Looking for an archive of ICT's babypips posts


I am looking for an archive of ICT’s posts from BabyPips from 2010. I know that the threads are still here, but they have some messages missing. I tried using the archive org but [for*] two days and I tried everything possible but some messages are irreversibly lost.

For example I am looking for the “Running your own numbers and why” message from the original [What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know] thread.

Please reply here [Removed due to a forum policy violation]

If posts are missing, that’s most likely the result of transferring our community away from vBulletin to our new platform Discourse, or because ICT deleted them. We did our best during the migration to keep topics, replies, and attachments, but it definitely wasn’t 100% successful. Formatting of posts was lost at some level, but the bulk of the content moved over successfully.

There was a period of time where he and others, as a form of protest, would delete entire threads or all activity from their account, when disagreements with the mod team or other community members arose.

If you can’t find the posts here, you’ll need to find off-site archives or thread dumps, which may or may not exist, unfortunately.


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Thanks for the response. I spent three days scouring the internet for any kind of babypips thread backups or something like that but unfortunately I couldn’t find anything. It’s a big shame that this one post was lost and the collection of the first ever ICT posts will never be complete. Anyway, I kind of gave up on it. If there will ever be someone who still happens to have that one single post after 15 years. Please, let me know. Thank you.

Closest I could find, but I think what you want is deleted.

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His YT stuff doesn’t cover what you’re looking for?

Thank you for the posts you shared, but I already have these. The one I’m missing is: ‘Post #401 - Running your own numbers and why — DELETED,’ and it’s driving me insane.

Knowing I have 9 out of 10 but this one is gone feels like an itch I can’t scratch—or worse, like a puzzle with a missing piece right in the center.

It’s probably not crucial in terms of trading execution or strategy, but for me, it’s about personal collection and preservation. This was part of the very first original thread where InnerCircleTrader engaged with the forex community under this name—it’s a piece of history.

I know it might seem a bit weird, but having the entire thread intact, without anything missing, was important to me.

But thank you for trying to help—I really appreciate it.

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Why bother? ICT is a scam Michael Huddleston, the founder, continually makes a fool of himself in International competitions like the Robins Cup.


Well, it depends how you look at it, and how you define “scam,” I suppose.

I’ve been rude about Huddleston often enough in the past to be willing to comment, occasionally, that if you look at the actual content of what he’s “teaching” (and make allowances for the reality that he loves taking age-old concepts and “adopting” them as “ICT material”, nearly always without acknowledging or accrediting the sources), there really are very many far worse things around.

In fact most of what’s around online is probably worse, really.

My own opinion is that the problems with Huddleston (and there are many, some of them serious) mostly emanate from his personality and behaviour, rather than from the content of what he actually teaches. And that’s perhaps been especially true of his behaviour in forums.

Anyway, people “collect” all sorts of stuff, don’t they?

I admit that every time I see the words “ICT” mentioned here, my instinctive reaction is “Oh God, not still more Huddleston spam?” (I blame him for that, not myself, given his own admissions that he’s widely used multiple forum identities to promote his business). But I don’t imagine that’s what’s happening here. This thread’s probably genuine? (And it was interesting enough to read @Pipstradamus 's post above!).


Hi @FollowLiquidity

You may check the following threads, perhaps you could find what you need here, or use the BP search bar with the keyword “Inner Circle Trader”.

Best of luck to you.

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I haven’t watched many YouTubers but there is a good one and seems to be thoroughly recomended by Tom Hougaard ‘Iman Trading’ perhaps worth a look?


Lol. I wasn’t looking to debate whether ICT is a scam or not. It’s funny how people go out of their way to make sure no one thinks otherwise. I just wanted the posts, that’s it. If you don’t have them, just move along—respectfully.

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Agree here.

He’s got a big personality. It rubs a lot of people the wrong way. Bu there’s enough there that I’ve looked at his stuff a lot over the years. And I think if you can find even one thing that helps your trading, that’s a plus.


I don’t think anyone imagined you were?

But it’s a forum with (at least relatively) free speech allowed, and you don’t “own” a thread because you started it, and there isn’t a way to prevent people slightly changing the subject, and the forum would be a worse place if there were.

That’s one way of putting it, I guess. A very tactful way. :grin:


I mean he can come off as a big jerk and full of himself. And then at times he’s the complete opposite. It’s definitely a roller coaster.

Don’t want to derail the thread though. Use his concepts at your own risk, like everything else.


Thank you for reminding me that I don’t own the thread SchamltzHerring. Thank you also for informing me how a forum works.

Best regards.

It’s your thread, you started it. Do with it what you want! ha!