Losers Anonymous

I think what this forum deprives you retail folks of is the ability to talk openly about your losses. You got a bunch of thrill-junkies on here posting how often and how much they are winning, and it’s just not the real picture.

I feel bad for you guys/gals losin your shirts, but at least now you got a place to complain about it… and that is here! Free of charge :23:

Looking at the moves in the Yen pairs… I know there’s more than a few traders out there that took some hits on the chin. Speak up, you’ll feel better afterwards. you can be assured I’m impartial… I never trade Yen pairs!

Also I’m afraid I have to enforce a single and very important Rule… DO NOT POST YOUR WINS, EVEN IF IT’S PART OF YOUR “REDEMPTION” STORY

Have at it:

Sounds like you want to laugh at people who are worse off than you. I suggest the orphanage or veterans centre as places you might enjoy.

You first :wink:

Haha, you guys are proving to me what I thought all along… you need each other, but you fear each other too! I have no problem talking about my losses, I do it all the time at work, it’s what we do :wink:

But you guys don’t have that outlet, this is a genuine service to the retail crowd, if you can’t see it then it just shows the toxicity that exists in your own mind! One Love, y’all!

Hey that’s great you can talk about your losses with people you work with and know…happy for you. Like I said, you first…now go ahead and tell a bunch of strangers about your losses.

I had a losing trade today on the eurjpy pair,lost about 60 pips (£4). Bit annoying, but what can you do about it aye :slight_smile:

Just for the credibility of the thread… how do you feel after sharing your loss on this thread?

Thanks for being the first!

i don’t think there is anything wrong with admitting that i have losing trades (its all a part of trading) hmm i don’t really feel anything after sharing.

Is it in any way shameful/embarrassing? I think that’s what some(many?) people on this forum fear…

No, i don’t feel any negative emotion in sharing that side of my trading results, its just as important as my winning trade. Because with each losing trade increases my chances of a winning trade. how about your self, any losing trade lately?

Yes, Tuesday I shorted the EU pair mid-NY session and lost 23 pips! Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

…and how did that make you feel?

[QUOTE=“Sweet Pip;477282”]

…and how did that make you feel?[/QUOTE]

…and was it embarrassing?

I felt a little foolish to be honest, it wasn’t a great setup, but I was confident that I would win the trade (as I do with all my trades until the market shows me otherwise, haha)

i dont think you should feel foolish, its all apart of the game

I appreciate your concern, but there’s a big difference between feeling a little foolish and feeling ashamed of yourself. My risk was in check, and my trade management discipline was perfect, so nothing to worry about. Now if I had doubled-up on the next trade out of “revenge” well then I would definitely feel ashamed about that. But you should to be honest, that is a grave mistake in this industry

So John, what company/bank do you work for? Or if you’re not willing to share that much, what system do you use to enter trades at work? And what’s your position/title?


Haha my question relates to the “input” system you use, not your trading system. You work as “professional” trader so you should know that right?

N.B. thanks for blocking me off the thread for asking a question, says a lot about you…

I operate on a simple support/resistance technical framework, utilizing a HH/HL or LH/LL momemtum (trend) filter. There are specific times of day I look for setups, and a myriad of other very common technical tools that I use to reduce risk. I match this up with daily range potentials to ensure there is sufficient potential reward to justify the risk taken. I am purely a discretionary trader.

My title at the firm is “Junior Trader” and I am currently allotted 10% of the fund’s pooled assets.

Thank-you for respecting my privacy, as I am contractually obligated not to release information beyond what I have just shared with you.

I was really hoping this discussion could distance itself from me and what I do, and move to discussion of Trading losses.

Don’t be shy… we all lose!

I learnt from ICT so I never lose… :21:

I noticed from the “Pro Trader’s Club” thread that you are short EU at 1.3075. What is the Stop on that trade?