Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable

Uh. No offence. But there’s nothing stopping YOU from downloading these EAs, setting up an account on myfxbook, and seeing for yourself??? I mean: so far as I can tell you’ve been given three months with which to ‘play’ with them so why not ‘play’ yourself??? There’s no other way to do it. The vendor of ANY EA could QUITE easily set up ten different ‘members’ that claim that these EAs are profitable. So to be sure there’s only ONE way to be sure and that is to do it yourself. On my forums (with my trading systems) I don’t show results nor guarantee results or anything like that. I tell you HOW I trade the systems, WHAT I trade them on, but YOUR ‘duty’ if you’re interested is to put in the time and the effort to paper trade them yourself and see if they ‘float your boat’ and are profitable or not. If you’re not prepared to do that: then you fall into the ‘get rich quick’ or ‘hand it to me on a platter’ categories and that doesn’t ‘float MY boat’. And the same applies here or anywhere else. This business attracts WAY too many people (and this is not directed at you personally in any way) that expect a bit of software or a trading system to be ‘handed to them’ and turn their PCs into ATM machines without having to put in any effort. As has been discussed on another thread not too long ago (and something that never occurred to me until it was pointed out to me): THERE is the BULK of your ‘95% are losers’ RIGHT THERE!!!



Dear Psylence,

  1. It is true that i can kill a licence, [B]if I’m forced or compelled to do that[/B]. We have kept it n use it as a last resort to get our dues from the software clients. As i mentioned before, we rent these EA’s on time bound subscription basis and few times, few customers take us for a ride mailing us, modified online transfer cyber receipts and on TRUST, we do generate the licence keys. But, if and when we realised that the client lied / cheated us with THE INTENTION, we pull the plugs. No other intention, no other reasons, whatsoever in that LAST RESORT. BE REST ASSURED THAT WE ARE NOT HERE TO GROW-RICH-OVERNIGHT KIND OF SCHEMES. BUT SHOULD NOT WE HAVE SOME CONTROL, WHEN AND IF A CLIENT MISUSES THE TRUST?
  2. Normally (as i mentioned in a previous post, abnormally, as few clients blame) we charge 600$ / month for AnEx and 1000$ / month for AAnEx.
  3. We are giving support and will give support, the way you want, the way any client wants - e mail, google / FB chat / on mobile (I’m on +91 98454 24597, Indian Mobile number) and we give support round the clock.
  4. Actually my name is not Anaida. She is the CEO of the company, might be the youngest at that as Anaida is my 6 year daughter. I’m an MBA with 16 years experience in IT infrastructure management. The US recession drained my company of few HUGE MNC clients and i got a the very famous pink slip and I’m in this industry since 3 years (YOU READ IT RIGHT … 3 YEARS). Plz do forgive me if let you down with my trading experience. Anaida Fx World / Anaida Trading World is a single window solutions company and we offer Trading seminars, Trading education, apart from promoting AnEx (Anaida Forex) and AAnEx (Advanced Anaida Forex).
  5. As i mentioned in my earlier post, we do not promote any broker (STP / ECN / bucket shops for that matter) or a platform. We promote trading as that is what it is all about, that is that we are all about and that is where the action is.
  6. AnEx and AAnEx work irrespective of the market condition. Use them to believe it yourself. As i mentioned, my students use both AnEx and AAnEx in their own personalized trading strategies and you can also personalize your own trading strategy.
  7. You can use AnEx and AAnEx for commodities and they give amazing results for Silver, Gold and crude. Do not trust me. Try and be amazed.
  8. I’m yet to introduce AAnEx in a proper way. I do miss few things deliberately, to make sure someone asks me those questions. Please do not take me wrong (right from the day i started this thread, i have been getting only suspicions only). But if not for Dale from the beginning and you of late, this thread should have gone silent a week back. Being a human, I like to communicate to humans and i do not like talking to a wall. I CAN LIVE, ONLY ON A COMPLIMENT FOR THREE MONTHS. Go through the entire thread and tell me when can i have my break fast, if not full course?
  9. I’m more than willing to answer all your queries, to trouble shoot all your EA related doubts. Now that we have started understanding each other a bit, plz ask one by one.


