Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable

Dear all, here are the next fortnightly licence keys.
Customer Name: baby pips trial
Valid upto: 2012-02-03
No of Machines: 5
Licence Key: JK46N37T

Customer Name: baby pips trial
Valid upto: 2012-02-03
No of Machines: 5
Licence Key: CD72L82T

Happy trading

Hi Anaida, I appreciate your prompt replies and creating a new set of keys but why must the keys be valid for a fortnight only? It means you are at liberty to cut off the issue of the license keys whenever you deem fit and we are at your mercy if we were to have relied on your EA solely.

I understand that you would want to protect your IP rights hence the license key restriction however I would think a more equitable term would be to create a fix number of permanent keys and make them available in this forum. Those who would like additional ones will have to put in a request to you.

As much as I appreciate your EA and helpful prompt replies I do not want to be held ransom every fortnightly. I’m afraid I will have to stop my tests if the license key renewal is every fortnightly.

Lastly, does this also mean that everytime you issue a new key I would have to uninstall and reinstall the EAs again?

Hi Psylence,
You do not have to uninstall and install the EA’s.
As far as the licence key term is concerned, even if i generate a life long key, I can always terminate it, if i deem it fit.
The last time I issued 15 licence keys for a fortnight, I do not even know, how many have even installed them, let alone using them. Every relation is built on the efforts from both the sides and the time i feel our efforts are being used, if not being appreciated, i will certainly issue quarterly licence keys.
Lastly, you are your own judge and you are at your own mercy to use any strategy that you deem fit and you think can give more than 70% success, CONSISTENTLY.


Happy trading

Dear all, please observe the resistance levels (marked in ORANGE) in EU, GU and EJ and how the down trend started from the resistance level.
Also observe the next support levels, marked in WHITE.
Also observe the point in AAnEx candles area, how the color changed in to RED, indicating down trend.
Also observe, how the RED lines are forming in the AAnEx short term indicators.
We have dark in the AAnEx medium term indicator, as the trend in the medium term is not yet defined.

Happy trading

Dear All, as in every strategy, AnEx also gives both weak and strong signal.

  1. If the cross over happens right on a candle, it’s a strong signal.
  2. If the cross over happens, either above or below the candle, it’s weak signal.
  3. If after the cross over, the lines go up or down in a steep curve, it’s strong signal.
  4. If after the cross over, the lines go up or down in a small curve / angle, it’s a weak signal.

Please go through the chart for an eye opener on this.

You can decide your profit booking depending on, whether you entered with a strong signal or a weak signal.

Happy trading

Dear all,
After few days of practical graphs, charts, explanations, i feel, now its back to board room basics again. In next few posts, i will try to explain, in as detail way as possible, the different parameters, different aspects, entry rules, exit strategies etc of both AnEx and AAnEx, along with explanatory charts.
I swear on my life and the love of it that i will not live for the sake of another man and I do not expect another man to live for the sake of my life.
Happy trading

Properties, values, importance, entry rules, different parameters, few possible exit strategies etc of AnEx.

  1. AnEx has two windows - Candles window and the bottom window, consisting ADX - Average Directional Movement.

  1. Observe the ADX window for the first entry point. ADX should be above the 22000 mark. This indicates the liquidity / volume in the market. It shows that people are trading, buying and selling. It is simple business sense that when there is liquidity, when people are buying and selling, we stand to make profit, if not otherwise. Few times, we do miss out on few pip making opportunities because of this. But, we have tried to nullify the loss making trades, as every penny saved is a penny earned. This 22k mark is applicable for all pairs EXCEPT GU PAIRS. For GU pairs, ADX should be above 20k mark.
  2. The candle’s window has 4 lines - two AnEx lines (RED and YELLOW), One GREEN line (EMA - Exponential Moving Average) and one WHITE line, which is Moving Average 4.
  3. This simple EA works on Cross Over methodology. If the ADX is above the 22k mark, see if the YELLOW and RED lines cross each other in the CANDLES WINDOW.
  4. The candle, where the RED and YELLOW lines cross each other is called as TRIGGER CANDLE (TC).
  5. If, after the cross over, the RED and YELLOW lines start going up, its LONG entry point. If, after the cross over, the RED and YELLOW lines start going down, its an entry point to go SHORT.
  6. But DO NOT TRADE SOON AFTER THE CROSS OVER. To go LONG, the HIGH of the TC should be broken by 3 pips and more. To take a SHORT position, the LOW of the TC should be broken by 3 pips and more. This is TRUE for all pairs except GU pairs. As GU pairs have more momentum, the HIGH or the LOW of the TC should be broken by 5 pips and more.
  7. Importance of GREEN LINE (EMA - EXPONENTIAL MOVING AVERAGE) - If the candles are above the EMA, the market is in UPTREND and if the candles are below the EMA, market is in DOWNTREND.
  9. DASH BOARD - This is a combination of different TA’s like MACD and STR under different TF’s. Using this dash board, one need not keep switching between different TA or different TF. Each GREEN BLOCK in the dash board indicates UPWARD movement and each RED BLOCK indicates DOWNTREND.

