Luminous Déjà vu

GU 4HR trade 30th June 2011



Still holding my GU…

To PETEFADER … u just need to stop watching this thread since I’m sure u r not reading… and To babypips ADMIN, I wonder if ur forum rules is still valid??

[I]“Disagreements are allowed. Flaming is not. Blatant attacks on any trader are grounds to have you BANNED from the forum. Also, inappropriate language or subject matter will not be tolerated. That includes foul language, or content of a sexual or discriminatory nature.”[/I]

…coz I don’t think the word SILLY is an appropriate language and PETEFADER, ur FX-Men Honorary Member, just used it n keep attacking this thread…hehehe

I’m sure I’m not bumping coz I can prove the system works and I’m not selling anything here…peace… :7:

I usually apply it on ASIA, EURO n USD session…but mostly work well on EUR n USD session…but late USD session is my sleeping time here n I wont trade after 12 midnight in my place (GMT +8)… so meaning it doesnt matter where you are…Dont worry if you cant see any valid setup coz there is more to come…cheers

EURUSD 1hr chart… 2nd Deja vu setup for today…

SL hit…

Another new entry…

If you r following this thread, you can see my GBPUSD 4HR entry posted on post #121 and 2 entries for EURUSD 1HR posted on post #123. My 1st entry on EURUSD hit SL but then the rest hit my TP…

I lost 20 pips on EURUSD 1HR then I got 80+ pips from GBPUSD and another 60+ pips from my 2nd entry on EURUSD 1HR…

Peace :53: …

Hello Lum,

Most people underestimate the value of the first posts about human nature. As I 200% share your vision of trading, it’s a great occasion to make a first post here on BP.

One of the main problems of many traders, as you highlighted before, is that they want to make as many pips as possible. This sounds crazy to me.
As you said, to make $100 you can go for 100 pips @ $1/pip or you can go for 10 pips @ $10/pip.
Is it easier to take 10 pips or 100 pips from the market? For me it’s a lot easier to take 10pips on a regular basis than 100.
The problem is most people feel insulted by the market if they only take 10 pips out of a 80 pips move for example. They think they deserve more than that. That’s where the problem lies.

[B]Problem n°2 is people always try to be right! [/B]
The market moves in an erratic and unpredicatble way. Almost anything can happen. So how can someone be right in those market conditions? I personnaly don’t care to be right when I engage a trade. I only care about recognizing precise market conditions - or patterns - that over a large series of trade have a high probability of success. The goal is to be profitable at the end not to be right.

Lum is right, any system can make you rich. The sytem you pick up is totally irrelevant. They’ll all make money. Specialize in trading one market behavior that’s really enough.

This is only a probability game. All systems or patterns do have an edge. This edge will make you money over a large series of trades. The only thing you don’t know is the distribution between the winners and the losers. That’s why many people jump from a system to another. (And that’s also why MM is important.)
We usually aren’t patient enough to go over large series of trades to conclude about the profitability of a system.

I had the intention to start a thread about this type of thinking and sharing my results. Contrary to Lum, i wouldn’t post the system i am using as it is completely irrevelant. Any system can make you wealthy. But when I see reactions of people not seeing value in the firsts posts of the thread and only wanting a system i must admit it discouraged me litte bit… :wink:

Happy trading to all

Thanks Pinkmojito… I dont care what the members think…I just keep posting…coz I have nothing to lose…

What happen when price move beyond our TP or 100 fibo level ?

…and if you hold this trade n hoping it to go higher than 100 fibo level, what will you do when u see the price move down as shown on the chart above?

…No need to answer it…just ask urself… :stuck_out_tongue: cheers

yo lum, you’re still around?

i wanted to use fibo but niki told me not to :stuck_out_tongue: so meanwhile i’m sticking to her pure price action for dummies. i take her as my mentor that makes you my grand mentor i guess :18:

anyway, never mind those so called honorary members. just continue on. you’re a good guy with good system and good intention. i don’t want what happened in kreslik here. that was such a waste.

these honorary members are nothing but witch hunters with honored titles and emblems which they don’t even deserve. all these actually remind me of those medieval stories of honored and noble knights having fun killing innocent people by branding witchcraft on them. while actually those people have been helping peasants and small folks. the same folks that actually have been ignored by the knights.

