Luminous Déjà vu

Look clearly petefader, I went short with a reason and I have mentioned somewhere here the reason WHY…all you need to do is to READ…its clear…the price could not go up and some pair making new LH…thas why I went short…and yesterday was easy trade…only 1 direction…DOWN…and since I sell the price are now dropping for hundreds of pips…DONT YOU SEE MY DECISION WAS RIGHT??? Don’t worry…don’t get frustrated…keep learning…hehehe

Clearly, this is an amusing thread. I am no expert at all, but if I were to start a thread like this, I think I would be clearly stating the rules, as so many other have done … on their first page, then backed up their systems with ongoing commentary and assistance for those who want to try the system out.
This guy, in my opinion, seeks grandeur. Why else have the Luminous fx with absolutely no system published here, no real results, and obvious quoting from other sources with correct grammar, then trying to explain or have a go at others in broken or poor english.
Yes, I did read the thread from front to back, but out of amusement. Clearly, people are smarter and Luminous fx’s following has died a natural death. I think most of his following was from his other accounts anyway.

No, I am not smart in the way that I have learned my own system, however I have gone through Babypips and done some more reading. I have also studies others systems and found a few that I am comfortable with and studying them as much as I can, along with helping any others that ask questions, so they can enjoy the journer into forex as I am.

Lastly, I must say a big thankyou to those I have followed and continue to do so, they will have seen me commenting on their threads as I have learned, but I will honestly be happy when other threads like this one do not proliferate as it does temporarily distract those who genuinely want to learn.

Anyways, great system posted here … hang on, it wasn’t!!!

hahahaha… well… tht true… it sounds fake … n i think it might be fake… but wht i like about this thread or this limu guy is… wht ever he mentioned in the begining is correct, im not talkin about system… but the human behaviour… anyhow… if we r not interested int his thread we shudnt be posting here…
but OUT OF AMUSEMENT we all post here…

Sounded like it was out of a Psychology manual - which is very useful for fx trading. But anybody can copy and paste stuff to appear intelligent… Then they open their mouth :slight_smile:
What was his system by the way???

somthin to do witht he wick low n up… n placing the s.l below the lower wick in up trend… somthin somthin… lol see previous posts…
anyhow… im very amazed to see how people r curious about HIS system but yet criticising him … n LUM or NEO is such a thick skin he post few days n then disapears… n then again start posting…

HEY TUASS r u a real time trader or just a newbie??? wht t.f (time frame not WTF… lol…) or strategies u follow???

Hi MrPippps,
I am only new to this and don’t profess to be anything but. Been looking at fx for about a year, but still trading demo. Playing with the 5 minute TF at the moment. At the moment, looking at scalping strategies. The thing I am honing in on though, before using real money is discipline and not “accidentally” making mistakes. ie I made a trade last week and set the stop loss incorrectly. Got a bit dislexic with typing in the numbers and got some the wrong way around. Came out well, but could have been the other way around. Lesson - get it right first time and double check for good measure.

I have not seen one strategy in the posts on this thread, just common psychological statements that anyone can copy.

TASSIE, discipline is the key in anyones success. especially in forex if u wanna make money in forex u ve to treat it as a business like any other business or 9 to 5 job.
i ve been trading for the past 3 yrs n 2 yrs on the live account, n so far so gud, its really fine n really filthy money, but we all shold have a plan before a trade, a trading strategy tht we should follow n a well tested system.
trading on demo is easy, coz it doesnt ive u the real feel of loosing on earning morney, but once u start a real account even ur real account is just 500$ it will give u the real feeling of pain or joy of ur loss or wins.
i previously use to use, indicators like MAz, MACD, stoch n RSI, along with P.P and FIB n T.L
but just recently i ve changed my strategy, i started diggin into gartleys n butterflies, n im amazed to see how incredible they r, extreamly nice n powerful.
i ve never seens such a great tool ever in fx with u can actully look through the future P.A. but everythin requires practice n patience .
i hope it make sense to u…
gud luck…
~ MR PIPs~