Happy Trading

Dear all,
To maximize profit use 30M and / or 1H TF. We can easily make 15 - 25 pips in 30M TF and 40 - 65 pips in 1H TF.
Use EMA to minimize the loss and to maximize the profit. If you are LONG, when the candles are above the EMA, maximize the profit as you are with the trend. On the other hand if you LONG, when the candles are below the EMA, get out of the trade with minimum profit.
Same is true for SHORT positions, when the candles are below or above the EMA.

Happy trading

SL rules for AnEx

  1. For LONG positions, TC low less 3 pips for all the pairs except GU pairs. For GU pairs, TC low less 5 pips.
  2. For SHORT positions, TC high + 3 pips for all the pairs except GU pairs. For GU pairs, TC high + 5 pips.

Happy Trading

Listen. I don’t mean to be a ‘buttinsky’ here again. You and I have ‘kissed and made up’ and so far as I can tell you’ve ‘behaved yourself’!!! LOL!!!

But I have to agree with Psylence here. Let’s just assume that your EAs are profitable and your intentions are honourable. So far: you’ve proved that EXCEPT for this licence issue. The point is this: if you issue a lifetime licence there isn’t any way you could then stop the EAs from working (well not unless you then included some type of expiry date in the code aside from the licence key expiry date). And if somebody is profitable with these EAs and you ‘yank the carpet out from under them’ then of course they’re going to be FORCED to pay the retail price that you mentioned earlier on the thread somewhere.

Personally: I think this is EXACTLY what Microsoft did just after Windows XP was released. People were ‘allowed’ or should I say ‘there was no problem’ pirating Microsoft Software for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS. And then ONE FINE DAY, when Microsoft knew that just about every PC in existence was running Microsoft Software, they started with their ‘Genuine Advantage’ nonsense. I was in the IT Business at the time and I had clients ‘run out by the hundreds’ to go and purchase legitimate Windows XP and Microsoft Server Licences (and believe me: my business wasn’t even a ‘blip on the radar’ compared to some of the huge banks and institutions here that were forced to do software audits and ensure that there wasn’t a single pirated copy of Microsoft Software ANYWHERE and those that didn’t WERE INDEED prosecuted and fined HUGE amounts). I’ve brought this up many times. Conspiracy theory??? Maybe. But there was a time where I had a ‘plan’ to GIVE away our Fleet Management System. Provide support. Do whatever was necessary to get my clients ‘tied in’ and build up a GOOD years worth of statistics and history on their vehicle fleets. The plan: I was going to ENSURE that the software just ‘stopped’ after a year or so. The point??? NO huge transport company was now going to go to the trouble of starting ALL OVER AGAIN with a new (and data incompatible) Fleet Management System. They would just simply pay whatever the asking price was at the time (within reason I guess). Alright: I never got that far i.e. I never completed the new version of the software. But I got the idea from what I believe Microsoft’s ‘modus operandi’ was at the time. But it’s a ‘classic’ way of ‘reeling people in’ to the point where they HAVE no choice BUT to pay the asking price ESPECIALLY if the software is good and works well.

So how you’re going to handle this: I do not know.

