Let's Say thanks to ICT for his Dedication to educating us!

As far as I know, he accepted on the condition that [B]he[/B] will begin his account in the new year while you were free to begin at any time you wanted and he was perfectly happy to give you a head start. Condescending yes, but I don’t think he declined the challenge altogether.

Yes… That is the accurate story. My condition was that we start at the same time, and I was unwilling to wait 3 months.

hahahahaha “I so totally would have crushed ICT’s results 3 months ago but now you all missed the opportunity to see it”

I know you understand what everyone’s saying and your just trying to get around it , but I’m here to remind you again… HE NEVER SAID WAIT THREE MONTHS. So I still don’t get how you can say “I was unwilling to wait 3 months” ???

here ya go…

…so whats the excuse gonna be now? Let me guess, you were gonna embarrass him so badly you didnt want the “3 month lead” , am I right?

Fact: I said I would start the challenge in October if ICT would too… I told him that

Fact: Upon me stating the above, ICT said he was going to wait until January… Saying I could start now for “a head start”. rolls eyes

Make whatever you want from from that… You can go back through however many posts you want… You will never find one where I implied I would crush anyone… DO NOT put quotes around something implying I said it Bones…

He said he would start in January… Three months from when he challenged me… Not something I was interested in waiting for… Interpret that however you want.

Am I the only one that could give a rip about this pissing contest? There’s no sense in talking about it. You will either put up your numbers or you won’t. The same is true of ICT.

A challenge is stupid. And to challenge someone in this is even more so. It’s fueled by ego and no one will come out looking good.

yeah you’re right, you’re right. He wanted you to wait three months, I can’t find any evidence to prove otherwise:33: :33: :33:

I just don’t get it, why do you keep talking about this wait ??? There was no wait for you

I don’t care about the competition or whatever you want to call it, i’ve just noticed the pro trader banker has been on the forums talkin a lot of stuff recently and its getting annoying even to someone like me who doesnt post much

I wasn’t the one who brought this up… Read the discussion… Someone else asked about it two pages ago… I was merrily talking about fundamentals and made no reference to it on this thread prior.

I get that your a fan of ICT and are annoyed because I’m bringing a different perspective. It’s ok :slight_smile: just keep your attacks factual. All I am doing is pointing out a different set of tools available that most on here seem to largely ignore. You probably missed that part of this discussion because apparently you only read a few posts before going on the rampage… Lol

Don’t worry I’m done posting to the thread… Back to its original purpose of showering ICT with gratitude and adoration :wink:

Also, don’t the guys have any account statements? I would have expected that myfxbooks.com links would fly by every day.

Especially with egos that challenge each other and or accept challenges.

Anyway, I want to believe ICT is a good trader, but you still can’t copy his performance if you follow his material. I understand the rules are lacking when no longer to apply trade setups. So it is all up to his judgement whether to apply a tool or not. This cannot be copied when we don’t pick his brain. So the whole thing wouldn’t proof a thing.


Just leave it. Why getting in all to this work. He is going to proof his stuff anyway (he promised). Just run your own fxbook and compare in a couple of months. The guys will shoot down every trade setup you have while the contest last. If his performance is poor, there will be enough startting traders challenge that anyway.

And as I understand, ICT will start his separation by the end of March anyway. Now I type Separation. That reminds me of a post regarding a scammer.

You can ignore a user if need be.

If you’re struggling why don’t you post a chart and ask for help in the Pro Traders thread. Believe it or not there are some good people over there who are “happy” to help in a non condescending way.

Usually though the people struggling are the ones who have tried to shortcut the process.

Start at the original thread and work through. Yes there’s a lot of material (which is good in my opinion) to work through and nothing in life is easy.

The tools work in different environments.

What also annoys me is the constant request for people to post my FXbooks. Why is it anyone’s concern if someone is profitable anyway. Try the method yourself and if it is working carry on with it. If its not ask for help and try to understand why it is not working. If its still not working after that find another concept / system to work with.

Would any one post there bank statements?

This isn’t aimed at just you either before its taken personally it is just a general reply.

I’ll bet a few of the more senior members have learnt a thing or two via ICT to incorporate in their own already successful systems too.

A few more hours till the Christmas Eve here, with lights and children singing, and like the olympians we may rest the differences for a while… wishing all traders Merry Christmas and let 2013 be happy, healthy and the most profitable year yet!

Second that!

Merry Christmas everyone.

How the hell did I annoy you??? I just asked something because I didn’t get it and shared my thoughts. Go and leave me alone. Djeez, just trying to under stand the ‘system’ here. Now I understand that there is no system. Done deal.