First of all…God bless u…If u r not interested u better watch other thread…I dont know whats ur problem…

Listen, u r doing demo now…its NOT VALID…u can make profit now but soon when u trade real account u will see different environment n thats why my HUMAN NATURE is important for NEW TRADER like u…

U looking for rules like others??? If u reading my posts I clearly explained my way of teaching is different from others…n u cant see my rules??? Page 69 I explained how to see ur SL and TP…n give some examples…Then page 71 I was talking about the entry…all rules are there…again …u just need to read it…

Result??? no worries u will see it soon…

Just to be clear here…I’m not a beggar…I’m not seeking for followers…n never will…I’m here to share…so if u think its not good for u, u can leave…no worries…

I’m busy trading…n my weekend is for my family…im not disapearing but im here to share n of course i need feed back…i’ve posted my system…TP, SL n entry…so what else?? yes…im waiting for question…no question mean members understand it or members not interested…no worries…i will keep posting…:stuck_out_tongue:

thts gud u r giving time to ur family…
HEY I JUST REALISE ur n my typing style is same, LOL LOL LOL!! but we r two different people lol. now i kno why people think im also in fact U haha… LIMU i m really amazed to kno tht people don like U but they come here n criticise u or ur system which is really amazing for me.
anyhow… keep commin ur posts so tht we kno u have not run away…
as far as ur system is concern… IS IT REALLY A SYSTEM? i think every trader who has lil bit of common sence knos wht u r saying n its somthin tht happens in front of our eyes, anyhow no harm in reading ur posts…
why i come here is a question…?? lol everytime somone post anythin in this forum i get email. so i just click on tht n im here LOLs… n 2ndly i cant post my charts untill i don post 20 postss so thts another reason im here… lol… increasing my posts at the same time not really defending but saying wht i feel about U NEO LUMI.
keep posting …
gud luck to all…
~~ MR PIPs~~

how can I post pictures properly? Because I live test this system and wanna show…

Hi Lumi,
I’ve 2 questions for u.
The first one technical and the secondary more personal:

  1. how did you determine what is a real new HH (LL) and what isnt?

  2. Where are u come from? “Déjà vu” sounds frenchies (it would say “ever seen” for ppl who dont understand it)

I use photobucket…

Hi Remjie,

Thanks for ur questions…

  1. I dont get u here… HH is the highest price while LL is the lowest price…but if u talking about LH, its the the new high price after HH (meaning its lower than HH) while HL is the new low price after LL (meaning higher than LL)…hope it answer ur question…

  2. I will tell where I come from soon…but im not french…I chose Déjà vu because it really suit my system…yes u r rite…its “ever seen” n it will keep doing it…we realise it but we ignore it…

Hi, I have been trading forex for three or so years now.

I got introduced to forex by chance back then.

Forex looked very profitable so I decided to give it a try.

I tried all kinds of systems and indicators. Profitable for a week or so then it was all losses. Killed so many demo accounts.

That was until a bunch of newbies that I met on places like Facebook introduced me to Luminous. They said there was this trader who conducted free trading classes.

The first lessons were on Paltalk. The first system he thought me was using SMA200 called Luminous Basic.

I was among the few who stuck out till the end. Most dropped out because everyone was looking for the holy grail and wanted to be profitable and millionaires by end of the week I guess.

It took me two years. I kept in touch with him on Yahoo Messenger. I always had questions and kept learning.

By the time I was done, I not only learned how to pick entries, I also learned how to pick Stop Loss, how to use a money management chart and most importantly, he thought me how to use compounding factor to really grow your account by taking the same amount of risk and targeting the same number of pips per trade.

The above might be simple things for an experienced trader like most of you guys here at Babypips. But for a new beginner, these were revelations. Today I sometimes ask myself why didnt I think of that, but it took an experienced trader to teach me. I dont think I would have discovered half of what I know if I didnt have a guiding hand.