I’ll say this though (and being a bit blunt here I’m afraid): I contribute to my forums and supply my system indicators and documentation for free to anyone. No charges. No ‘catches’. And keeping those forums running COST me money (even to the point where I PAY to have them AD FREE so that I don’t get Google AdWords popping up with other broker advertisements so I earn nothing from EVEN Google AdWords) and to date they’ve not generated NOT ONE SINGLE CENT by way of commissions, contributions, donations, you name it. Now I’m not telling you this so that everyone thinks that I’m an ‘angel personified’. All I’m saying is that your REASONING for not generating lifetime licences (or having licence keys AT ALL) doesn’t ‘hold water’ with me. My forums currently have about 250 members. Of those 250 members probably only about 20, if I’m lucky, have actually opened DEMO accounts (and not even necessarily with Deltastock). But I ‘keep at it’ HOPING that SOME day, without me having to levy a ‘charge’, they’ll ‘pay for themselves’ in some way, shape, or form. And yes: it’s DARN DIFFICULT sometimes to keep ‘pumping hours’ into something and getting no return or reward for it. That’s probably why I go through ‘spurts’ on my forums i.e. sometimes I’ll spend DAYS posting and updating and other times I sit back and think ‘what is the point of this i.e. you’re not making any money from this and you could be or should be trading as opposed to mucking about with something that’s not generating any income whatsoever and actually COSTING you money’.

Alright: I may not be (actually I KNOW I’m not) a good businessman. You’re probably WAY better at BUSINESS than I am and far more ‘ruthless’ (which is probably what is required). Maybe I need a ‘business manager’!!! LOL!!!

But my point is this: if you said ‘right: I’ll generate licence keys valid for a quarter or for six months and if you’re happy then you have to buy the software at a certain price upon expiry’. That’s fair on BOTH sides. You’re giving traders a way to prove, and be comfortable with, and (hopefully) profitable with, your EAs and, well, if they’re making money using them, then it’s only fair that they pay you for your trouble. Things in this business do not HAVE to be ‘free’. Not if they’re worth something. It’s just that your ‘business model’ seems a bit ‘suspect’ is all.

And don’t get me wrong. This is no ‘personal attack’. As I’ve said: you and I got off to a ‘rocky start’ and I’ve apologised and ‘kissed and made up with you’ in ‘my own special way’. And as I noted: thus far you’ve ‘stuck to your word’. So right now: you have a lot of credibility. Credibility is ‘worth its weight in Gold’. Never forget that. But as Psylence says: anybody that is using your EAs is indeed ‘beholden’ to you at the moment and you COULD ‘pull the plug’ ANYTIME. If it is your intention to EVENTUALLY sell these EAs and they are profitable: then ‘do it the right and credible way’ and you’ll make fortunes. And as I noted: credibility cannot be ‘bought’. It’s earned. And lose it: and you’re ‘fu*ked forever’ in this business. Lack of credibility in this business will ‘follow you around’ no matter WHERE you go in SPITE of the sheer SIZE of this (filthy???) business.

Once again: I’m not ‘banging on you’. I’m not questioning your integrity at this stage either (although as I’ve noted the licence key issue is a bit disturbing). As a matter of fact: if your EAs are indeed profitable I’m ACTUALLY trying to help you. So please don’t take this email the wrong way and take it in the spirit that it was meant.

Think about what I’ve said.

That’s all. Carry on!!! LOL!!!



A name I’m tired of hearing

Hi Dale,
Right from your 1st reply to my thread, i have understood your intentions and the spirit and there is no way i will misunderstand you.
As I mentioned in my earlier posts as well, I locked the Licence period to get some kind of respect, discipline, method in using the EA’s. I did not have any other inferior or ulterior motive in that.
George Bernard Shaw once said - " I CAN LIVE ONLY ON A COMPLIMENT FOR THREE MONTHS". Every artist needs THE APPRECIATION, before the financial rewards. In one of the Indian Vernacular languages there is a famous saying that - “FOR EVERY PARENT, EVERY SON IS TOM CRUISE AND EVERY DAUGHTER IS ANGELINA JOLIE”. For me, these EA’s (if you consider the efforts, time, sleepless nights, bottles of Bacardi, trial and error sessions and back testing etc that has gone in to develop these EA’s) are some rare master pieces of art, which has simplified the ART OF TRADING, in its own way.

I also mentioned in my earlier post to Psylence that every relation depends on the efforts from both sides and for your effort,[B] FOR YOUR EFFORT ALONE[/B], I’m generating [B]quarterly licence key[/B]s.

