Macfibo system

Hi Si macc, sorry for the delayed reply.

What do you mean ‘creating a rule’ for the TP? When there is a signal, you by default TP it at 1.618 unless there is previous day’s HIGH or LOW comes before the TP, which in those cases, you TP at those level instead of 1.618 OR the closest TP such as 1.272

I was a student programmer but like almost 10 years ago. I don’t think I could pseudo code the version 1.2 trading parameters as efficiently as I was then. But don’t you think if you understand the rule I wrote in he PDF, you could easily pseudocode it? Just bein curious, why do you need to pseudocode it?

Maybe I’ve been pretty vague when i said backtesting should be done. I meant MANUAL backtesting. You create a spreadsheet as mentioned in the PDF and you go back as far as you can, and then start logging trade signal’s results STRICTLY according to the trading rule. You could also do it as if you are trading as well… set the charts that you couldn’t see the next candles and just press F12 for next candles… that way you could make it more ‘realistic’. [B]Perhaps I might make a separate guide on how I do my backtest?[/B]

First of all, I think the signal occured during outside London Open. Second of all, your PT A and PT B, based on what I see in YOUR chart, looks good except for the PT B. PT B should be more further down.

What other pairs are people trading, aside from EUR/USD and gold? I’m testing about 8 pairs, a little backtest and forward test on each. Curious if anyone is finding good signals on any specific pairs.

I can say on what I see from my local Macfibo traders, they traded GBPJPY, GBPUSD, GBPCHF, AUDJPY, EURJPY and some claimed they traded on CFDs as well.

I would like to share with all of the thread’s subscribers/readers to one good post about ‘Life of a trading system in a forex forum’. Most of the points posted by the author really hit the nail. Let me put a disclaimer, though I posted his post here doesn’t mean it reflects entirely what I agree or think or believe in. Read all of the points of the post and I will add some points at the end of his post/article.

It basically about the number of free forex trading system made available in any forex forum and how it can be popular for many weeks or months and suddenly the thread becomes dead.

[B][I]I became a member of the forum 7 years ago. As a beginner I spent most of the first 2 years studying various trading systems posted here, using some of them on demo accounts and (unfortunately) a few on my live account. Eventually I created two of my own which I still use with little modifications up to this day. However, the old hobby is not dead. I still test almost everything. Occasionally I find a new idea, an interesting indicator, even a good system that can be made profitable with some adjustments.

But the really fun part is to follow what happens to such systems over the months and years that follow the initial post. They have a life of their own and seem to follow the same path, over and over again. Hundreds of systems, thousands upon thousands of posters and posts … and nothing ever changes. To me their evolution is now more than predictable and I’m sure there are many others who have noticed the same patterns.

  1. Here’s my holy grail! The OP tells us a bit about himself, the rules of the system, some charts carefully chosen with entries/exits that worked great. He informs us that he’s been very successful using the system.

  2. The fan club is created! The first people who post are those who have a few winning trades using the rules originally posted. They become groupies and whatever happens in the future they will defend the system even when it’s obviously failing miserably.

  3. The newbies are here! People who know virtually nothing about trading, Metatrader or indicators start asking questions such as “where do I put the mq4 and tpl files?” … “how many lots should I enter?” … “what time is it here in <insert place> when London opens?” … “does this work without a stop loss?” and so on.

  4. You’re a legend Sir! Following the beautiful charts with a bunch of winning trades and the very wise answers given to the questions asked by the army of beginners the OP gains the unofficial title of super-trader. The number of posts grows exponentially. Everybody is happy, doubling the account is around the corner, and from there it’s just a matter of months until making it to Forbes.

  5. We need more indicators! Market conditions change and the system loses money a few days in a row. Clearly it has to be adjusted. How? By adding more indicators to filter out the bad trades. It’s very easy, isn’t it? Just add something that would have kept one out of the last losing trade. It doesn’t matter that the very same filter would also prevent one from taking many of the trades that turned out to be winners. Nobody bothers to backtest this. So … let’s add the stochastic … the 200 EMA … examine the higher time frame … check the daily range … put the Renko bars to smooth it … the TDI works best … I would add the Bollinger bands …

  6. The systemS are here! Since everybody is now euphorically adding indicators and rules we no longer have one system. We have anywhere from 3 to 10 versions of the system, some of which having in fact very little in common with the original rules.

  7. Chaos reigns supreme! With all those new additions and people posting like crazy charts and results using different setups nobody knows exactly what’s going on. The thread is full of requests like “can anyone point me to the latest official version of the system?”

  8. We need them robots! Now that we know how great the system is it’s time to ask some great coders to make an EA. Which version of the rules should he use? We can try a few … maybe one will work.

  9. Nah … dem robotz no good! The EA is losing because we humans can see and feel things about trading … it comes with experience. So let’s forget EA results, forget backtesting, and let’s just trust the thousands of pips reported by the groupies. The system must be good, no doubt!

  10. It’s just that little thing left to do! After a while, noticing that a large number of people posting in the thread get mixed or even bad results, someone has an epiphany. All we need to make the system really great is an indicator or something to tell us if the market is trending or ranging. But not yesterday or last week or last hour. What is it GOING to do next?

  11. It works for me! So we are left with the OP and his early followers claiming that the system works beautifully, they all make thousands of pips each week. We have a few others who claim that it’s losing big time and others get so-so results. And the vast majority still keeps trying to find that extra indicator that will make the system perfect.

  12. There’s a new kid in town! A few months later most people left the building. Even the OP most of the times. Nobody knows why. Have they become so incredibly rich that posting on FF is no longer interesting? Or maybe the system is not so good after all? But hey … who cares? Did you see that new system? That one is really great! [/I][/B]

Which phase Macfibo system is on in Babypips forum? No.3? No.4?

Like any trader in Internet age, forex forum is the first destination I went to in finding some useful system that I could copy, modify, test, traded etc etc. I believe it was around 2006 or 2007. I remembered number of systems that was so popular and many thought in few months, most of the traders will become millionaires or rich etc etc. Systems I could remember was like Sidus, Bagovino, Sonic System, Vegas system, SRDC, Rob Booker’s Arizona rule, Ttalmoi system etc…

They had a lot of followers, like what the author of the article stated in Phase 2. I was one of the them. Infact I was the one in phase 3.

Phase 5 happens… but after the systems harvested positive pips week in week out… then until ranging markets HIT the pairs traded and those 100 pips per wiin becomes 45 pips per loss… 1 loss, 2 loss, 3 loss, 4 losses, 5 losses… in a row. Then most people panicked/ had a kneejerk reaction and decided to TWEAK the system… only after one week or one month of BAD run. Now, I think I stated this weeks ago when Macfibo was having a little bit of dry spell? and urge new traders not to panic and one bad week or one bad month doesn’t make the system into a bad system.

Phase 5 is what i really fear will happen here in macfibo system forum thread… because phase 6 and phase 7 will definitely happen. Infact, I can guarantee it! I had ONE of my simpler system posted in one forum, it became a bit popular for a while until once the system hit 8 losses in a row… everybody panicked and claimed MARKET HAS CHANGED… we need to change it… we need to adapt. Chaos. People started to talk beyond the main essence of the system. For the betterment of other newbies, I ‘deleted’ the thread and I never look back. The few traders who stick to the system rule AND ones who tweaked but backtested in over 400-500 test trades, still use the system and only experienced very few rare negative months… but never broke their account.

Tweaking a system is not wrong. That isn’t what I m trying to say. But when you tweak a system only after the system suffers one week or one month of bad performance, is not ‘adapting’ but it is just pure PANIC. If the system suffers MONTHS of losses, YES… I agree you shoud tweak it but you can’t trade the new refined trading rule WITHOUT testing it thoroughly.

Several programmers/traders tried to code Macfibo, in attempt to make it automated. I never against it not I ever recommended it as well. This is just my personal preference, but I rather trade according to my own decisions… not robot. No matter how accurate the EA replicate the complete trading rules. Few days ago one generous trader wants to write the Macfibo EA for me, assuming for Free. But I still strongly believe that trading by our own is 100 times better because with it, you gain experience and experience is something you can’t buy from expensive or cheap mentorship programme. I never been a fan of automatic backtesting because you learn nothing from other than computer generated results, which you still not sure if the EA executes your trade as what your system say. Again, I am all with modernization with EAs but just be careful with it.

Phase 11… well, I will not say I have make millions after trading Macfibo over the years… but I have met 80-90% of my trading objective (I will keep it private)… my intention of starting this thread is to help new traders and perhaps asking for more ideas how to make it better… but as I’ve said several times… every idea is a good idea but until proven otherwise… like phase 9, people tend to forget to test their new ideas, new indicators. 100 test trades is not big enough to suggest an idea will work. (not that 200-500 trades will replicate it’s pattern in the future but it provides more solid proof than less than 100 trades).

