Masterclass by Irek Piekarski (REVIEW) (

A clearly emotional post my friend! Let me guess, Biden rigged the elections, moon landing was fake and 9/11 was an inside job?? For those who don’t know who Pat is, he actually worked with Irek and Molly! Yep, he was part of that so called “fakeass team”!! So please, take these strongly insulting, unreliable comments with a pinch of salt, just as you would from a disgruntled employee who was fired (not saying Pat was but his emotions seem to indicate he didn’t leave on good terms!). In an industry where every course shouts “make 300% in your first 6 months, get the most reliable signals here, earn 7 figures with this 1 simple trick”, Trading Masterclass is the most transparent, life-changing trading course you will find! Sign up for just 1 month and you will see first hand the support and transparency they provide! It’s not a get rich quick course, it’s never claimed to be one but if you want a course where you get constant support to learn to trade on your own, grow your mindset and actually live a traders lifestyle, then TMC is it. I can’t help but laugh that Pat believes the mentor lifestyles are a scam! Every position is broken down, with 90% of them shared as potential well before an actual entry presents! Poor Pat seems to have a bit of a rough year and apparently believes his results are not a reflection of his decisions, but the teaching of Irek and Jonny! You’re more than entitled to your opinion Pat, just don’t throw sh** at a very reputable course and its mentors because you had a tough year! For those interested in TMC, the only way you’ll know whether it’s reliable or not is to try it. You control your life and decisions, don’t let a disgruntled ex-enployer influence your decision!

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It seems to me that instead of just going back and forth with a he said she said kind of thing, if anyone from the TMC team was to actually post their results from their brokerage accounts or myfxbook or whatever from the last month/6 months/year or so, then it would settle all of this. Anyone care to share? Irek? Jonny? If you did, it would literally clear your name.

A great post from Irek Piekarski’s biggest yes man and Jonny’s personal buttbuddy. (Check for yourself @Hyperlax)
I would like to point out they are absolutely not transparent! Very similar to you always flexing about your returns on Instagram but never proving anything. Stay away from Irek, they’re simply the forex communities biggest money grab.

Just want to add my 2 cents,

26th October 2020 i left this review on TMC Trustpilot.

"Come for Irek, Stay for Jonny…

Do not buy this trading education. No Verified result, therefore there is no way to believe this person makes money from trading.

I have had my success from these strategies, but they will not work for the long term. I feel like the TMC community is not led by genuine people anymore. It seems to me it’s more of a money-making effort for Irek and Molly rather than helping people reach their dreams.

Last week we saw Jonny well and truly burnt out from managing positions and that shows me that he is the real deal. But when you see Irek on a Friday for insights looking fresh as a daisy then you start wondering.

I have been with TMC for a while and have always had my doubts about Irek and my doubts have been confirmed over the last month or so but by the way, I got silenced in the group chat for asking multiple questions that people wanted ask but are scared and people who have spoken out have got silenced.

When they released TMC 3.0 they have 2 memberships at the same price $199 a month. But the Diamond membership is valued at $5000 (Not sure where they got that valued at) and it now discounted too $2,388 but still $199 a month but is on a yearly subscription instead of monthly. Most people cannot afford $2,388 outright just like that. So you’re paying the same price for black but not getting everything like the diamond membership which doesn’t make sense when it’s the same price. They say the reason behind the yearly subscription for the Diamond membership is because they need a year’s commitment from the student. which doesn’t make sense. People are fully committed that pay monthly but now are excluding student that cannot pay a year upfront. They should reprice the black membership cheaper because you get half the content of the diamond.

They are just refreshing the “masterclass” to make it look all new and shiny when it’s just the same but with different fancy words. Such as a new series called Chronicles, before it was trade videos.

Jonny puts himself out there twice a week for everybody to see which I respect and he is transparent win or loses. Irek has properly had a good run and has success in trading but I believe Irek is in serious drawdown as he is showing signs of a crashing and burning trader within the last few weeks and is constantly changing styles when he always says to stick with one and master it…

The strategies since Covid hit haven’t been working that great at all. CBO Strike rate this year is awful and from further inspection, they seem like they are only working when markets are clean and trending.

When I asked Irek to provide verified results the response was no. Why should we be listening to a person who will not release verified results? For all, we know he could be on a demo account or like I said before in serious drawdown.

So to conclude, Jonny is the real deal and knows how to trade and does it wonderfully and is a credit to the students (He is the only one keeping the majority of members at TMC) Because if he left and did his own thing everybody would move to him because he is genuine and keeps it real. Irek has most likely had a good run with success within trading but I think he is in serious drawdown and not being fully transparent.

The students are what bring you another source of income each month to your business, listen to what they say, and don’t silence them.