Customer Name: baby pips trial
Valid upto: 2012-03-30
No of Machines: 5
Licence Key: PD93J36I

Customer Name: baby pips trial
Valid upto: 2012-03-30
No of Machines: 5
Licence Key: QP26O53K

I will increase the number of licence keys, depending on the participation and usage of these 5 keys. I hope i have the right for this atleast. And AFTER THREE MONTHS, whoever wants extension of the keys, HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. I think, as you said, now I’m being FAIR LOL
And in these three months, though this is trial period, I will extend all the possible time, effort to make this trial period count, to make it profitable for all the users.

Happy trading

[B]Installation steps[/B]

  1. Download AnEx and AAnEx installation files from our site [url=http://www.anaidaworld.com] / [url=http://www.anaidatrading.com]
  2. When you get a prompt asking for licence key, give the licence keys given in the earlier post.
  3. The destination folder is the same folder, where your MT4 terminal is installed. By default, it will be in C drive.
  4. Keep the MT4 terminal closed, while installing AnEx and / or AAnEx.
  5. They will be installed as Template. After installing, right click on the Candles area, click template and activate AnEx / AAnEx.
  6. One window can have either AnEx or AAnEx. If you want both for a single pair, have two windows of the same pair, have AnEx for one window and AAnEx in the other window.

Happy trading

Me too. I’m as confused. And am not feeling like things are getting simpler or more profitable.

But the intervention from dale was highly amusing and needed. Not to mention the Jessica references…

Hey this has inspired me to start my own thread that actually does try to make trading simpler and more profitable.

It will be one indicator only - a bespoke one we created called multifx strength - and pure price action off that based on simple entry triggers where SL and TP dynamic off the indicator levels.

Ok so some risk we are recreating Welles Wilder, but his methods had no call for cross-asset techniques. Ours uses a basket of 7 currencies so 7x the opportunities to enter trades.

I’ll be back

Happy weekend all.


  1. By no way, AnEx is a HOLY GRAIL SYSTEM (its man made after all).
  2. Once you get used to this (you should not take more than 7 trading days to understand), it will keep giving you 75% + success ratio CONSISTENTLY / 100 trades. So, if you always trade ONE PARTICULAR LOT SIZE, you will make profit session in session out, day in day out, month in month out.
  3. I do AGREE AND ACCEPT that AnEx does give wrong signals. But, the loss you incur because of the wrong signal is negligible, compared to the profit you make out of the right signals. For example, whenever AnEx gives wrong signals, you might loose only 6 - 12 pips (IF YOU ARE WITH THE TREND). But, when you AnEx gives right signal, you will certainly make 18 - 45 pips / trade.
  4. Always try to be WITH THE TREND. Go long when the candles are above the EMA and go short when the candles are below the EMA.
  5. Always use higher TF’s, 30M and more, to give the market that much more time to support your trade.
  6. Irrespective of how many winning trades you have / 100 trades, stick to one particular lot size.
  7. Trade to make profit, not because you have a live account. Trade, do not gamble.
  8. Respect the demo account like a live account and treat the live account like a demo account. Do not have attachment with the market.
  9. Have a realistic profit making expectation, not imaginary one. Be prepared to loose.
  10. Every industry has lot of over head expenses like packaging, transportation, advertising, so on and so on and every one tries to cut down the expense to maximize the profit. The only expense that Trading has is the loosing trades. Try to cut down the loosing trades to maximize the profit.
  11. Stick to one trading strategy over a period of time to get the success formula. Digging well at several places will not give water anywhere. The martial legend Bruce Lee once famously quoted - “I’M NOT WORRIED ABOUT AN OPPONENT WHO KNOWS 100 KICKS. BUT, I ALWAYS WORRY ABOUT AN OPPONENT WHO HAS PRACTICED ONE KICK HUNDRED TIMES”. ITS APPLICABLE FOR US AS WELL.

Happy trading

Good morning.

Well: ‘respect’ to you.

