Luminous Déjà vu

Ur chart is confusing…u better point it out by number so it can explain well and zoom out to see the trend…

U shouldn’t skip the sell if its downtrend…n I cannot see the trend here… If its downtrend so we only look for sell setup so why skip??

New HH made… the X is the point where you can start looking for sell entry…n should hit TP…then another X …thats another SELL…and also hit TP…

ll + hl = buy

I mean from 11th August to 17th August. You are right and I pointed out the reversal happened at 17th because that bullish engulfingment. After that we should have skipped that buy and waited for HH.

I was talking about post #155, this picture was after that. Sorry for confusing.

Yes, but the price did not make HH thats why I sold on that one. And it closed profit. If I had been waiting for buy setup because of that hl what I saw invalid and part of the rise, then the price would have made LL again. On that I would have not enterd buy because of LL. And there was another sell setup while I was sleeping. The picture states everything.
I do not want you to be angry with me and confuse anybody with this excellent system. I just want to understand it better and better and these things seem to be work. I wrote down everything what I seen and my “prediction” became reality.

Happy pips and I am very sorry if I confused anybody.

the first x on the chart was a buy setup because it was a HL. But price did not make new HH(2nd x) so we did not buy anymore and wait for a new LL to confirm trend change. Then we got that LL.(3rd x) After that a new LH.(4th x) There we could enter sell. After that we got that big new HH so no sell anymore. After that new HL (I forgot to x that sorry) so we had to wait for a new HH to buy. But price made LH(5th x) and that confirmed the reversal. So we could start sell. And there were 4 clear succesful sell setup.
I hope this explanation more clear than the chart in itself. Sorry for my english it is not my first language as you probably noticed.

I’m not angry lol but I just confuse with the charts there…its difficult for me to explain… On this chart u said it the last setup…n I just hinting u there will be a buy setup coz LL + HL = BUY n its happened…

Look at the basic dejavu wave…We dont look at LL or HH… only HL sign to buy n LH sign to sell…if u dont see LH meaning trend continue up n still looking for buy setup even previous LL was broke… if u dont see HL meaning trend continue down n still looking for sell setup even previous HH was broke…n set n forget…either SL or TP hit…

I f u wait for LL or HH to form again then u will missed the boat…

Yes Sir

But it was a valid sell as well :slight_smile: and one more.

Arrow 1. : I sold there and TP was hit.

Arrow 2. : There was another sell setup but I was sleeping :slight_smile:

Then it was consolidating, then it made a new HH, signaling reverse and it happened

Happy pips


Hello Lumi, Nikita sent me here to look at your posts. I like what you are teaching, I understand what you are saying about the trading method as it is similar to Nikita’s. Would you mind if I follow your posts as well as Nikita’s as I would like to learn?


I write down what I learnt about this from this thread. I explain all possibilities.

Currently uptrend:

-HL forms: clear buy setup, no problem

-LL forms: I wait for the next LH, this is the wave what we have to skip in order to get a LH to confirm the reversal. If we get it we will enter sell from that LH. If new HH forms instead of LH then that was a waste and we should wait for a HL to buy.

Currently downtrend:

-LH forms: we sell from that LH, no problem, that is fine clear setup.

-HH forms: we wait for the next HL to confirm trend change. If we get it we can start buy from that new HL. If not, (LL forms) then it was a waste and we have to wait for a new LH to sell again.

Lumi please, correct me if I am wrong but this is my understandig what you said about “skipping the first wave” and “waste”

Happy pips for all and I am honoured learning from this thread.

Thank you.


