Leg0nd's System 13 Trade Journal

Trade Result: -18 pips.

I should have gone with my gut instinct yesterday which was short. I hadn’t seen a pattern spread like the one I saw yesterday. However, I went over todays data for EU and AU and a Long was definitely the correct call. Starting tomorrow i am officially done trading macro. I’m going to deposit $200 tonight in my account to trade. If I can successfully trade $200 over the next two weeks I will be depositing another $300 in two weeks. The ride to the top begins! I’m pretty excited. Even after about a month of a break from FX, my system is still holding very very well. I get grey signals. Not black and white. So with that being said, I trade via discretion off my page 14 statistics. We’ll see what happens, Happy trading all.

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;633566”]Trade Result: -18 pips. I should have gone with my gut instinct yesterday which was short. I hadn’t seen a pattern spread like the one I saw yesterday. However, I went over todays data for EU and AU and a Long was definitely the correct call. Starting tomorrow i am officially done trading macro. I’m going to deposit $200 tonight in my account to trade. If I can successfully trade $200 over the next two weeks I will be depositing another $300 in two weeks. The ride to the top begins! I’m pretty excited. Even after about a month of a break from FX, my system is still holding very very well. I get grey signals. Not black and white. So with that being said, I trade via discretion off my page 14 statistics. We’ll see what happens, Happy trading all.[/QUOTE]

Glad to see your back in action bro ,
Did you hear about the Ecb rate cut I think that’s what caused the euro to go down , if u had moved your stop lower you probably would be in a profit right now …btw wait how’s work going ?

I was reading your thread earlier as I was long EU as well. I saw it plummet , hit your stop, then work it’s way back up. I was thinking the whole time like, damn he was will look at this and be like … :expressionless:

Hey my dude! It’s been a minute! I hope we can work on the site again soon xD. I wanted to play around with $200 this week but I had to pay for some unexpected expenses :(. No big deal. By August (my goal if not sooner) I will be trading a 2k account and will be posting on our site. My rules to the game have changed some and definitely for the better. My signal analysis will remain the same… but now I will be running 20 pip stops with well planned entries. I longed Au today. took 15 pips by 8 am. then around 10 am, I saw Au dropped 20 points and thought it an excellent opportunity to buy again. So I bought once again, used the same stop as earlier and am up an additional 10 pips right now. I’m looking to get out at .9360 with a stop at .9320 (my entry was .9340). As long as I place my entries well and my stops stay at 20 pips (becoming more confident this is an excellent stop to use as long as It is placed correctly)… I feel like I finally have a very well rounded system. I can lose, but It will only be 20 pips. Technically I will be trading 1:1 risk to reward. Not necessarily advisable to new traders, but I believe I win more than I lose and my accuracy is well enough now to trade 1:1. I’m going to pull more pairs, I only looked at AU last night but was feeling great about the signal. So far the long is holding up really well. Anyhow, I may be trading macro right now still, but I need to get back in the full swing of things so that by august I can achieve my goal. 5% return per day. 5% risk. Perfect… Anyways, I will be back later tonight. I intend on posting my trades again and getting right back at it. Hope everyone is doing well and didn’t quit on me :frowning: I’m still 100% in the game and won’t quit. Just took a short break to regain my confidence, sharpen my ability and mental stamina required to trade at the level I intend on trading at. Happy trading.

Hey man, how is your trading going? My work is good. I hate it but love the money. Can’t wait to be trading some grands soon! It’s the only thing keeping me at my job right now. I’m applying for school as well. I have done a lot of thinking about it and I decided programming would be perfect for me. Hopefully I can write a program to help me with my spreadsheets and teach it about all the data I have collected over the past year. So I kinda want to write an AI just for the market. If it could learn patterns and store them in memory… It could me with my trading and get me as close to perfect as possible. That’s the dream right?

Took 15 pips on that second Au trade I entered yesterday when I closed the position this morning. Longed Au again today… not a great price but I’m up 5 pips or so. Longed AU at .9365. Target is .9385, stop at .9340.

Will try to post the trades as I take them tonight. So far I am up 30 pips profit this week with no loses yet and a total of 3 trades. Nice. Happy trading

I know man last month was CRAZY busy for me! I’m back in the country now tho lol so hopefully this weekend we can put in some work.

As far as trading goes I picked up about 80 pips off EU last week. No trades so far this week tho.

