Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

Yes, come on Banker, this would be ridiculously cool to see you start a thread with fxbook. Not being sarcastic at all. I would love to see this.

Woooooooooooooooo bub…

Let’s get facts straight here. Before you start puffing up like you some how stuck me in a corner and you looked like you drove the beast away… I in fact said get a head start. I meant it when I told you and Jezz both… as you would need it.

I am doing the live bit regardless of who wants to measure themselves against it. The challege is my own… not against anyone in particular. So with all due respect… if it was anyone dragging their feet here… Banker it was and is… Banker928.

Dragging feet… lol as if. :35:

Title it… [B]Technically ICT Called Me Out… Here Is My Fundamental Response[/B].

I will subscribe immediately. :57:

This is your chance to provide substance to your posts and opinions. Otherwise… anything you say beyond this post is pointless now isn’t it?

Who said… “Let’s start this tomorrow”… I did.

Who said… “Nah, I can’t… I’m waiting 3 more months”… You did.

Who drug their feet…?

You are the one who turned it into a challenge by asking me and jezzode to post our myfxbooks… That was your prerogative …

And I am not here to chase anyone away… I’m here to point out the forum is seriously lacking emphasis on a MAJOR component of trading.

So you are declining I take it?

In case you haven’t noticed… I have been busy with other tasks and I told you get the ball rolling. If you seen my recent videos and market analysis and you second thought it… I can respect that. However, standing on the point I politely then told you I would gladly take your offer up in the new year… and now trying to make it appear I was unwilling altogether?

Simply say yes Michael I would be interested in doing it. If not… I and everyone reading understand. I am not trying to be obtuse or rude… but I did accept your offer and my calendar tells me you should have taken the previous weeks to pad yourself out…

Simply put… yes or no? I am a busy man today. :wink:

Your chance to have me a part of your challenge past when you said “no… I’m waiting 3 months”.

Ill watch yours with interest, just as you’ll watch mine if I post mine down the road… But as far as a head to head competition… You blew that chance.

Again… Three months ago I said “yes” you said “no”… You declined. End of story.

:slight_smile: thanks… I understand.

GLGT :57:

Didn’t know drugs could be used in one’s feet :wink:

Heroine is commonly injected in toes.

Hmm … would’nt try that with some of our heroines here.

Definition of HEROINE

A mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero,

what you actually stated was that you believe the rules of the banker should apply to bankers and non-bankers alike, and i think it’s deeply misleading to be thinking this way. if you’re not a market maker then you want to operate like one? anyways 'm not going to argue with success that’s one thing i’ll not do, so if you’re a happy trading the news like the market maker then you need not be on a mission to convert. though it does seem to me you’re simply seeking reassurance in number of opinions, but that will not make an opinion into a fact.

as for having clues on price, hope, guess, fakeouts and the rest of the presumptions in there, it’s just that, your presumptions. They will not make someone else’s trading any better or worse. in the meantime Merry Christmas! and be well

blew the chance? you gotta be kidding. 'm going to have drink now, lol

Hi Peterma,

This is totally unrelated to this thread but I wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas.

The island of Ireland will have a damp one this year. But I hope it is nonetheless safe and enjoyable for you.

Take care,


Thank you Padraic,

Strangely, you were in my thoughts this evening, I happened to be thinking of our patron saint, do’nt know why, and was googling information about him, and came onto ‘The Lorica of Patrick’, or in english - ‘the deer’s cry’

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity
Through belief in the threeness
Through confession of the Oneness
Towards the creator.

I was going to save it for tomorrow morning, Christmas eve, to wish everyone on this site a happy and holy Christmas and a prosperous new year,

Once again buíochas.

If you don’t want to learn about tools available that pros use then don’t lol… :slight_smile: I don’t blame you, learning the basics of macro economics and keeping up to date with the information that moves price is overwhelming to retail chartists.

You are presuming that what I’m saying is just presumptions…


Can someone help me. I hear a lot about how great ICT his tools are, but I can’t find any information showing that, other than what ICT says and probably trade setups you guys identified with those tools. But is it indeed better performing than other systems? Has somebody taken the time to find that out? I am curious.

For example, I noticed that a couple of the tools weren’t performing properly anymore. But that can be because I applied them incorrectly (followed the video). But perhaps you guys have better results.

Would be a waste of that person’s time if that post cannot be found anymore…:S

Thanks a million!

Happy Xmas and a very profitable 2013!

I think you are contradicting yourself: ICT is giving us information on how to use his forex tools, NOT a system. That’s for you to piece one together. When you say “a couple of tools weren’t performing properly anymore” … That’s probably you using them incorrectly. Think of this as a recipe to make a cake. We’re given the ingredients and the recipe BUT its up to us to bake the cake. Some may burn it, some may make it inedible, but a few may come out with some gems!:59:

Aahhh… So they just individual trade setups and it is not said that you should take them all to make success. I thought that his ‘system’ was that when you trade the patterns, you would follow his system and reach the same performance.

I understand! Are there any rules when not to apply them?

I think I may applied them correctly [they are not difficult to setup], but as they should not be traded all the time the net result is negative as some of the tools have been underperforming in the last months. And there is no data on the successrate of the ‘Tools’?

So if you follow his material you still miss the essential ‘bit’, namely when to apply and not apply the individual tools?

That clears up a lot… Thanks!

presumptions? okay, so you are the kind of person who…

has to win something, no matter how insignificant the win.
dispenses advice all day and people don’t listen.
extends challenges he can’t sustain.
and mainly finds himself in the business of talking.

these are all presumptions because i don’t know you personally, except for what you have already generously shared. though there’s no need for anything more. and if you were to stop and think for a second, you’d realize this isn’t an argument you can win until you come around on that sort of ‘blew the chance’ silliness and show you actually know what you’re talking about.

I didn’t extend the challenge… ICT challenged me. I accepted upon condition we start right away, he declined. He was the one who wanted the challenge, hence he blew his chance for me accepting… You don’t know what you are talking about.