Hey Dale,
Whenever any one purchases our indicators, irrespective of the duration, we give full fledged, all out support. They do not need to ask for it.
I will tell you how to extort “[B]1000$[/B]”, not from each member of your forums, but from me LOL!!!. Test my EA’s (back testing / performance testing or whatever the terminology is) for a month, give your honest CRITICAL JUDGEMENT of my EA’s and i owe you and will pay you 1000$. If you feel like , you can k*** my a**, but still i will pay you 1000$ for your efforts.
You really are Frisco, in your words, in your deeds. You ARE THE ONE, EVERYONE LOVES TO HATE, BUT ULTIMATELY START LOVING, including yours faithfully.


You are very right in understanding how people sell products / services in this industry. I’m really proud that WE DO NOT BELONG TO THAT BREED, TO THAT CASTE, TO THAT UNETHICAL PRACTICES.
It won’t take too long for me to modify the results, to claim that we are here for generations and that people are ACTUALLY MINTING out of our EA’s. But, as i said I do not identify myself or my promoted company (having my daughter’s name at that) with that kind of unethical practical practices. We expect, we appreciate people judging us, using our EA’s, not taking our words for granted. No doubt, our Ea’s are literally ATM’s, but the password (WAY TO USE THE EA’s) rests ultimately with the end users.


I REALLY should stop getting involved in this thread!!! LOL!!!

Just an observation:

Don’t you think you’re ‘out pricing’ yourself a bit here???

I mean: you’re talking about $1 600 per month for both EAs.

Let’s assume that they’re as profitable and have the high winning percent ratio as noted.

I’m willing to bet (but I could be wrong of course) that most on these forums, ESPECIALLY those that are just starting out, and looking for a ‘Let us make Trading Simple & Profitable’ trading system, don’t even have that much CAPITAL to begin with let alone having the money to pay THOSE fees PER MONTH.

Once again (in an effort to help out): would you not consider selling a sort of ‘Group Licence’ where, say, for example, five traders could share the monthly cost??? Or an ‘Annual Licence’ where the total amount is payable in monthly instalments??? Something like that???

I’m not sure but at those prices I don’t see too many ‘takers’ no matter HOW good the EAs are simply because most new traders will just not have the money not because they don’t want to pay.

Geez!!! And here I had the idea that I’d be able to charge $120 PER ANNUM for membership to my forums but decided against it for fear of not getting any members to sign up!!! LOL!!!

Told ya: I’m obviously NO businessman!!! LOL!!!



Hey Dale,
For you and YOU ALONE, i will offer whatever discount YOU DEEM FIT. plz do not ask my life, though LOL!!!.
What’s your take on EXTORTING 1000$ FROM ME? I’M SERIOUS ABOUT IT LOL!!!


Hello AGAIN.

You had posted two posts while I was posting my last post to you so I only saw them after posting my last post to you (what a LONG explanation)!!! LOL!!!

Listen up: the post that I posted to which you refer was in NO way directed at YOU at all (in case you misunderstood). The main point of THAT post was that people who wish to become traders ALSO need to do THEIR share of the work TOO. If they’re not prepared to do their OWN testing and put in their OWN effort and time well, then, better to put their money into a Hedge Fund or buy Unit Trusts or Government Bonds (actually forget about the Government Bonds) (just please not into these ‘make 400% per month PAMM/MAM schemes’)!!! LOL!!!

Come to think of it though: WHY am I spending so much time ‘promoting’ YOUR ar*e!!! LOL!!! I’m SUPPOSED to be ‘selling’ MYSELF and my BELOVED BROKER!!! LOL!!!



Hey Dale,
Every business, every business module has a targeted customers and we target those traders who have or willing to have a live account in excess of 5000$. Add that to the three months of FREE LICENCE, i do not think I’m out pricing my EA’s for what they are worth. I might be wrong though LOL!!!


‘Posting over each other’ again.

Oh no. Those types of decisions are yours and yours alone to make. I don’t know what people can afford or what they’d be prepared to pay. If these EAs are as good as you say they are (and as others I HOPE will test and find profitable and confirm your claims): people WOULD pay those fees IF THEY HAD such amounts is all I’m saying.