My pleasure…choose what suit u best… peace

As I said before just look at HL or LL… thats the important part in identifying price will go up or down… not HH or LL…when price keep making new HH or LL it tells u how strong the trend is… more HH mean STRONG UP…more LL mean STRONG DOWN…

Those HH n LL can make u confuse…thats why I dont want u to concentrate on that…the real HH is high up when DOWN TREND started and the real LL is deep down before UPTREND started…

1 thing for u to realise :

FOR EXAMPLE : UPTREND : then price making HH…then drop…thats the time we need to skip… and price making LL and up again… U will skip…because u wait for LH to form… but I will buy…why ??? because no LH yet meaning UPTREND continue… What if it shoot up??? U will missed the buy…What if its go up n then drop again n making LH??? I will close my buy and enter SELL…

There is a reason for what I did… When price drop traders will easily think it will going to drop further…There r few members in my FB group saying market will drop for hundreds of pips since last Monday but I keep on buying n holding 400+ pips on AUDUSD…200+ pips on EURUSD…n still hoding it now…this is long term deja vu…n I see it on weekly n monthly… What Im trying to say is that how I see the market…n I only focus on HL or LH not HH or LL…How I know market will going up??? I never know…but what I know since im focusing on bigger TF, I don see any LH yet…so meaning still buy…and this way of reading the charts apply on any TF…DONT THINK OF PROFIT OR LOSS YET…PROFIT or LOSS is the 2nd thing…it doesnt matter…

-HL forms: clear buy setup, no problem [B]OR[/B] -LH forms: we sell from that LH, no problem, that is fine clear setup.

-LL forms: I wait for the next LH, this is the wave what we have to skip in order to get a LH to confirm the reversal. If we get it we will enter sell from that LH. If new HH forms instead of LH then that was a waste and we should wait for a HL to buy. [B]OR[/B] -HH forms: we wait for the next HL to confirm trend change. If we get it we can start buy from that new HL. If not, (LL forms) then it was a waste and we have to wait for a new LH to sell again.

The 2nd chart on post #152 clearly tells u everything…

If I follow ur rules I would not buy coz price making LL n need to wait for LH to sell…but with my rules since NO LH, I will buy again coz it tells me market still up…hope it explain…

Thank you for your explanation. Yesterday I back tested the hourly EU chart and figured out these things. Many times happen, price is up and make HL, we enter buy, then price makes LH. The solution is what you said: close buy and enter sell. But we have to monitor that trade to see in time the formed LH.

Thanks for your confirmation, there is no more confusement about this topic.

I kindly ask you to answer for my next question:

Sometimes I see that when I set my fibo, price is already past 38.2. How should I enter or should I not in this case?

Thank you

Happy pips


My next setup from Tokyo open. This time I will monitor. If LH forms I will open short. :slight_smile:

Happy pips


nice thread, luminous u re a great trader.
plz checkout eur/usd

This setup became invalid. I am waiting for a new one to sell.

Hi Luminous,
Just want to say Thank you for sharing. Nikita mentioned your thread to me. I hope you can continue to help newbies :slight_smile: and don’t get discouraged by some negative comments. There are many more who look forward to learn.

Big thanks to You and Nikita :slight_smile:


I usually check 5 minutes BEFORE n AFTER new hour n that will take me only 10 minutes every hour…I dont watch market every single minutes…n if I missed it I will try to look at lower TF eg. 15m to see if there is any wave to ride…but im happy with 1 hour coz it can minimize number of entries…

But ur chart above shows that price move so fast n sometime its impossible for us to enter…but after that big spike the price moves up again n 1 hour after it happen n it move up further n drop again…I guess thats the time u can enter…though it already crossed ur entry but if u can afford the SL and put the same TP u wont miss it…its ur decision…

Our availability is very important…we cant trade when we cant check the market n will miss some good trade…thats common…imagine u have a shop n there a few customers want to buy some items from ur shop…but unfortunately ur shop was locked…I guess u will ur customer too rite???

Is this EURUSD? Its Monday morning n some countries still Sunday and the market is not open yet…sure they will be gaps…n Monday usually market will be slow…every week is a new chapter for me…better wait n see clear market…

Ur welcome…I never give up…u can ask Niki…hehehe