This review will most likely get removed because they do not like bad reviews as I have seen reviews get removed before"

**Today the 25th November 2020, **

**" We’re currently investigating whether this review is in line with Trustpilot’s User Guidelines. Learn more about our rules. **
Trading MasterClass reported this review 11/25/2020 5:24 PM for violating Trustpilot guidelines."

I don’t understand why would they sell their trading strategy if it is profitable. Why would you waste your time to sell your courses if you are always in profit? It’s kinda joke.

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Didn’t Jonny learn from Irek?

I was told most of Irek’s wealth has come from selling courses and when he did make money from trading he had a small stop loss for better risk reward. Now the stop loss that he teaches is 75.5 fib level which means you aren’t making much anymore unless you have 7 figures

can someone verify this?

@hyperlax, can you show your last month or few months of results? Because Bloody hell! After all these years thinking why in the hell am I the only one who feels this way!.. makes me feel much better noww that I’m not the only 1 and people are coming out. I’m sooo done with MC. Thanks for speaking up Pat! I’ve been driving myself crazy all this time. you can consider me an ‘OG’ as well since the IP days. believed every word Irek spoke way back in 2015 but recently been down and doubting them. I kept believing in them and I’m still in drawdown/breakeven. The thing with trading is no one wants to admit it because of their egos. No one wants to be known as a loser. I still don’t know 1 student who actually quit their job and can shows results. Time to put them in their damn spot! All of this just helped me decide that I wasn’t wrong after all. To be frank, they shouldn’t be worried if they do so well with their strategies.

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Has anyone here actually told Irek instead of complaining behind his back? How sure are you that no-one is succeeding in his slack?

You get silenced if you start to speak up. They will delete your posts in slack as they did with my post and a few other’s post. I have screenshots of them deleting my posts.

But I hope Irek and Jonny can prove themself to be real traders and provide verifiable results via MyFXBook or via a broker statement. We only want to see the percentage gain, We don’t care about the monetary value. Because if they show that they will have cleared their names.

Everyone knows 90%+ traders fail. Yet you flops are all here complaining that you aren’t profitable. Just because someone gives you a strategy doesn’t mean you’ll make money. There are plenty of traders doing well in MC and I’m sure there are also some who are still trying to put all the pieces together.

How entitled do you have to be to call someone a scam when YOU aren’t profitable. Get a grip

Get off trading forums and have a dig


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@j_vdvn what did you post? if it was abusive maybe thats why they deleted it

I personally left masterclass after Pat opened my eyes and joined guerrillatrading which are recommended by FTMO and other IP students. finally getting positive results.


Agreed about the 90% but Irek has yet to prove he is profitable. surely him and his team would be transparent to their students but he refuses any transparency. You must be a new MC member you’ll realise what Pat is saying is the truth soon… good luck I hope you don’t lose too much money in the process.

One look at your baby pips thread reply history says enough
“Falcon fx (scam)”
“Trading masterclass (scam)”
“Anyone swing trade profitably”

Stop looking for confirmation of forums.

Soon it’ll be “guirillatrading(scam)” once a few kids don’t make money

Just because people don’t succeed under a certain course doesn’t make it a scam. Entitled people everywhere

and your only 2 posts are on this thread. you literally made an account to defend masterclass which is extremely suspicious. Are you being paid? Pat worked with the team so know Irek and Molly very well so if anyone would know if its really a scam or if they are profitable, he would.

He also witnessed how Molly and Irek ethics changed after milking mc members. There is a lot he hasn’t exposed.

Like I said before I understand how you feel being a new mc member but soon you will be hit with the truth and will regret not listening to Pat.


More life too you & all the best
Hopefully your next course works out for you

Also this is a new account because who tf hangs out on trading forums? Just going in to bat for MC - free of charge I might add.

What @j_vdvn posted was definitely not abusive - he was raising a valid point regarding fee structure. In response a member of the team basically told him he was “moaning”.

Their TrustPilot account is manipulated as well. Look at all the accounts that are redoing their reviews (some have updated their review 3 times!) and in turn this is pushing @j_vdvn’s review down (which the team have now reported - surprise surprise!!)

One of the big problems with the lack of transparency of results is that Irek is supposedly putting together a fund. It is probably in their favour to have a track record of transparency first - especially when it is so easy to provide VERIFIED track records.

To be honest the course isn’t even that bad even if it only does teach very basic technicals. The strategies are mean reversion mostly. The whole vibe in the community is focused on a “everyone can do this if they’re dedicated”… Right - To an extent I agree. But there are people that also need to be told the truth - trading is not for everyone - and this is where the conflict of interest begins - the focus is on retention and not on what is best for the subscriber.