Look: it’s not my place to tell you how to do things. It’s also not my place to act as ‘Grand Daddy’ on these forums either (a role which I seem to inadvertently have taken upon myself and something that I know doesn’t endear me to most). It just ‘gets to me’ when I see new unsuspecting traders being blatantly ‘duped’ by ‘snake oil salesmen’, having unrealistic expectations (by my standards anyway which, I’ll be the first to admit, are probably lower than most), and being ‘fleeced’ by brokers. I don’t know why: but I ‘care’ for whatever reason. I’m not even sure that I should be involved here giving you my input as to what you should or should not be doing given that ACTUALLY we’re talking here about a ‘commercial product’ really. That’s actually something that BabyPips should think about adding in my opinion i.e. a forum for ‘Commercial Products’ where it’s made BLATANTLY clear that these are NOT ‘free’ products (not meaning yours in particular) in much the same way as some other sites have now done. They could even make some money from this.

The above being said: there is also a general misconception that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING posted here (and on other sites) MUST be free. For the most part: I tend to agree. But when somebody has spent months or years developing something that IS INDEED profitable and NOT ‘snake oil’: well then I don’t see any problem with it being sold at a reasonable asking price. I must say that I personally could ‘take a good lesson’ from this: “I CAN LIVE ONLY ON A COMPLIMENT FOR THREE MONTHS.” A wise man that George Bernard Shaw!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: my opinion is that the WAY you’re going about this is ‘decent’. This is a ‘far cry’ from ‘the usual’ i.e. ‘buy my EA’, ‘money back guarantee’, ‘guaranteed profits’, and every other conceivable promise being made. Inevitably: once such EA is sold you’ll never get your money back if it’s not profitable (that’s if you’re lucky enough to be able to find the company or individual that sold it to you in first place). You’re affording the trader the opportunity to trade with your EAs, see if they’re profitable, see if it suits them and their personal trading style, and, well, if they’re making consistent profits from them, then why should you NOT be compensated. This also tells me that at very LEAST YOU have faith in your OWN product. You’re NOT selling a ‘beautifully packaged box’ with ‘cherry picked’ trades and years worth of useless (and in all probability ‘manipulated’) historical, and always profitable, data.

Also: given that (so far as I can tell) you’re trading very short time frames one quarter is a long enough period to test these EAs. If they were designed for the daily or weekly or monthly time frames then I’d say you’d have to extend the trial period by months or years!!!

And also: ‘proving’ the profitability of your EAs is also not your sole responsibility. So far as I can tell they’re more ‘indicators’ than EAs. So any trader that’s interested in trading with them (and eventually buying them) also has the responsibility of back testing them for themselves i.e. going back in time and ‘stepping through’ the charts and literally ‘paper trading’ them. Any trader that just ‘takes your word’ that they’re profitable, pays you for them, and then ‘cries’ afterwards that they were a waste of money, really only has themselves to blame.

So in summary: as ‘suspect’ as this thread appeared to be when starting out it THUS far appears to be one of the very few that MAY JUST BE ‘on the level’. I hope I’m not going to live to regret that statement!!! LOL!!!

Personally: I don’t believe in EAs. But that’s just me. I don’t like things ‘happening’ that I have no control over. And besides: what would I do all day??? It’s bad enough when the markets are ‘dead in the water’ (well MY markets anyway). Imagine if I just had to sit back and watch my PCs ‘do their thing’ without touching the mouse!!! I’d go insane!!! LOL!!!

One last thing and assuming that everything is INDEED ‘on the level’: also don’t go ‘deserting’ your client base once they’ve paid. Even if you have to charge a nominal support fee per annum after the initial sale. You never know: over time one or two traders may come up with an idea to improve the performance of your product (something which may not have occurred to you as yet). You know: one of those ‘light bulb moments’. Do this ‘right’: and you could have a very happy bunch of clients and be making some consistent money while at the same time allowing others to be profitable. That’s a ‘win win’ situation and such situations don’t present themselves too often!!!

In closing (and only to ‘cover my own ar*e’): I’ve not downloaded or installed or tested these EAs. I don’t know anything about them, how they work, or if they’re profitable or not. I’m not recommending them nor endorsing them. But I do admire the way that the ‘business aspect’ is being ‘handled’.

So all I can say is that I HOPE they’re profitable and I HOPE that YOU do well out of them and more importantly (no offence) that the people that test them (and eventually buy them) are just as profitable if not more so.

Right: now if I can just figure out a way to ‘extort’ $1 000 from each member of my forums … LOL!!!



