Losers Anonymous

Yep you were exactly right with your prediction in the other thread. What’s your thinking?

I’ve only been trading live for 2 months and in that time my account has gone up about 12% and now all the way back down to about -2%. Definitely still finding my way.

I’m guessing that when your account is positive, you feel successful? and when your account is negative you feel like you are failing?

Basically you have a bucket with a hole in the bottom. It doesn’t matter how full you get that bucket… it will still be empty by the time you get it home! Get smart and plug the hole before you fill it with water :slight_smile:

I assume you’re trying to be helpful and not just here to mock people. But your last post will be true for pretty much every beginning trader won’t it? So I’m not sure what else I need to do to “get smart” apart from get the experience. And try not to lose too much money in the process…

Seems like you are having fun pointing out retail traders weakness. Why don’t you help instead?


Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


All I am saying is that if you have nothing stopping you from losing 14% of your account “by chance” then you will never get anywhere. There is some emotional flaw or gross lack of risk control that goes into losing 14% of your account.

How sure are you that that is even possible?

Maybe you are already doing it…in your way! :slight_smile:

Well, do your best! :wink:

Don’t think I haven’t noticed the aggressive tones I’ve been receiving since I came here. I take it in stride and remain positive, and say what I think needs to be said.

Meanwhile… the entities phsyically responsible for taking your money (retail brokers) are pasted all over the website, and in between our posts, all without a word of protest!

This truly is a funny place :slight_smile:

Genuine question: what do you get out of this thread? I’m interested.

Not much currently, but if it were used for its intended purpose, my interest would be in gaining satisfaction from seeing aspiring traders shed their fear of loss (and the self-imposed shame that it comes with) and thus greatly accelerating their learning curve.

And who are they going to protest to exactly?

You’ve already alluded to the fact this place isn’t here for the primary benefit of the participants in one of your previous submissions.
It’s a privately run forum & they attract revenue by selling advertizing space to retail brokers.
Their whole marketing pitch is aimed at the beginner or novice end of the retail scale.
So it makes perfect sense those types of brokers will be offered exposure here as they are the only access points into the market for the vast majority of the customer base.

The brokers have a captive audience, the site owners receive a steady income flow & the members gobble up the offerings because they’re restricted to those brokers due to capital availability & experience.

Identify your customer’s needs & sell them the most appropriate product to satisfy that need.
It’s not like they’re prime candidates for institutional accounts is it.

It’s the same deal with all the seminar, dvd courses & trading/psychology paraphanalia.
Who do you suppose are prime candidates for all that junk? :slight_smile:

Boycotting the website would be a form of protest.

I guess the problem is these folks don’t know what they don’t know. The ecosystem of the retail trading forum is quite strange indeed. I’m beginning to learn that many “traders” here value the validation from their peers (other retailers) over acquiring sound and profitable trading knowledge…

Like hobos defending a cart-full of soda cans, haha! believe me guys… I don’t want your cans :23:

I know what you’re saying but a lot of people learn a lot from babypips and the forums and other users. Where is someone just starting to trade meant to go and find “sound trading knowledge”? I don’t think it’s that easy

In theory, it could be an excellent resource.

Problem #1 we discussed… the inherent conflict of interest between the new trader and the site owners. They want you to think you know what you’re doing right away, and then go clicking and depositing at the closest retail shop.

Problem #2 is more subtle, and more dangerous. The people that do come here, and STAY here , seem to do so mainly to talk talk talk about themselves. And of course, what do they talk about? Their wins, their winning strategy, their winning ideas. So then the next wave of new traders jumps on the forums and sees these talk-happy ego-junkies and thinks "hey I gotta be winning all the time and trading all the time, otherwise I’m not a winner like that Guy on the trading forum!"
And of course, like clockwork, their unrealistic expectations directly cause their accounts to go bust via excessive risk-taking. Problem #2 is WHY I made this thread, but everyone’s ego is so wrapped up in this forum, they can’t stand the fact that someone with real knowledge is calling them out, and threatening their fantasy land where they get to feed their ego and pretend they are the expert!