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Masterclass for you.
:grinning: :muscle:

No transparency again that this was was taken. Just a Trading View chart posted by Jonny Godfrey. (assuming this was taken) Not knocking the guy because he does give value from time to time. but at least share you took it from a brokerage account to give people some form of transparency.

This is a bit of a read, but I had to let it out.

I’ve been a student of irek’s for the last 3 years (IP & Masterclass) and have been working on my trading game every single day… and not just dabbling or trying it out part time. I studied and practiced it religiously, watched all of the webinars, additional videos/content, attended all of the live videos, and simply grinded it out for a long time. Currently, I have not reached “consistency” -I’ve pretty much been just under break even this entire time. Sure, there were some winning trades, and some losing trades… but at the end of it all, it was break even or a loss… and I wasn’t the only one.

Basically ALL of the members have this problem. But they keep trying since the community and teachers are supportive and keep pushing everyone because they’re “so close…only a few tweaks and you’ll reach that consistency!”

I’ve watched the members closely since the beginning of Irek’s masterclass, and NONE of them have actually gone full time as traders. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t count to be a full-time trader when you’re living at home with your parents. It doesn’t mean you’re profiting when you have zero bills to pay, but have cool photos of you trading at beach, or at a coffee shop with your laptop showing your charts. People love to show that side of the game, but none of them actually prove that they’re full time and making good money.

As for irek… all of this money comes from students paying for his subscription/courses. He’s actually taking the exact approach as Lewis Mocker did back when Irek was his head trader running webinars. Lewis was basically raking in most of the subscription money with his motivational chats while Irek “traded”. Well, that’s exactly what irek is doing with Jonny Godfrey taking care of most of the trading videos and webinars. I’m not even sure if irek even trades anymore. Why would irek risk losing money on trades when he can guarantee income every month from a bunch of dream chasing students paying top dollar US currency while he’s in Canada banking on the extra exchange rate? That’s pretty much the only currency trading he does.

Irek had a BIG, BIG plan of getting of bunch of this top traders together and having them trade Irek’s account or a Hedgefund, BUT, no one actually learned how to trade consistency, so it never happened… didn’t anyone remember this?? It was quietly forgotten.

Pat left, Benny Lane left, and Jacob Prymicz… Something’s definitely going on at their camp and it’s not good.

Irek says his course is a MASTERCLASS and that it’s nothing like anyone else has ever seen online. 4K videos!! Wow, it’s going to be amazing. Well, how come no one is able to become a full time trader yet? Don’t get me wrong, Irek’s course/website is laid out very professionally and the business is well organized. They’re always on top with answering questions and showing students that they care. But, do they really care if they know that ultimately these students are going to give up on strategies that ultimately don’t work in the long run? That being said, the entire point of the course is to become a profitable trader, and sadly it hasn’t accomplished this with myself or any of the traders who took the course.

Johnny and irek have never shown their actual trading account history. If their percentages were as high as they say, it would prove EVERYONE wrong in this chat room. All of the haters, the doubters… literally EVERYONE!! So why won’t they show it? Well, no one ever wants to show that they’re failing, and if word ever got out that the trading skills taught at masterclass no longer work, the entire business would collapse and all of the students would disappear. This is why, they will never show us. Seriously… why not just show your verified trades (without photoshopping them) ??? If you’re that great at trading, then let the world know. It will only provide greater proof of your legitimacy and would further expand your business and trust with your current students/everyone else looking to buy the course. But, that’ll never happen because we all know why.

Their student count is around 700 (with only about 100 interacting), and that number has barely changed since the beginning. Really? Why aren’t the numbers growing? No marketing? The students aren’t bragging to their friends and family about how much money they’re making? If this course really worked, the numbers would be MUCH higher.

Unfortunately, their current students will be trying to learn the course for a number of years until they finally realize that they’ve been sold a massive lie. Great job masterclass team! I’m sure more and more will start coming out and talking about their experience.

Trading is actually very addicting (for the same reasons gambling is) so it was very difficult for me to give up, especially after dedication my life to it for way too long.

I really hope that people who are interested in his course get to read my post and change their mind about buying/subscribing to irek’s masterclass.

Also, don’t believe Trust Pilot reviews of this course. All of the masterclass students get forwarded there shortly after joining masterclass so that the reviews always sound exciting and positive.


I thinks it’s obvious that there are some people in denial and are unable to actually see that it’s themselves which are the issue and not the content, the content is fine. You want verified results… lol … isn’t that what backtesting is for! I get it markets change and so might the results slightly but that’s your job to adapt and to make the amendments necessary along the way. You’ve Invested years into trading and still not profitable … cry me a river … there are many traders out there which have ground it out for 5 years + before reaching consistency! do you think they were sat on forums after the 2nd or 3rd year bitching about their resources… I highly doubt it.

This is a very naive statement… If you’ve been through the course and participated in the community you would not be saying this.