Losers Anonymous

I’m glad you had the $20k spare to buy your way into the training club. And that they then gave you the “rules” which protected your capital “right off the bat.”

You may find though that most people in here don’t have a spare $20k and therefore jlin places like this to try and learn yhose “right off the bat” rules for theselves.

So far you’ve classed yourself as some-one with “real” knowledge and some-one who knows how to make money, which incidentally is no more impressive to us, the great uneducated rabble, than it is to “your circle” all of whom I assume also had a spare $20k to buy their way into the club.

For all the real knowledge you claim to possess, you’ve parted with precious little of it in your long list of esteemed posts. And the why should you? After all, didn’t cost you $20k? When then should you freely give it away to the “cowboys” found here-in?

Well if you don’t, what’s your point in being here? I mean you already knlw it all, so you’re not here for education.

Maybe you’ve come to save our souls? Sorry then… but there was a guy crucified over 2000 years ago who still to this day fills that role for a lot of us.

So what IS your point here JCP? Because so far, other than to mock those who haven’t got enough money to buy the education you bought, I just can’t see it.

Hey HoG

While I agree that this guy’s tone has been a little, erm… ‘patronising’ at times, he has raised a valid point…

I have to admit that this is one of the prime reasons I don’t come here very often these days, let alone post. Occasionally something of value pops up (I quite like some of the stuff in Chris Capre’s thread), but other than that, it seems to be wall-to-wall BS.

I certainly wouldn’t post trade entry ideas. The reason? Well, this week I’ve closed out five longish term trades (one’s been running for five weeks). Three lost money, two were winners. But they’ve yielded a 3.8% profit in total. Now, if i was posting entries and got three out of five wrong, I’d soon be branded as hopeless amongst all of these massively successful winners we have in here. Get my point?

I read a few of your most recent posts “Home of Golf” and it seems you’re more interested in Golf than getting your trading career off the ground. If you can’t be focused, motivated, and ready to put in the hours (however dull and boring) then trading will probably never help you attain significant wealth. Gotta get your priorities in order, dude

I actually like the idea of having a thread about admitting mistakes. I’ve learnt a lot more from my losing trades than from my winners.

John’s tone has been quite high and mighty but he did make some valid points here as well as on MG99’s thread (which got censored because of the ruckus they raised lol).

Sorry I don’t…who are these massively successful winners we have in here?

Yes there is a lot of BS in here…we are fresh meat for scammers. Some scammers are obvious. Some take awhile to show it, and those are the ones that I feel sets everyone back because they seem genuine enough to spend a lot of time learning from…then we have to unlearn it if it’s not too late :(.

may i ask what this framework is? or at least in which thread(s) it can be found? or is it even in the babypips school section?

As a favor to you and the forum, I will list the key building blocks that go into the core framework, but I will NOT put it together for you… as that would undermine your ability to develop as an independent, discretionary trader. (trust me)

  1. Multiple time-frame perspective

  2. Support/Resistance (think historical reaction levels/zones)
    *includes psychological S/R at “round” numbers on the price grid ie. 1.3000

  3. HH/HL and LH/LL trend definition

  4. Optimal order flow synchronization (fancy way of saying major market opens/closes)

  5. Daily range potential

and let me repeat… these are the pieces of the CORE. Once you build your core framework (on your own), then you can start equipping your additional technical gizmos and other goodies from your bag of tricks :slight_smile:

As a Disclaimer: This might as well be a big pile of dog sh*t if you don’t utilize sound risk control measures AT ALL TIMES

sounds good, nothing new. thanks for the confirmation :wink:

As promised :wink:

He is referring to the technical templates threads.

To semi quote or paraphrase someone from a recent chat… " Moving averages and even bollocks bands work when combined with [B]Higher time frame analysis, Trend analysis, Support / Resistance, and Price Action[/B]"

Even the villified ICT had something right when the first thing he said to do is top down analysis… how many of you do that?

I don’t think he realizes he’s referring to that thread…or that it even exists…lol. Problem is there is lots of threads with that info in them (like the TT thread)…but he’s just dissing everything and everyone on this forum. Sure there exists what he claims, but there are good quality threads here too…even ones that include discussing the losses and how it felt.

I don’t know why these “pro traders” have to be so arrogant about it.

Would you give us an example of this core framework? May be with a live trade… Thanks.

I erased my last post as it was too far off topic… so today’s results one loss because that’s what you want to hear about and two wins because that’s what us noobs like to brag about. I didn’t really feel anything about it. I just analyzed it. I need to work on my entries and exits.

It’s not quite so aggressive these days, but that type of attitude is pretty commonplace within intensely competitive environments such as successful trading pods, & I don’t mean these tame little arcade shops either, I’m referring to the bank & fund desks.

It’s not an excuse, nor does it make it acceptable, it’s simply inherent in this industry & a common trait, especially amongst the 20 percenters who bring in the majority of the revenue.

Neither is it exclusive to the high octane trading world either.
You’ll experience similar behavior traits in a lot of other aggressive & competitive result driven business environments.

It attracts the personality types that these business models are reliant upon to ensure they remain profitable & competitive. You won’t even make it past the initial meet & greet stage to 1st interview unless they can spot that hunger & competitive streak.

It’s not arrogance it’s culture shock. They think the common analytical framework is difficult to put together (it’s not) and they think being responsible for 6-digit sums makes it more exciting (it doesn’t)

I don’t know what you’re basing that on. We don’t think the framework is difficult to put together…it’s just more difficult to execute profitably…and many of the longer term members here aren’t excited about earning 6-digit sums…they’re more excited just to be able to be consistent at successfully executing their frameworks.

We have a lot of hurdles compared to those of you who can afford to get fast-tracked into the biz and are sheilded from the scammers and opporunists who make things more complicated so you need to buy their courses to unlock the secrets. This is the real world.

Some might argue that what I do is in fact “the real world” of trading, lol

To be honest, I don’t know why some of you guys&gals don’t perfect your execution with sound risk control for about 6 months, then hit up the local savings&loan shop for a Loan, maybe $10,000 or something, then you could likely be trading for a living within 2-3 years following that.

Anyone that’s been grinding it out for more than 3-4 years isn’t really taking this very seriously IMO

I didn’t say it was the real world of trading…I said it’s the real world of where to learn it for the rest of us who don’t have the access to ivy league training as the likes of you.

Your opinion is worth squat… try working a full time job as a single parent and figure all this out on your own part time…WOW are you ever out of touch! Hit up the local savings & loans for $10k…HA HA…you funny guy.

Okay… if it’s so difficult and stressful to learn, why do you do it? It’s not like you see people trying to learn to be surgeons over the internet. Why don’t you just respect the professional world of trading and admit to yourself that maybe it’s not a viable quest to conquer during your spare time.

I’m not stressed, I enjoy it…it’ll just take a little longer part time that’s all. You’re the one coming in here all shocked and bothered by what you see…why do you stay? Why don’t you just respect that we are trying. We are open to help, just not the high & mighty condenscending attitude.