What I’m trying to tell you is that you may be expending a whole lot of time and effort in the wrong place (and I honestly wouldn’t even have a CLUE as to what the ‘right place’ would be to be honest). I mean: it could be that you’re placing a ‘full page glossy ad’ for a brand new Rolls Royce right in the middle of a ‘Clunkers for Cash’ Classified Ads Magazine.

But then again: maybe I’m underestimating the amount of money that ‘goes around’ here. I can only tell you that the vast majority of new trading accounts that are opened don’t fall into the ‘Rolls Royce’ category is all (which, ironically, is the main reason why most traders will fail i.e. being under capitalised and therefore not being able to manage risk).



Hey Dale,

Regards Dale

Hello AGAIN!!! LOL!!!

Thanks for the compliment (at least I THINK that was a compliment)!!! LOL!!!

Thanks for the ‘offer’ but no thanks. No offense but I’d really not like to get THAT involved to the point where my opinion on what you’re ‘supplying’ is taken into account by anybody. As I noted: the licence keys are there and traders can test what you’re ‘offering’ themselves.

Besides that: I’ve got two brokers, myself, my trading, my forums, ‘my’ OTHER forums (BabyPips), the occasional ‘war’ to fight over at ‘that other horrible [B]F[/B]orex [B]F[/B]orum’ and at FPA on occasion, four Rottweilers, and Jessica (or ‘Bubba’) to worry about. I mean: there’s only SO many hours in a day you know!!! LOL!!!



Hey Dale, you have Rottweilers and that too 4 of them. Ohhhh. Do not blame now, if my wife will be after you and them.
They are a class apart, she tells me, my knowledge and expertise on them is a BIG ZERO.


post 90 day’s of real time trading calls, and prove it. You can’t, Real time signals for 90 days with profitability each month.

Free or not free, doesn’t matter. If you did this one simple thing… don’t post some “after trade” nonsense… i can cut and paste on paint with the best of 'em too. Lets see 90 days, right here, live calls. I’ll be the first to tell you…if you can do that, and prove it, you’ll have more customers than you can handle… myself included.

Man, why is it the ONE SINGLE DARN THING that ANY VENDOR could use to PROVE it works, and literraly have so many hits to their site that it would crash the servers…and yet they almost NEVER do that ONE THING?

So, i’m stating it here. You’ll come up with a reason why not to do this, or why it’s impractical, or why it would be to difficult, or long story short, you’ll post some way on why you just can’t do it here. You can code this entire EA monstrosity, you can manage to build an entire website around it, and i’m sure you’ll just say “well, for proof, check out our such-and-such statement over here. we just cannot be bothered to post up anything here”

And, I, along with (hopefully) the rest of the world will see it as the excuse it is.

You say you’ve got a gold mine. Fine. Prove it. Just prove it. here, now, no excuses. Or… are you too busy posting replies to arguments to actually post some real trading signals for a few months live…here.

On a personal note, I TURN DOWN REQUESTS from people to manage their money, on a monthly basis. Why? because I CAN PROVE it… I have, and I will continue to. Lets just say that if i totaled up what i’ve turned down, it would reach well into the 6 figures.

So prove your stuff here, on babypips, and make your million. it’s the ONLY THING standing between you and retirement.

Either that, or just fess up to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for an ultimately non-profitable fancy piece of computer code.


Somebody sure woke up in a filthy mood today, hehe.

Maybe Oliver… but, unlike Dale (who I happen to agree with on this thread and several others), I don’t mince words, and I don’t pull punches. More to the point… I can’t stand anyone in this industry that won’t “put up”. If I had a dollar for every trading “guru”, “EA”, “webinar course”, “ebook”, “signal seller”…etc… I would not be trading today. Instead, i’d be living on my own private island, waving at my yacht as I flew over it in my own private helicopter.

If your here giving something away just to help out…great!

If your here selling something, IMO, you’d be able to PROVE what you have really works. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s the phonies in this industry. One of the many reasons I do what I do here and post what I post (including a running 3 month thread of LIVE trading calls that is up over 30 X Risk in that same time) is to publicly “throw down the gauntlet” to any and all who would so much as attempt to garner any more of anyone’s hard earned dollars.

I spent thousands on crap, and wasted years on “indicators” that didn’t deilver what they promised. Now I make a GREAT income using a price chart, a new feed, some horizontal lines, and my brain.