That sounds great man. I’m excited. Took over 30 pips this week with no loss so far. Hopefully we can get some formatting done and I intend on posting on the main site next week. Glad to hear you are banking some pips :slight_smile:

My third AU trade I got out as it got close to break even. Only took 2.5 pips. However, I did spot an opportunity in EJ. Longed EL at 138.10. Put a stop in at 137.9. Be back with an update later on.

Lost on my EJ trade. It was still a great, grade even though I only traded off support and resistance without my systems backing.

Tonight however… system is a go!

Found three great trading opportunities:

EL long at 138 with a stop at 137.85
AU long at .936 with a stop at .9335
EU long at 1.353 with a stop at 1.3515

Whichever limit order gets hit first is the trade I take. Be back tomorrow with an update. It’s great to be trading and journaling again!

[QUOTE=“Leg0nd;634449”] Hey man, how is your trading going? My work is good. I hate it but love the money. Can’t wait to be trading some grands soon! It’s the only thing keeping me at my job right now. I’m applying for school as well. I have done a lot of thinking about it and I decided programming would be perfect for me. Hopefully I can write a program to help me with my spreadsheets and teach it about all the data I have collected over the past year. So I kinda want to write an AI just for the market. If it could learn patterns and store them in memory… It could me with my trading and get me as close to perfect as possible. That’s the dream right?[/QUOTE]

Hey bro trading is going good bro just got back on track I took little break for a few weeks , And yeah you can never complain about the money ;p lol. How today’s trades go ?

Hey man. Everything is great. I posted earlier but I guess it didn’t post. Made profit last week which was nice. Anyhow, I’m in a EU trade from Friday. I longed EU and am currently up +19.4 pips. I also longed EJ at open today and am currently up +37.8 pips in EJ.

So… me and a friend are depositing a couple hundred on payday (Friday for me xD) and will be continuing to do so until we have each deposited 2k apiece. I plan on having my 2k in by the end of August, my friend on the other-hand it might take a little longer.

My trading account and trades I place will be a joint operation now. So, I will be gathering the signal and suggesting possible entry prices… My friend will be the one placing the limit orders and stops (stops will be 20 pips) and also, he will be helping manage the trades. My main mission is just to post everything on my website and on this forum for now, gather the signals and then share the information for him to place the trades (he is a better trader than I). It’s going to be very exciting!

The goal for today is to close out of the trades by midnight, and hopefully reenter long EU if the signal confirms. Be back later, Happy trading.

Trade updates:
EJ: + 48 pips
EU: +10 pips. More than likely I will hold both trades through tomorrow, but I’m waiting to get the signal. Be back soon

Good luck man. Did you combine with WinPsych ?

Nice guess lol. Nah. I’m partnering with my friend who got me into trading. At one point we where trading 8 grand successfully a year or two ago. We developed and extremely low risk system them was netting us 2% a month. Similar to a martingale, but we would trade both sides of the market with well placed limits. Over 1.5 months we went over 200 trades without a loss. Then life happened and both of us stopped and pulled our money out. Since then I started developing new systems we could trade with less money… higher risk and higher reward. So now we are teaming up again and trading my 5% risk system paired with his entries and my 20 pip stop to achieve 5% risk allowing us to place 50% of the account into the trade. The upside is unlimited, only a 5% downside if we are wrong no big deal. Anyhow this upcoming week I’m going to post a new myfxbook and combined we should be trading $900. Every two weeks we are both going to keep depositing money xD.

Any how last night I placed the limits my friend had to go to the hospital. Pairs I was interested in was EJ and AJ. My limits haven’t gotten hit yet, but they are as follows:
AJ Long: 95.7 SL 95.5
EL Long: 138.4 SL 138.2

I have the direction right but the market may not hit them which is fine. They are good prices though so if they don’t get hit I try again tomorrow.

Moved my limit order for aj up to a better price. 95.8 new SL 95.6

WinPsych found “noiseless” trading… think Dolby :wink:

However as Leg0nd would say… hella lurking intermittently dude!

I apologize for being a jerk. I am really glad you are back WinPsych. Good luck to you both.

Long time no talk win. How’s It goin?

My AJ, trade, cleared. I took 40 pips over the weekend. Tonight I am trading EU. Short of course…

Limit entry at 1.3635, SL at 1.3655.
Hopefully the order gets nailed. Be back later with an update.

Woke up and saw my limit did not get hit. Market was at a good price so I went ahead and entered.

EU shorted at 1.3592

Stop loss at 1.3612

Trade currently up 5+ pips