Losers Anonymous

Funny people talk about no jobs. Last year the factory I work for went through 350 people. Most of them quit. The year before 470 people. Most of them quit. You can find work. I do think some areas are worse than others but I’m betting a big majority of people just don’t want to work. You can scrap metal and make a pretty good amount of money. Buying and selling on eBay I’ve had luck with. I will say its easier if you have a little extra cash tho.

Yes I see what you mean, and I understand it at a very personal level. The only answer, and I’m not saying it won’t be difficult, is to learn to truly appreciate what you have [B]currently[/B].

Which is why I suggested the finding of a new job. Alright, the money would be less, but it is possible that even with less money, you will still find a higher level of appreciation for your life. And given that the alternate involves more time with your family, I find it hard to believe that that wouldn’t lead to the highest level of happiness for you.

Once you have attained the highest level of satisfaction, you would hopefully minimize the impatience you are injecting into your trading, and start to see it for what it really is… a business that will lead you to wealth, given ample time.

One Love, y’all


That’s a bit of a catch 22 situation. To enjoy what we have currently, we need the income we have currently.

My youngest daughter ice skates at competition level. Lessons for that alone (6 days a week) takes up one eighth of my weekly wage. The house we have, the car we drive, the activities my kids do, all come because of a certain level of income. An income that I know I can make, but to make it means I’m not there when they are doing what they do.

The thing therefore that upsets me most about the bad trading decisions I make, believe it or not, is NOT a financial loss, it’s the loss of future time with them.

Sounds crazy and mixed up I guess, but money isn’t the driving factor, time is.

I guess it’s just me and you now John.

I was giving everyone a break and keeping the madness below 5/10, but it’s time to “kick it up a notch” and go for broke here!

I wonder what God will do if he catches you sneaking back on here after he told you to leave? :33:

He would probably punish me by making me trade Demo accounts for the rest of my life

I am sorry for you Aaron, losing your life savings in the FX by following blindly a marketer like ICT is tough enough.

Or maybe make you actually “go broke”! ([I]or get banned[/I]) :wink:

I really don’t deserve your sympathy. Young and stupid don’t mix well with 5-digit accounts :wink:

Again this was my fault, I should’ve reset my IP before making the new account! Won’t make that mistake next time, that’s for sure :slight_smile:

Not even sock puppeteering was taught correctly by ICT :30:

Oh well, they left me with this name. For now. Guess it doesn’t really matter… A rose by any other name…

Lol makes sense. Why I saw a little ICT in you John…and the blunt approach that I enjoy lol.

The most suprising part was how pretty much everyone (even the Professional trolls like double6, shawowline, Alttab, etc.) just totally bought into it. It made me think that they are just making it up too!

and for the record, I wasn’t lying… I was ACTING

Wow, a whole FIVE DIGITS!?!?!? Where in the world did you find SO MUCH MONEY!!!???

I thought that the GDP of all of earth was $9,998.42 and you found EVEN MORE???

Next time maybe use Pipnocchio …lol :55:

Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes

I find trading forum usernames with “Pip” worked into it really corny actually

So I guess Pipcorn would be out too then huh…