The truth is, that’s just a bald, naked old emperor waltzing about. Clothes my left foot. And ya…if u got up with a old, bald, naked hairy dude prancing around your domicile… you’d be pissed off too! :wink:

I say if one has the goods, lets see 'em. For $1,600+ or whatever this fancy piece of code costs, I just want to see some proof.
I mean…really. $1,600… is REAL proof too much to ask for?


P.S. If ANYONE other than the OP has used this EA for 3 months and wouldn’t mind putting up some sort of evidence that this EA can profit for even 90 days… i’d like that, as I’m sure the rest here would too. Still not “proof”… but, at least it would be something. Of course…if anyone has NOT had success with this, i’d like to see that too. I’ll still be first in line to buy with cash if the OP can post 90 days of trading calls and show a profit.



I’ve never laughed so much in my life I swear.

I was reading Jay’s post but couldn’t see yours while I was reading it (obviously because the post was so long your post was off the screen) and while I was reading it I was GENUINELY thinking to post ALMOST TO THE WORD what you had already posted!!! So when I saw your post I ‘collapsed’!!! ROFLOL!!!

MAN. I don’t want to be around when Jay’s having BAD day!!! LOL!!!



This is my HAPPY face Dale




Honestly. It was the funniest thing. I guess you had to be here to appreciate it!!! LOL!!!

I only saw your reply to Oliver1968 after I’d posted by the way (we were ‘over typing’ or ‘over posting’ each other or whatever).

Uhhhmmm… I but a bit ‘nervous’ to participate in this forum at the moment… But… LOL!!!

I agree with you 100% Jay (although possibly not QUITE with the same conviction)!!! LOL!!! But then I’m lucky I guess. One mistake (probably the ONLY one) I’ve NEVER made in this business is to actually buy an EA from anyone (I’ve bought some crap books though I’ll tell you)!!! LOL!!!

But I WOULD (if it’s alright with you that is) (LOL!!!) like to re-iterate ONE point that I made earlier on in this thread and that is that new traders (or anyone else for that matter) who want to fork out $$$ for an EA or the equivalent also need to put in the time and effort and test it themselves. As a matter of fact (and come to think of it now) I think it WAS you that noted ‘how many of the the 95% (losers)’ have actually put in the time and effort on that other thread (which as I noted both there and here is something that never occurred to me before).

Put it this way: it doesn’t matter WHO posted stats for these or any other EAs I STILL wouldn’t buy them until I myself had tested them.

Alright: I think it’s time for me to now become a ‘lurker’ on this thread as opposed to a contributor!!! LOL!!! That said: I’m definitely getting the popcorn out for THIS one!!! LOL!!!



Well, stats wouldn’t convince me either…thou i would just like to hear pros and cons from others…but…LIVE, REAL TIME trading calls here WOULD convince me. lets see the winners, and the losers…lets see how well it works in real time, in such a way that cannot be forged or faked or photoshopped or whatever.

say “go long, XXX/YYY, at price 1.ZZZZ. Stop here, target here.” etc. do that for 3 months…show 'em what u got, and i’m sure THOUSANDS will flock to buy it. myself included.

Oh, and Dale… I AM restraining myself :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, I agree with you Jay, on being tired of seeing the same hyped up websites about some obscure piece of software promising Midas riches … the current one on BP being this one here: an EA making 4.8 million out of 1000 bucks within 18 months … right, and then sell it for 247 dollars, with a 30-days money back guarantee. Makes sense, lmao.

I’m not very much into EAs anyway, at least not the trading kind; I do use an EA which allows me to place OCO orders within any distance of market price I choose, regardless of the broker’s specs.
But I wouldn’t allow a few lines of code to trade my money.

Just yesterday, I told my PC to use its own money if it wanted to trade. :smiley:

I think it’s pretty obvious why EA makers don’t want to forward-test with an audience.
I also think that if an EA is that good, why waste time and effort trying to market it?
If a software makes me 500 pips every week, I’ll just use it to make a million bucks a month, eventually. I surely won’t waste time trying to sell it for a few hundred dollars apiece.

And regarding USD 1,600 per month for the EAs offered in this thread: that’s just ridiculous. It would be expensive as a one-time purchase price, as a monthly fee it isn’t worth more than a grin.