I am not asking about the setups, I was asking about how they interrelate. I don’t need someone here to set up a trade… The videos are quite clear about that. I just backed down not to offend someone, but apperently I was not succesful in that.

And about the FXBook -> They all seems eager to shows who has the bigger one. So I am surprised that that still has to start and expected to see som fxbooks flying by. I didn’t ask for an fxbook.

And more senior? Been trading for 6 years and earning my living with it for three years now.

Am gonna enjoy Xmas, good luck to you with being annoyed about someone asking a question…:slight_smile:

First point: if a method is applied and stated to work then there should be proof. So a trader stating he is trading a method should have proof it works. Would you learn martial arts from a guy who had no certificates and no belts? Would you go to a doctor who had no qualifications? Would you take your computer to be fixed by someone who had never had any track record of fixing computers? Yet you would trust your $1000s to a stranger with no proof? I thought people learned their lesson from eremarkets (who taught his supply/demand strategy yet lost 90% of his account in 4 months). Who trades eremarkets style now?

Second point: bank statments are not really the point here. We are talking about trading, not how much money we have. Bank statements have expenditure/income unrelated to trading (stating the obvious). You could have had an expensive divorce, child support, or you might have a job (gosh). Doesn’t have any relation to trading.

This is a TRADING FORUM. And if you say that you have a method that works, then it should be evident over the LONG TERM. The best way to show this is via myfxbook. mt4i or fxstat. Anyone can post up a chart or a single trade, but trading is not about a single trade, so a single trade is meaningless when talking about a method.

The problem on the forum is that a lot of people are in denial. Do you guys recall waterscalming? He was convinced that he had a winning method and ended up in $100 000+ debt from credit cards. He kept on believing that his method works and claimed that it was just emotions that lost him money. A public myfxbook could tell him a different story. Although there are few waterscalming types here, there are types here on a smaller scale. Lots of people claim profits that they haven’t made. The other day I was talking to someone on the chatroom who claimed he had a method and that he made 200% in 3 months. I asked for a myfxbook, then he posted one. He then admitted it was someone elses and that he hadn’t made any money at all. I also spoke to someone who had been trading for 6 months and claimed that he was ‘breaking even.’ On further probing I asked, and in fact, he had not broken even, he was ‘hoping to break even’ ie: he was at a loss. That’s two examples from many.

Whats the point of this long post? Traders are frequently in denial of their profits and losses and success. A myfxbook cuts through all that denial and ego and gets to the point. Does the system work? Am I profitable? What can I do better? What am I doing wrong? Can I scale my trading to a bigger account? Should I trade Fridays? Should I trade holidays? Should I trade the asian session? Do I overtrade? All of this answered within seconds with the myfxbook. You can’t get the answers to the above with a chart.

You didn’t annoy me, I thought I was pretty clear on that with the following line:

“This isn’t aimed at just you either before its taken personally it is just a general reply”

So not sure how you took offence to that. I was being genuine in saying if there was something in particular on the ICT thread you wanted more information on, then to ask there.

Again I’m not sure what rattled you in my comments, no offence was intended so I’m sorry you took it that way.

It was the: What [B]also annoys[/B] me is the constant request for people to post my FXbooks.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

So it not only annoyed you what was mentioned above, but also about requests about myfxbooks. As I didn’t make such a request I gave as little time reading your post, as you probably did reading mine.

I hope you feel better now… Gonna do some programming now.

OK, so when you go to your martial arts class, the doctors or even the computer shop do you ask for the qualifications / certificate before you go into dialogue. I would say on average people don’t.

People may be a bit private about putting there account size on myfxbook for personal reasons the same way you wouldn’t put your bank statements on there. My money is my business and no one else’s. For example if I had over £1m I wouldn’t want anyone I didn’t know to have this information about me for security reasons. Although I don’t have £1m - that’s still a Pipedream for me.

The point I am trying to make is, when I look at other peoples strategies / concepts I apply them and if they make sense / money then I’ll continue the process. If they don’t or I can’t understand them I will move on.

That is only point I try to make here, I don’t know why people are seeing that as offensive.

I can now see a little of the benefits about myfxbook but only for a personal reason to me and my own records. Anyone who loses over £100,000 or wants to believe they are profitable when they are not are deserving of being parted with there money as there is a fundamental flaw with there trading style.

So going back to earlier if I took my computer to a shop and they made the problem worse I would not go there again. If I was going to martial arts classes and I was learning nothing I would change my tutor and even worse than that if I went to the doctors and his diagnosis and subsequent prescription did not make me feel any better I would request a new doctor and possibly a new surgery.

Cool - enjoy :slight_smile: