Marketmilk - Currency Strength - Trend Momentum calculation

Does anyone know how Trend Momentum values are calculated in Marketmilk under Market Snapshot - Currency Strength - Trend Momentum?
The presentation of data appears similar to RSI but RSI usually relates to a specific currency pair.

Where can we find this market milk that you speak of?

Look under main menu in Babypips.

Do you mean here in this section? Currency Strength Meter by MarketMilk™

Yes, In this section under Trend Momentum.

Hmmm. :thinking: I haven’t used the Trend Momentum section, so it’s only now that I’ve tried it out. :open_mouth: I had the impression that if you put the currency pair on the “Search” box, the trend momentum for that pair will appear. But it doesn’t seem to be working that way. :thinking: Maybe it works similarly to how Dennis does his analysis?

Yes, usually it correlates well with Denis’s SW analysis. This is why I would like to know how it is calculated.