Another thing that i want to try to say is I don’t want this thread to be dead in few months and I do not plan to abandon this thread as well. If this system’s thread can maintain to be active, I will be happy… and I am more than happy to continue post system updates and release more advanced versions of Macfibo as long as there is interest and Phase 5 doesnt happen. :smiley:

I think what is happening to Macfibo is phase 3. I think the phase to be most afraid of us number 5, there the system loses its identity.

PS: Sufian, you haven’t answered yet on all my pms unfortunately:(

Hi buddy, in PM reply, i requested that you show me the charts to support your question. Thanks very much for your input re video content ideas.

Here is my original post in the thread sufian about the question

Based on my experience, id still take the signal though i will take note S/R kines ofcourse.

I am on my iPad and still have no idea how to do a screenshot on the charts and attached it here. Anyway, a sell signal triggered hours ago and beautifully hit TP. Good monday for Macfibo. Yummy…

Ps: the secondary signal prior to the sell signal was not taken as it o cured during AsiN session on a Monday (secondary signal in asian session monday and friday london late hours considered as invalid secondary signal)

Almost break my rules of not trading on Mondays! It’s the first day of the week and looking at the crosses today, was really tempted to enter. Had to remind myself that there will be another trade another day. Here is a recap of the trading strategy that I am trying to discipline myself to really adhere:

[B]Trading Strategy[/B]

Trading Entry Time
Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Time: London session 0700-1600GMT (beware of reverse trend during last hour of London)
For Friday, only enter between 0700-1200GMT

Chart Preparation and Entry Point

  1. Look for pairs with D1 and W1 trends are in agreement.(Do not trade USDCHF and EURUSD simultaneously)

  2. Determine whether fundamentals have any impact on entry for the day (DO NOT ENTER BEFORE MAJOR FUNDAMENTAL NEWS)

  3. Draw 4 weeks S/R lines on H4 and 5 days S/R lines on H1

  4. Wait for 5EMA and 20SMA cross on H1/H4 and draw fibo after candlestick completion.

  5. Enter trade position only when daily trend and cross signal + D1 RSI (50 value as guideline for bull and bear signal) in agreement

Stop Loss / Exit Strategies and Take Profit

  1. If any S/R line between 127.2 and 161.8, SL will be at 38.2 and set TP for 1st position at 127.2 and 2nd position at 161.8. Move second position SL to BE after 1st position TP

  2. If no S/R line, SL will be at 38.2 for both positions. 1st position set TP at 161.8 and 2nd position exit only if 5EMA and 8SMA cross. Move 2nd position SL to 127.2 after 1st position TP. Manual trading the 2nd position if the 5EMA and 8SMA have not cross. If unable to babysit the trade, set TP at next fibo (200.0, 261.8, 300.0, 361.8 etc)

  3. Exit all trade whenever 5EMA and 8SMA cross confirmation after candle close.

I will post every trade that I enter using these steps. Hope to get one or two good trades tomorrow. :51:

Yes, good day ))
Today Macfibo trades:

TP = 161.8, SL = 38.2

EUR/USD Sell 1.3236, TP 1.3219, SL 1.3259 = 17 pp
GBP/USD Sell 1.6260, TP 1.6236, SL 1.6288 = 24 pp
USD/CHF Buy 0.9077, TP 0.9091, SL 0.9061 = 15 pp
NZD/USD Sell 0.8208, TP 0.8191, SL 0.8225 = 17 pp

Total profit = 73 pips
Total loss = 0 pips

With version 1.2 are we are closing the trade immediately if 5ema and 8sma cross (not waiting for candle to close)?

With all the versions you should wait for the candle close to confirm any cross of any indicators.

Nice, simple but effective system!

Everything is after candle close.

Hi caliphtrading,

How many pairs are you planning to test your trading parameters? Are you planning to forward test only? Or also backtest? I am very interested to know your updated logs on your backtest to be honest.

Thanks for the kind words buddy. keep reading and posting.

Fantastic results you go there buddy.

Hi Sufian just a couple of qestions regarding trades crossing session zones.

When a cross over occurs an hour or 2 before the asian session and price remains unchanged, is it safe to take once the asian session begins? Maybe waiting for the 1st candle of the asian session to close?

What would be last time in the London session to take a trade considering that the trade may run into the NY session?