LinoKoch trades his way to riches

I wrote the code quite a while ago that produces a dynamic dark web page that can be used for viewing my trading account.

That’s what I plan to use to show my account stats and you know what could be done if I didn’t want to show my trades while trades are open I would just have it create an account that says my previous information it just would show the information from before the most recent trades were opened anyways.

Do you like to cuddle?

Don’t know what the hell you are up to, don’t care anymore at this point. One moment you speak of a meet-up, the other moment some code.

Do whatever you guys wish. Couldn’t care less.


Just post your trades. Keep going. Don’t fall off the train.

We need you man don’t quit now.

I’ll be over on Instagram checking out the scammers if you need me.

The drama never ends in this forum :hear_no_evil: Demo, live, he blows his account, blah blah… who cares? Its his own saga. So far he haven’t attempted to sell anything to anyone, so why accuse him unless if you feel threatened by potential competion :rofl: :rofl:
And as for you Mr “Rags to Riches”, why try so hard to justify your own personal space up to an extent of giving away your critical info? What are you so desperate for? Let them bash you and continue making you money. Be kind to send them some to pay their internet bill so they can continue watching you killing it.

Throwing insults from the left, right and center is so childish. FYI, winning arguments in baby-pips does not make you win trades in the real market. :man_shrugging:
What are you teaching the new traders who are here to learn from you the supposedly experienced?

Growing old is inevitable but growing up is a choice.


Mr rags to riches is actually the vice president of a high net worth investment department of a major financial advisement firm and he’s a fairly intelligent guy and if I had to say so I just say that I really kind of like him.

He has expressed his desire to establish a trading fund and his trading is rather remarkable.

I enjoy conducting due diligence.

LinoKoch Update? I thought you would continue posting so that the naysayers could shut up once you reach your goal :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:
Don’t tell me you chickened out because of the criticism… You surely don’t wanna give them that satisfaction

Don’t bother baiting, I won’t fall for it.

Journaling here is like a doctor in a mental hospital.

Whatever you mean by baiting, I dont think thats what I am up to.
I will take it you mean that you not gonna continue journaling here.

I didn’t even know he was gone. I figured maybe he was just taking a time out.

I think what needs to be done so that we can fully exercise total transparency is we need to regularly like once every week or two weeks a group a panel needs to have access to the investor password and not for 2 minutes thank you very much.

Due diligence is a very serious affair.

Surely we wouldn’t want to deceive people.

But I don’t have time for due diligence works right now, because I’m busy adding two functions to my trading bot, the slurp() and the spit() functions.

Right now we should be busy preparing for the new trading week.

You kidding me! Lino Koch has actually left? What happened to making a million? A few of us where really enjoying the journal! So what if some are jealous of your success, ignore them, in fact don’t even entertain them with a reply when they are pushing your buttons, you know your worth no need to prove it to anyone. Anyway come back, it’s one month today since you started and I was looking forward to see where you’re at after a month!