While the intentions of more senior members at all forums who come out and scrutinize a thread in order to protect the quality of the forum and the newbies from falling to the thousands of quack traders out there who make money from selling systems are noble indeed, most of the time we are quick to jump the gun. It has almost become a medieval witch hunt.

It then quickly descends to name calling and dismissals. I think collectively we will all be better off to approach things in a more optimistic attitude. After all in my case, the optimism and the believe that Forex can be very profitable is what got me to where I am today in regards to being a profitable trader.

These days, I take an average of 3 or 4 trades per week with a profit range of 40 to 100 pips per trade. When I started I use to take up to 20 trades per day and not make any pips or money. I am now working on a personal goal of hitting 30 trades end on end without having a single loss.

That is my next personal goal in trading.

He didnt charge me a cent. There might be those who are critical and cynical of him, including those who dropped out from my batch. But if you ask me, how many experienced traders who are out there teach you for free and guide you till you make it?

If he is slow in letting out all he knows then be it. No one is forcing anyone else to try his approach to making a buck from the market. After all, we all went from one system to another before eventually settling with one that we are comfortable with.

With all the above being said, I wish the newbies good luck in trading.

If you feel like chatting about trading,you can find me online on Yahoo Messenger (Nikitafx at most weekdays from 9am GMT + 8 to about 3 am GMT + 8.

Keep up the good work Luminous.

Happy Piping to all.

There is nothing of value here, just hot air and silly usage of fibs. You joined BP just to defend this guy and are now about to get an infraction for soliciation. No, nothing seems fishy here lol.

*I’ve spent way to much time on BP today. :eek:

There is nothing of value here, just hot air and silly usage of fibs. You joined BP just to defend this guy and are now about to get an infraction for soliciation. No, nothing seems fishy here lol.

Babypips was the first forum where I started reading about forex. Baby pips was where I tried some of my first indicators. Babypips was where I got to know about the different classes of indicators. Babypips was where I kept coming back when the other forums became too heavy and technical for a newbie when I started out.

I maybe new to posting on this forum, but I have been a babypips reader for along long time.

He wants to call it Dejavu, good on him. Oome call it with a different term or name. Retracement, bias, market movement, rejection from resistance, break out, breaking trendlines. I think Ill call it “price dropped”. Its the same thing.

The indicator including fibo is just a method of entering a trade. A method of picking a valid SL. A reason for buying or selling.

You still need to be able to see where things are going. That is where things get complicated. That is where you need practice.

All newbies at one point, me included, thought that Indicators were a magic tool that is going to tell you what is going to happen next. Its not. That is why people keep skipping from one system to the other when it does not give them intended results.

He uses Fibo on this system. I used SMAs, another one of his systems that I find very suitable for my style of trading. The entry price was around the same. The direction of the trade was still the same. The end result was still the same. The price still hit the TP level.

Say what we may, AU still netted me 76 pips in the last 6 hours. My TP was still at 1.05100. I think his Dejavu or what other named System did deliver for a Monday morning trade.

If it suits a trader then good for him/her.

If there are areas that we dont understand, then try to ask more questions.

But it never serves a purpose to those who are trying to learn and those who are trying to teach by wasting thread space by being cynical, dismissal, provoking, name calling, taking babypips to be their own, oh I have been here longer so I know better holier than thou attitude, being so mystical about trading. That has never served any purpose, and it never will.

End of the day, such posts does not help anyone who is trying to learn, be it a newbie or a veteran member.

I for one believe post counts just show that a person is very interested in talking.

Nothing more.


Happy pipping.

i love this but only at times. can you tell us at what times you prefer to use this. also are you EST

Let me show examples on MY SILLY WAY OF USING FIBO as stated by PETEFADER (FX-Men Honorary Member)…

EU 1HR trade 30th June 2011



EU 1HR trade 1st July 2011