
What is the difference between MarketMaker and ECN? :confused:

~question for LiteForex representatives :slight_smile:

they are here to answer questions :stuck_out_tongue:

you can go and check out any school you like. ok I made that mistake. now what? is it common for people on this forum to humiliate newcomers? all of you must be having fun with your witty posts and questions

Dear MattW2009,
Perhaps you are right and it would be a good solution. But instead we have Agreement on Quoting System and Transactions Procedure. I thought it is enough.

very said that you screwed your first trades. Perhaps you can now just open a long position on EUR/USD from 1.500, I think this would be not the peak as dollar loosing investors interest again

I am also new in this forum (though I’ve spent more than a year playing forex) and I am looking for some training materials to learn more about it. A lot of materials in the internet is simply trash. It is very pity but I don’t have enough time (I have to work) and I don’t want to waste it. Can anyone kindly tell me if this school of pipsology is worth reading?

I would consider such a user agreement to be ‘a clear disclaimer’ provided users are at some point forced to accept it before joining - I believe this is the approach most brokers take. It is then the responsibility of the user to read this document and if they fail to heed it they then cannot come to a forum and suggest that somehow it is ‘all the brokers fault’ that they made a mistake. If they do then choose to come to a forum and make such claims they may then deserve some chiding from regular posters.

The schools of pipsology is most definitely worth reading. It is a great [B]starting point[/B]. However you will need to spend hundreds of hours reading in order to learn all that is required. After the school take a look through some of the longer threads on this forum, including older ones going back to 2007. Read some books (I haven’t but there are good ones out there).

Also, take a look at other forex websites out there such as investopedia and other forex forums that have more active threads - you will find there is a lot to learn!

Thank you, MattW2009! Seems I will have to start reading a lot :).
What is investopedia? Is it bigger or better in any other way than babypips? What is the most popular forex site (I live in Russia and I know only Russian local resources)?

Investopedia is like an encylcopedia of investment terms. They also have many articles on there about financial markets, investment and trading. - Your Source For Investing Education.

I don’t know popularity statistics and to some extent it’s personal taste. As you read more certain sites will pop up and you’ll stick with the ones that you like.

Thank you very much again!

Well that’s just advertising.

yes just advertising , nothing else from liteforex lol lol

No. I’m not humilating you :slight_smile: I’m just sharing you some tips :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: Of course you can do whatever you like. Good luck with your trading! :slight_smile:

Babypips’ school is indeed a good start to learn forex. :slight_smile:

Trading in the Zone is one popular book :slight_smile:

you’re incorrect when saying that nothing else from LiteForex… I’ve worked with them and have nothing to accuse them of, i’ve also learned that the key to success is your strategy.
And I don’t know what’s so wrong about that press release about that exhibition LiteForex participated in (why it was deleted?) - that’s a good piece of information, it means that company is trying to stay in touch with its clients
I also do not understand why their representative was banned - they just could send him a notification, after all the analysis he posted was quite interesting

OMG, eur is 1.5100 now. why have I got myself into this? this game is not for me, i wanna quit. who knows what i must do now - buy or wait?

You can now wait till dollar goes up, but it might take some time, cuz euro is strengthening now due to some changes in EU, good economic data from the Country (now it’s a country almost in all respects)
If are so disappointed with what’s happening just close the position

Dear Irochka19,
First of all, I would like to tell you that nobody is going to humiliate or patronize you for everyone was a novice once. But you must understand that trading involves risk of loss and may not be suitable for some persons. To be a success in any field demands learning and hard work. I suggest you stop trading and get some preparation work done.
As for your current situation if I were you I would close this trade and consider this few hundred dollars that you lost as your payment for future success. Because now your so-called trading is very close to lottery.

Shuvalov, no more analytics since today?
Maybe traders could post it here themselves?