Losers Anonymous

Just for the sake of clarity, more so to clarify it to me, if anyone actually DID go through this rigorous qualification process, and prove themselves worthy and capable of successfully trading, why wouldn’t they chose to trade their own money instead of making the majority of the pile for someone else?

That would be the famous “Can they make it through an entire Justin Beiber Cd without attempting suicide?” test. The majority don’t make it passed the first “baby”.

Those that do, are usually left scarred emotionally in some way.

Home of Golf I think we are alot alike. I would guess a lot of others here as well. Jump around from trade to trade method to method idea to idea. Never giving a one time to actually come to fruition. I don’t even do it because of losses I do it because of the excitement I would say.

LOL, that may well be the very mass behaviour the big boys prey on Iya. I probably do it more because I’ve always tended to be an “instant success” type of person. If it don’t work first time it’s history. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, just means i’m very impatient

I would consider myself at the perfect median between these 2 groups, LOL
But I would have to say you nailed the evolving landscape at the prop desks!

Now that I have 50 posts, it appears I have been gifted the ability to put links in my post! This gives me the opportunity to properly explain a misconception that came up:

I do not paint cars (Thanks to Clint Eastwood for that quip), but in fact, the “Carpainter” name is a reference to a video game I played as a wee lad. Read up on the link, and you might just learn why it is such an apt handle for navigating the world of retail trading forums :slight_smile:

Mr. Carpainter - WikiBound

(But don’t worry, the John part is the real deal!)

[B][I]“Paula then gives Ness the Franklin Badge”[/I][/B]

I’m terrified to ask what that is…but I’m sure we call it something quite different in Glasgow !!

Keep in mind this game was made by the Japanese… and we all know how kinky they can get, lol

I’m sure if there are folks that are profitable they won’t care what I believe or don’t believe. You give a good explanation of what you believe there and it’s reasonable and certainly possible. I still have never seen evidence of a successful forex trader though.

Now we’re getting somewhere :wink:

You guys are starting to make me very proud

One more Negative Nancy comment from you, and you’ll be voted off the island :wink:

Just a question woolo, it’s not intended to be cheeky in any way, I’m just genuinely interested to know the answer. Your last couple of posts on this thread have laid out your lack of belief that it is possible for the “little guys” to be consistently profitable in forex trading.

So if that really is your honest belief, why are you here? I don’t mean that to be confrontational, cheeky or insulting in the slightest, just wonder why you do it if you don’t believe it can be done

Was she in the game too? :10:

The problem John, is we know our problems. We just don’t do anything about them. Why? Because we don’t want it bad enough. Would be my answer. How does your thread help? Is there some kind of motivation technique you know? Or is it hey you guys need to shape up or shop out?

He is either a winning trader that is intentionally causing disruption, or he is a losing trader with no hope and a bruised&battered ego.

That is what logic dictates anyways.

So you know why you don’t make money, and yet you keep on doing it? And you wonder why we professionals look down on you guys? Seriously?


So you know why you don’t make money, and yet you keep on doing it? And you wonder why we professionals look down on you guys? Seriously?

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

I never said I cared lol. I’m a very not giving a “naughty word” person. Maybe just maybe the pieces will fall into place. Maybe one day ill get the motivation. But like Nike says. Just do it. At least I’ve identified the problem. My last post was just a question what do you have to offer? Besides pointing out the obvious problems we all have. I like your posts a lot. It’s how I am blunt. No sense on sugar coating things.

Not entirely sure I agree with that Iya, well not all of it anyway.

I think the fault of a lot of people is impatience. They start their trading in the morning, with what may well be a good system, but if they’re not a millionaire by the end of the day, they abandon what obviously must be a terrible system and go looking for another one, rather than giving the good one time to do what it can.

We live in an instant world now. Instant coffee, instant success, instant gratification, we want it and we want it now. As I’ve said before, maybe the rush to get there is the very thing that stops you from getting there at all.

Well damn IyaJenkei, I thought identifying why retail traders fail at trading was a pretty worthwhile accomplishment for my 1st week on the forum, lol

Guess I’ll have to spend a few days in my secret laboratory concocting new and exciting ways to motivate the retailer brain!

[QUOTE=“The Home Of Golf;478064”]

Not entirely sure I agree with that Iya, well not all of it anyway.

I think the fault of a lot of people is impatience. They start their trading in the morning, with what may well be a good system, but if they’re not a millionaire by the end of the day, they abandon what obviously must be a terrible system and go looking for another one, rather than giving the good one time to do what it can.

We live in an instant world now. Instant coffee, instant success, instant gratification, we want it and we want it now. As I’ve said before, maybe the rush to get there is the very thing that stops you from getting there at all.[/QUOTE]

That’s how I think about everything. If you want something bad enough you’ll spend the time, the money, and do the work it takes to get what you want.