Losers Anonymous

Uhm…how long have you been trading man. Between your username and attitude i assume you are 25 and probably have only been trading for a year, two max. You don’t even mention following news events or any macro economic concepts whatsoever when describing your trading framework, no professional trader dealing with a firms money neglects that.

You don’t happen to drive a yellow Porsche do you? :wink:

Been trading 4 years. Of course I follow all the economic/political events that do or could have a direct impact on the markets I trade. People were grilling me about my technical framework though, so that’s what I was dishing out.

No I don’t drive a Porsche (of any color).

God has informed me via my dreams (as He usually does) that it is now time to stop posting on this forum. I won’t fuss with the details, because when the Big Guy tells you to do something you don’t ask for the details!

So as quickly as I came… I will be leaving! Goodbye babypips forum :slight_smile:

(to Sweet Pip: me and my daughter will still be back to see those pictures of Puuurseus as he grows up! I promised to show her, and a father does not break a promise to his daughter!! btw that is the cutest kitten-name I have ever come across :slight_smile: )

Good grief.

Racking up 87 posts in 2-3 days is quite impressive.

It is some small sort of an accomplishment, I suppose.

Many will probably laugh - heck, I used to be the biggest laugher of all, now I have learned, very much to my benefit, not connected to trading, forex or money, that such things that you speak of in this post are not to be laughed at.

John, whoever, I wish you well in the future :slight_smile:

Well to be honest, i am also a trader who keeps an eye on the events that are going on in the global arena as they have a widespread effect on many currency pairs and not just the one in which country they happen :smiley:

No offence taken golf, I am here to see if it is possible! Although my motivations are irrelevant really.

I still have never seen a profitable retail trader who can obtain a reliable string of wins to grow an account indefinitely. A lot of people claim to be doing it but all I have ever seen in hearsay.

I’m sure I will be Carpenter!
I would like to assure you that my questioning was a form of enquiry with no emotional content despite my admittedly rude/critical first post in this thread which I apologise for any offence given.

I still however have not seen any reason or proof to support the multiple commenters here yourself included of their success at being consistently profitable as is claimed. So no reason to believe that the information provided is of any worth to the people who come here to seek aid on the “Newbie Island”.

What do you gain personally, from other people giving you proof that they are indeed profitable?

I don’t know what I have to gain, neither is it relevant to the point that I still have not seen any reason or proof to support the notion of your or any other profitability.

It is relevant to your development as a trader, which I would hope is your highest priority.

I’m sure you believe it should be. Still I require proof for your or others claims. Hopefully I have made that point clear enough for you now.

you “require” proof? What authority do you have to require anything? I’m pretty sure I have the right to post here, whether I have met your requirements or not.

He dont have the authority to require anything nor do I but a question is a question and this is a place of questions is it not? So I repeat his question. As somehow I dont believe you are the original AK or you have been brain washed. Dont go to sleep tonight in case you have a dream.

Sorry, what was the question again?

post 132 proof or no proof? I quoted your response try to keep up

I’m sorry but I’m kinda lost here. I want to make sure I know what I’m answering before I answer it.

I am sure you have the right to post here, I also understand your question of authority however for now let us focus on the one point you have raised issue with and not change the subject.

As said before I personally require evidence to back up peoples claims, my point is that in order to present a valid and believable argument proof is required. Questioning your claims is an opportunity for you to offer proof in support of what you say, questioning is an excellent tool in ascertaining if one is telling the truth or not. I hope that further clarifies why I ask for proof.