Losers Anonymous

the closest I would ever do would be “PictureInPicture”

I’ve never known so many threads need this treatment. It’s kind of depressing.

Just be glad there is someone there to administer the treatment at all!

Maybe the bigger lesson here is to practise the discipline to stop feeding them…then there’d be nothing to clean up. Time to boycott the loser threads!

I’m losing track of who the losers are, to be honest.

These threads draw in a very specific crowd, if you haven’t noticed yet. Some feel like they need to “defend” their turf, and still others just like to be part of something.

There’s no room left on that podium once you place all my aliases up there! hahaha

Yeah, & let me re-quote a passage from my last contribution that pretty much sums up & separates life’s real winners from the likes of you.

6 years of your life spent with your head in the clouds, burning your hard earned wages on a pipe dream & your final ignominy is to stagger around here illuminating your failure, embarrassing yourself & amplifying the nonsense that you contributed on here.

Yet another example of the gullible character types that bounce around here kicking up the dust only to fall face first into it when the realization finally hits them they’ve fallen for all the hype again

Oh, well there you go…banned again!

I guess he’s got to do something to relieve the monotony & frustration of his minimum wage drudge.

Mirroring the character traits of his mentor isn’t exactly the best use of his time, but then he’s never struck me as the intelligent type.

I forgot just how bad this forum is… Ah well, that was the reminder I needed.

I’m sure that is something you would recommend to folks. Just to be clear though my posting on this thread was to ascertain weather or not the OP was a profitable trader.

I was asking for proof and constantly questioning because as you can probably appreciate as ex law enforcement, questioning what people claim is a good way of identifying liars. People who dodge questions, change stories and cannot back up what they say with any sort of proof are generally lying.

As was the case with OP, he failed to answer any specific questions, failed to provide proof of being a successful trader and was in the end again a liar. (Sock puppet account of AK3.)

So I offer the advice to every newbie that comes here to always question peoples claims.

Okay, I appreciate that, sorry if I mistook your post.

I’d just still want to verify stuff independently before changing too much off the back of it - there are some complete clowns on here, anonymity breeds it.

But you’re right - during interview training we were told that it is all about the ‘provable lie’ - catch them in a contradiction, or saying something that we know from other sources to be untrue. It works disappointingly often, which is why the prisons are filling up with all the low level crooks.

Got to say, though, should Akeakamai/AK3/JCP/Aaron/etc turn up again (as he says he will, he must be seriously bored/starved of attention) I hope I spot him early so I can just tune him out.

Lol - sad but true.

His behavior is hardly a ringing endorsement for his guru is it.
Then again, copying the sock puppet part is entirely in character…

2 or 3 years of enthusiastic hero worship & drum banging & all he has to show for it is a big fat debit in his trading account, the burning embers of several scorched identities & a burgeoning reputation as the forum clown.

Way to go.

Is it just me or did the original topic get trashed and we started to talk about something else? Or is is the same and I missed something, then again there have been so many responses that I may be the only one off-track here.

It was a comedy thread made by Akeakamai under a post-ban alt. He’s now banned again under both his new two (AK3 and JohnCP) so there isn’t really a sensible thread here, any more. Indeed, there never was!

Ok, thanks for clarifying it ST. Makes sense. I guess some people really don’t have a live.

Hey John Carpenter, I have not seen your post about your loss. I thought you would be the first to do that. I like this idea because many people only talk about their profit, but when you calculate their loss and their profit, you’ll find out that they are big losers. If you lost 100$ yesterday and you gained 50$ today, is that a win or loss.