I think you’ll find most of them are far too heavily invested one way or another to consider that option. Plus of course they’ve got no choice but to open an account with one of the advertized brokers anyway, so I guess it doesn’t much matter whether they access that broker here, or via another portal.

Again, there’s really no other choice in places like this.
Genuine contributors don’t generally hang around too long over & above a basic flirtation & those who do possess anything worthwhile aren’t going to waste their valuable time banging their heads against a brick wall on here.

That leaves the ego maniacs, story tellers & jawboners free to hold court & lead everyone a merry dance.
Which generally concludes with a chaotic exit & much confusion, wailing & bleeting from their assembled audience.
If you take the time to casually peruse some of the recent content, you’ll see what I mean.

One thing it’s not short on, is entertainment!

Let me just see if I understand all of this from information you yourself have freely given. Please feel free to point out any part that I’ve got wrong.

You are a junior trader with a financial institution. You are allowed to trade 10% of their funds and you’re here to try and free us from embarrassment, shame or emotional attachment to our trading losses. Does that about sum it up so far??

Couple of points then, assuming the above is correct.

  1. You trade SOMEBODY ELSE’S money, not yours. Personally I would have no problem in emotionally detatching myself from losing somebody else’s money.

  2. Your impeccable money management that you so modestly bragged about recently ISN’T a product of your fantastic trading discipline. That’s a product of your bosses telling you that they’ll smack your little arse if you dare step out of line and lose any more than a maximum limit THEY gave YOU on any one trade.

  3. As a trader with a financial institution you have access to some of the best forex trading training around. I would imagine that before they let you loose with THEIR 10% you were given some, or a lot, of that training. And THEN you tell us that you felt no shame or embarrassment as you lost 23 pips the other day on an EU short which, in your own words, “WASN’T A GREAT SET UP.”

I think you’re right, you SHOULDN’T be embarrassed by that, you should be fu**in humiliated.

And you’re acting like the be all and know all of trading to people are putting their own money on the line and trying to share that experience in a community like this?

I refer you to part of one of your previous posts…

Boy you got that right !!!

Damn, I feel like I travelled to Beijing and you’re the first guy that’s speaking English! Thanks for further clarifying this environment to me :slight_smile:

It’s not that I think any of what you’re saying is wrong. I just don’t really understand how this thread is helping. You’re asking people to share their losses and then acting like everyone here is stupid for even trying to trade. I would happily share my losses all day long because I have nothing to lose and might even be lucky enough to get some decent comments from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

But then again, if I was trading full time and was successful from it I probably wouldn’t be around this place unless I was bored and had a genuine desire to try and help out some new guys. However, there are, without a doubt, at least a handful of users here who I’m 99.9% certain know what they’re talking about and I would take their advice.

You just need to know who to listen to in this place!

My responses:

  1. I do trade OPM, but I also have an account that is 100% my money. It’s just one of the perks of the firm I work for, we can use the firm’s resources to our own benefit. Also, when you start at our firm, you start and LEARN with your own money. They don’t pony a free ride to any cowboy that walks in the door, there is an Ante, and the Minimum is $20,000. They give you the rules that will protect your capital right off the bat, but if you are a thrill-junkie you WILL lose all your money, and you are out the door (and they could care less).

  2. Our risk managers don’t give a damn what we risk on our own accounts, they only enforce the loss cut-offs for the pooled money. Are you upset that we conduct a sound business that doesn’t allow thrill-junkies to lose investor’s money and thus bankrupt the firm?

  3. The vast majority of the training was focused on RISK CONTROL. The actual technical frameworks and minor technical tools we learned were in fact a very short part of the training program. They actually encourage you to seek out your own patterns and tweaks on the tools, given that you follow the core framework (which is really nothing new or amazing, and can even be found on this website, I checked)

I’m acting like I know how to make money, because I do. I’m not ashamed of that, and to be honest, in my circle, it’s really not that impressive. I come here, and suddenly everyone thinks I’m “bragging”. Sorry it’s not bragging, this is just my Job!!

Indeed, it is pretty bad luck.