to the witch hunters: check my join date before saying i’m just another lum’s clone. i’m a total noob yes, but i’m here to learn again. i blew my first attempt and now i’m back. but since i’m no good with colorful chart full of number i chose to trade with simple technique which actually works!! google around and see that many traders actually use basic tools and have been living from their trades for years. threads like this actually could save many noobs like me from failing or at least survive the first attempt before go on spending money and time trying out other systems and indicators. unfortunately you guys always kill them before they even have some chance to explain.
oohh… look around also for luminous’s website that actually sells something. you’ll find nothing!!
also find nial fuller’s thread here in the forum. you’ll see that he too got beaten up, but eventually a real honorary member apologized[I] blah i just see he actually didn’t learn from his mistake[/I] (human nature i know). see his website, he is indeed selling his system. google “price action” and see how high his website in the result. check it and see all free good stuffs he shares and the number of responds he got.
you guys might have good intention to help protect the noob from scammers. but please… do a little research about the suspect before pulling your big swords and flash it around. noob like me is too eager to do it. you all, being veteran and all should be wiser and have known better.

peace out

U been really snooping around huh??

hahahha yeah… i told you i stalked you.
i don’t have much thing to do here. now that i take great interest in trading i spend many hours online doing a lot of cross checking here and there. i learned it the hard way that people actually leave a lot of trail on the net.
in the beginning too i thought your guidance was not enough so i roamed around looking for something, anything to make it complete. something that i didn’t do last time. eventually i realized and understand that the system does not really matter, it is the mindset and psychology that actually matter most. i found others that trade price action with some differences, confirming that basic tools are more than enough. i just need to straighten up my mindset which is not easy. the first post by lumi here is actually of about what i’ve been reading alot lately. so i skip the temptation of learning his dejavu strategy and just focus on the psychology part. [I]then a bit distracted by the knights :p[/I]

Hi Villain,

I’m not worried of anybody here. What I did here is to share my experience. Its up to them to believe it or not, as I said before I lose nothing…I’m not a mentor and I’m still learning…I shared with Niki a lot but I’m not sure how she trade now…she’s more to price action trader but not sure how she did it…Price action is not easy…simple setup but not easy…that’s why I use Fibo as a guidance for all types of traders here… and my Fibo is different from others…It just a guide to see where to ENTER, set TP n SL.

Most traders use 161.8 or 261.8 or even higher as their TP but I use 100 Fibo level as my TP. Why??? Because that’s where wave always end and the probability for ur TP to get hit is very high. And if u look further most likely price will reverse after your TP hit. Try to think what happened to those who CLOSE and those who HOLD ??? For example when you buy EU and hit your TP and price drop…Deja vu traders will be save…the rest will think it just a pullback and it will go up again… ARE U SURE ABOUT THIS??? In a forex world, nothing is sure…even Warren Buffet misjudged and lost his money a few weeks ago… If its a real pullback, it is a sign for Deja vu traders to enter again…

Why I use 38.2 as my entry ??? Because I don’t want members to enter too early or too late… Its true that price action trader can enter earlier than my Deja vu ENTRY but what if it keep hitting ur SL??? Maybe a TRUE price action traders can cope with this situation but how about NEWBIES??? They might change direction or even worst will keep looking for new system…

The most important thing is Deja vu setup have a good reward ratio…TP is bigger than SL…and why did I called it Deja vu??? Coz its happened again and again…

The term REALIZE is not enough bro…it only become reality when u EXPERIENCE it…thats why its difficult for u to straighten ur mind set coz u only realise it… Same with the system…I ask my members to test it and show me the statement and no one manage to send me a good result…why??? coz they dont test it enough and gave up easily…

Dont try to be somebody…dont act that we can trade like somebody…prove it… theres only 1 Warren Buffet but trust me you can be better than Warren Buffet…

Download my statement below…its colorful…not a perfect system …loss is a must and thats why u need SL…but together with a good MM u will see how good the system is in a long run…I loss less n win more…thats why u need a system with a good reward ratio… look at the highest SL on those trades n look at the highest TP…u dont need hundreds of pips…u just need to be smart…

…from 1000 to 1 million in 107 days…

Part 1 ; MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Part 2 ; MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

…I trade on deja vu…I tested it and trade it live… and manage to prove it… I can share only 20% of knowledge but when u listen and practice it this 20% will become 100%…80% is all on you…

Whoever thinks that market moves are all random, should not be trading at all.
Mr Luminous is a very good trader, period.


Hello CS, nice seeing you here.

HAHAHA now so many of u guys r on this thread…they will surely thing its a conspiracy… nice to meet u again guys…just ignore them…

Hello guys!
When trend changes, should we skip the first wave? Do you use only H1 tf to trade?

Thats why I dont post anywhere anymore Lumi; unwanted help is usually not appreciated.