Jessica… Hmmmnnn… Damn InstaForex or FAPTurbo (I’m taking a ‘rough guess’ here)!!! LOL!!! Cannot wait for the this coming Christmas to get another fu*king ‘Merry Christmas to all’ post!!! LOL!!! And the BEST part: it’s probably somebody called ‘Bubba’ who’s taking every delight in his (‘her’) notoriety!!! LOL!!!

So: ‘go for it’. Start your own thread. THIS stuff HERE may be SOME people’s ‘cup of tea’ while your’s may be OTHER people’s ‘cup of tea’.

Come to think of it: maybe I should take the initiative and start a ‘Commercial Forum’ on my OWN forums. I at very least think I have to ability to ‘weed out the scammers and spammers’.

Recreating Welles Wilder??? First: I’m really keen to know what you mean by THAT statement. Second: I doubt that’s possible!!! LOL!!! But I’m always happy to be proved wrong!!! LOL!!! On the subject: I was QUITE perturbed the other day when I received an email notification from Investopedia with a link to an article entitled ‘The Pioneers Of Technical Analysis’ and ‘the old man’ (Wilder) wasn’t even given a ‘mention’!!! I was ALMOST incensed enough to track down the author and ‘let him have it’ (but didn’t)!!! LOL!!! Wilder has retired with a lot of money unlike those mentioned in the article!!! LOL!!! Here’s the link (for anyone interested):

The Pioneers Of Technical Analysis

(Sorry: I know it’s off topic but anything ‘Wilder’, ‘Deltastock’ or ‘Jessica’ ‘sets me off’)!!! ROFLMAO!!!



Hey Dale ‘recreating Welles wilder’ — meant ‘reinventing the wheel’ except the joke here is that chances are anyone trying to invent their own technical system will either

  • stumble on some of the ideas ‘the old man’ invented, or
  • come up with something half as good in twice the time

So it was meant to be a self-deprecating comment. Anyway, in a scientist so can’t resist trying.

Hi Anaida, this post confirmed my suspicion. I don’t mean it in a bad way just that the way you started the thread and the way it had progressed is weird. There needs to be an objective and as much as I salute your charitable causes I know deep down that there needs to be something out of all these.

Dale put it best I.e. If you’ve created something that took a lot of effort and time and is helping people making money and in the betterment of their lives than you should only be compensated for that effort. I’ve no qualms about that. Makes this thread more realistic now.

I also like the fact that you are giving quarterly licenses and if people find them useful enough they will rightly pay for it. Try it before you pay model.

Some important general questions :

  1. Is it true that you are able to pull the plug even when the expiry date has not been reached? Is there a live connection to your server that allows you to flick the “kill” switch?

  2. How much will it cost after 3 months and will it be for a lifetime?

  3. How will support be conducted? Via forums like these or via email etc?

  4. Can u give a background about yourself and your company? I am not saying you are one but I am wary of bucket shops. Very recently I purchased a Forex Testing Tool online. Apparently it is a one man operation and my emails asking him why my activation failed went unanswered. Needless to say I am in the process of claiming my money back.

EA related questions :

  1. Your EA seems good for trending market but will this work in a ranging market? Can you explain this please?

  2. You mentioned that there is a slightly different setting for GU. May I know if this EA can be used for the commodities and indices? Am liking gold a lot lately and been experimenting with DAX30.

  3. Which TF do you determine your S&R lines?

  4. One issue with this thread as others have pointed out is that it is confusing. There was no explanation for AAnEx until pages later and that too in bits and pieces. Couple of posts back you posted in detail on using AnEx but that too is missing info on how to use the MA4 line. You need clearer screenshots and showing line crosses clearly. Your screenshots appears pixelated and blurry.

Something I like about your EA is that while you can ride the trend with AAnEx you can use AnEx for quick scalps in between. I’ve tried it once only and looks like a plausible idea. I am definitely interested in your EA as my initial tests shows promising results and with the quarterly license I will give it a good go.

Keep it up, and let’s hope your results that you claim can be consistently achieved by me and others for the next 3 months.


P.S. Apologies for the number of questions but since you demand it… you got it. :slight_smile:

ok, has anyone actually given these eas a go? For me the only way to see the wood from the trees is evidence - is there a myfybook or similar which has results? on forums who cab tell honest intentions from false ones?