I have been forex trading for a little while with IML but wasn’t really getting anywhere and spending a lot of money so I have left and joined a few forums instead to try and get a better understanding.
Oh I’m sure Maddie has been spending every waking hour going through the school. Am so looking forward to being of assistance with any questions she may have.
Best part is that you ain’t giving up after all these money gone, instead open to learn up from the mistakes. Drive very slow, and keep traveling, that’s my advice.
I was introduced to IML by a “friend” and thought it was the answer to everything…took me a long while to realise I was just being strung along and tbh I don’t know much more now than I did before…
Don’t be confused. There’s just been one too many new accounts around here of late with these wonderful avatar pics. that have been lifted from the Internet and these people don’t even exist other than in their own dreams. And then everybody piles in to unleash their words of wisdom which obviously is a waste of time.
Nice pic. Thanks. Very nice. Much as I’d like to be though: not convinced. Go buy the newspaper and take a pic. of you holding it showing the front page (saw that in a movie once i.e. “Proof of Life” with Russell Crowe!!! LOL!!!). Do that and I will hang by head in shame and apologize. Not only that but you can be sure of my undivided attention from that point onward!!! LOL!!! And believe me: it’ll be worth it.