Hmm, I missed this thread so far. Read it now from the beginning. Interesting to see, how some forum members can pick on anybody without getting red in the face like a tomato. I’d suggest just to ask those members if they make money consistently. I’d bet they don’t have a lot of blown accounts and are a little discouraged. So they are lurking on threads and instead of asking open questions present their discouragement which they believe is their skill to trade. Understandable.

I don’t know if that skeletton of a system works. Looks promising so far. Maybe something I will try in my bots with some more ingredients. You shouldn’t reveal what you know so easily, lumi. Or maybe it is just a small piece of what you know. Anyways, you did one thing right. You didn’t mention you can make a million out of 1k in one year in the thread headers. So, that’s why most fools won’t come in here and go instead to “learn” something where this illusion is alive, lol.

I have however two things what I would think I would not agree with. First, such a skeletton is not for newbies, who are just followers. You need experience already to mix up your own system. Second, not all systems work. There are more systems out there what won’t work in the long run. It is all a question of an edge and by far more than 50% more systems have no edge at all.

Regarding point one I guess this skeletton is of much more value than anything more in detail revealed at other threads, though you find nowhere a system what is reavealed to 100% detail. Who knows how trading works would never follow a system blindly. And I even guess it makes no sense to follow at all. Better learn the stuff from ground up and use a skeletton like presented here, check it out than just looking for big numbers and sweet temporary winners until the big loss sets in.

Just my 2 pips. Peace gals and guys! :slight_smile:

Another thing. fx honorary something is just a label which sums up post count. Says nothing if anybody can trade or hold a fork at dinner without getting injured. :wink:

Nice to know that someone is interested to know more… I’m waiting for this question for so long…hehehe

I admit to decide where to go is the most difficult part…its easier to see when u trade with the trend but its confusing when it reverse or when trend changes…

Here is a picture of basic deja vu wave…

In an UPTREND market we only look for BUY signal while in a DOWNTREND market we only look for a SELL signal. When trend changes I can’t think of any other method to use except of these 2 things :

  1. UPTREND : LL followed by HL (series of HL is a sign of STRONG UPTREND)
  2. DOWNTREND : HH followed by LH (series of LH is a sign of STRONG DOWNTREND)

Trend will most likely to change when these 2 conditions formed. That is why we need to skip the 1st wave because we can only see HL or LH on 2nd wave…

Below is a good example of how to see market. ‘N’ stands for NEW. The bBLUE background is our buy setup. The example below is a bit tricky but try to understand it n i’m looking forward for ur question.

I’m pretty sure I understand why you ask this question. I ask to skip 1st wave but sometime 1st wave move very big and u find u lost an opportunity to enter. For example in and uptrend then market drop on first wave for hundreds of pips. Per rule u cannot enter sell because it still 1st wave and no LH form yet. Its a waste. No worries. I’m sure there is LH somewhere n you will not miss opportunity to sell… WHERE? Try to look at at lower TF…5m or 15m…more to reveal…

Thanks for ur honest comment…really appreciate it…

Firstly, I dont think I need to ask those members if they make money consistently…coz their attitude shows everything…heheh no worries…no big deal…

You are right…I have more and you can ask CS Bueno and Niki coz we share a lot…they know everything I have…but DEJA VU is the most valuable system to me n I’m not afraid to share it coz my intention is only 1…TO SHARE FOR FREE…I get my first forex education from babypips n now its time for me to contribute something…

Hehehe you r right again…That was my mistake in kreslik…putting a catchy heading n they didnt like it heheh Now I have a new heading but again not many interested…another human nature hehehe but im sure my view counter will increase especially after I upload my statement…hehehe Its shows now…I was quiet for a long time waiting for feed back from the members n its active again now…

Newbies read a lot, explore a lot, test a lot of systems, buy a lot of systems…n get stuck…dont know which one to choose…I agree knowledge is important in Forex…but less is better…babypis is enough…thats why I think deja vu is also good to newbies…because its simple…its not easy…but they need to think less…n just stick to the rules…n I’m here to help…they just need to ask appropriate question…and I think deja vu will work in a long run coz waves never stop…it work for more than 5 years now…

Im not saying that my system is the best…im only sharing n have nothing to hide…as I said there is only 1 Warrent Buffet, even Buffet tell us all his secret, I’m sure we can’t trade like him…but I’m sure you all can be better than Buffet … we need to practice…we need to test the system…If u ask me to get hundreds of pips per day, I will say I cant coz I’m happy with 20 pips net per day…

My thread is a learning process…its quite for a long time now…Pandras82 ask a good question…then only I reveal more…as I said I have nothing to hide but its no use to reveal all if members are not interested…questions come when you stuck…no question meaning u can do it well or u dont do it all or dont even bother to do it…PEACE…