. f-ck. I was doing excellent for around 2 weeks then today just mirks me. It is what it is. I don’t think I had a well enough rounded analysis based on further study. I’m not going to just stick to EN or GN anymore, I’m going to search all the pairs. I think I found a better indicator on my sheet of low draw down and heavy movement, but I won’t know for certain until I continue to test it. I’m probably going to attempt to trade like I have been in terms of limit orders. The thing that annoys me is that the market is pretty much dead and has been for the past two weeks. No point really even in trading it doesn’t seem like, at least until after may. I’m just going to have extremely low expectations on movement. But regardless, I need to practice practice practice my approach. I’m getting there, just need some more time to get it right. I’m probably breaking our little rags to riches contest rules. I’m thinking of putting in some monies tonight. Not much, but more to play with and have fun with. As soon as I find a decent job (have been searching quite rigorously) I’m probably going to slowly deposit more and more money and continuously cut my risk down. When i have 10k I will probably only risk 10% max per trade. Maybe 20% but thats pushing it. I’m starting to adopt “conventional” wisdom as you can tell. I want consistent returns with the ability to lose every now and again. I can’t trade 100% risk and afford to lose even a single day at the rate I trade. That being said, I traded pretty stupid today. I have a lot to learn yet. Oh well, I’m learning lol.[/QUOTE]

NZD raised interest rate to 3%

Yup. Raped my sh-t. lol. I reverse engineered the real volume (its much larger than the broker volume). When I checked it back out (ussually i only pay attention to the differences) it was obvious I made a grave mistake. Didn’t care to check it out until after I got mirked though. It’s all good. I have a lower expectation as far as pips go. Hopefully I can get a decent trade tonight. The signal isn’t too hard to read, but I do have to sort through several different measurements so to speak. Will have a new trade up in an hour.

Back on track! Excellent trades tonight, so many to choose from. The safest in my opinion is NU. I expect the US to come out with some bad data, NZD already came out with some great data. Not to mention the daily trend is up… Plus my data looks super solid on NU.

NU Long: Low draw down is expected So I just got in.

Price: .86312

Anyhow, I’m off to sleep. Going to wake up in the green.

RVAAnalysis System | Myfxbook

wow! :frowning:

Epicness. I made the exact same mistake as yesterday! The exact same mistake. SMH. I was right on the low draw down. And that NU would move a lot, but I clearly got the signal wrong. I have all summer to practice and get it perfect, no big deal. All I now is I got what I need to succeed. I’m pretty thrilled actually, the loss clarified the importance of 1hr data. Something I have been debating the validity of for quite some time now. Still an epic feet to go as many days correct before losing 2. As long as I do not lose tomorrow and get back on that win streak, everything will be great.

Thanks for your concern D pip. Yeah I destroyed my account lol. In two days pretty much. Will deposit some capital to put me back up to $20 and try again lol. I traded hella risk, 100% of my account over the past two days. The hefty losses could have been avoided had I been more protective of my capital. It’s just hard to treat $20 like 100k. But hey, I’m learning. I’m a total noob in that regard.

Okay. Onto my volume equation V = (1/P)*M. During last summer when I originally developed it, I realized that I need a huge spreadsheet that I do not have access to currently in order to make it more precise. My volume, I calculate in pips, but the issue is, even though I have a pretty good measurement… If I wanted a higher accuracy, I would need to split each minute into all the prices covered within that minute and calculate my volume every .1 pips for higher accuracy. I have done a lot of research into black scholes and continues time. I am not sure how to implement continues time yet, but I do know volume changes infinitesimally as price changes. Maybe I could use continuous time some how? It’s a thought. Anyhow I am going to search through some pairs and see if i can find another trading opportunity.