Luminous Déjà vu

live trade lets watch and see

live trade

Hi austine4life,

Nice charts, mate.
I see you look at more currency pairs. I should do the same and I will I think. I look forward to see your results.

Best Regards

There is an update of my trade

As you can see it turned against me so from +55 changed to -50. But I did not exited and trail stopped it because I want my analysis to be proven good or wrong without doing anything. Either TP or SL will hit.

eurusd currently +52
eurjpy currently +27
usdjpj currently -1

eurusd currently +52
eurjpy currently +27
usdjpj currently +2

Congrats to you austine4life :slight_smile:

usdjpy is too crazy for me, I stay away from it.

So here is a “newborn baby” of my big trade. I hope I will get my answers from the market tomorrow.

Trade well


the trend is up trend, why did u short?

I sold on LH… SL hit for the small trade. It went +40 then turned back while I slept.

Now its making new high…

My big stopped out. What I count as 5th wave, was a 5th wave of higher degree 3 wave. My divergence read was wrong.

Hi pandras
dnt let this nice thread to die

Hello Everyone,

I’m one of Lumi’s student. I used to call him Neo though, hehe…

Actually I was good with DJV but I screwed it up. I kept changing a lot of systems because I could not accept any losses. I was trying to find a 100% strategy. I wasted Neo’s effort & time for teaching me but I did not stick with Dejavu.(I’m sorry Neo) I was going backwards. But now I realized the market move in waves no matter what system you’re using. Support & Resistance form on waves, yes?duhh I was a fooled trying to find a holy grail…

Anyway this is my recent setup of DJV on EUR/USD H1

Don’t get distracted with the stochastic. I’m not going to trigger my trade based on stoch crossing. Neo had once taught me by looking at divergence as a potential change of trend. But please don’t misunderstand, I’m not changing DJV system. Just stick to HH,HL,LH,LL is more than good enough. Trust your eyes


Hello Azim,

What does help you to determine tops&bottoms?

I hope this helps. I’m not good in explaining, lol

It does. Which TFs do you use, Azim?


post #28 earlier in this thread made me thinking and I then decided to create simple spreadsheet. This is with regards to the 10pips a day strategy.

Supposed that in a hypothetical situation that one starts off with an account of 100USD, uses 0.10USD per lot and aims for only 10pips a day. after winning 10 pips a day for 100 trading days, the balance eventually doubles and reaches up to 200USD. Then what one can do is instead of using 1 lot, use 2 lots instead i.e. 0.20. At the end of trading day number 150, after playing again the same 10pips a day strategy, balance is now 300 USD… And number of lots can then be increased to 3 lots. Day number 185… balance reaches 400USD.

Okay, then that is DEFINITELY such a long time to gain 300USD in what is essentially half a year of trading.

However, using the drag and copy power of that is Excel, eventually after day 521, the balance in the account is big enough (10000USD) to trade 100 lots… ie 10USD. And with a strategy of 10pips a day… that’s an easy 100USD per day.

I tried to humour myself and instead of targeting 10 pips a day, change that to 20 pips a day and see what happens. from an initial account of 100USD to double that at a balance of 200USD, that takes 50 trading days… and after consistently using the 20 pips a day strategy, after trading for 261 days that balance will eventually grow to the 10000USD mark.

Just to see a bit of sensitivity of that size of 1 lot, see the picture below.

i guess, how the dejavu system fits into all this is the fact that 10 to 20pips a day is consistently (70 to 80%?) achievable. but it does take a lot of patience… and commitment.

Glad u found that out by yourself.

Luminous thought me the power of compounding and using an excel chart also.

The idea is not to put in 100K in to the market but invest a small sum and compound that.

That is how i learned how to make money on the market.

If you have $100 and you are risking a reasonable amount what your account can bear without damages it to much is like 1-2-3% then you can trade 0.01 lot if your stop loss is 10-20 or 30 pips. That is very rare on hourly and even 15 min chart.