Matty’s Money - Trades, Ideas and Info

With the current state of the US, I can see this hitting the 1.175 level and beyond before turning around.

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You’re on the ball! I calculate 1.1751 too. :slight_smile:

But I think it might retrace at this point and that’s what I’m hoping to capitalize on. I’m soooo glad you did not take the trade. I hate being the cause of a loss.

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I stopped blaming others for my bad trades a long time ago!

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…and there it is. Where it stops, nobody knows!

Did you execute this trade or was it just a prediction?

I’ve been in and out, so I got part of it.

USDCAD is sitting at a long term S/R area on the daily and weekly. Definitely something to keep an eye on over the next few days.

Looking at the 4H chart, a descending wedge and possible double bottom…both bullish patterns.

CADJPY - Just tested a SR level (78.37). I’ll look for a buy if it passes through 79.300, or a sell if it breaks down through the 78.37 area.

No double bottom anymore, but that wedge is still in play on the 4H. If it breaks out to the upside then I’m looking at 1.3500.

If it breaks to the downside (daily chart), then it’s getting into territory we haven’t seen since February.

Here are my long-term, monthly picks. Small positions, but I’ll let them ride until they’ve hit my target price, or SL. These can take days, weeks, or months to play out…







Crude Oil

Short order placed at 78.000, just below the low of June 12th.

AUDUSD - This is forming a rising wedge on the 4H, which is typically a bearish pattern. But these are atypical times, so, if this pattern plays out then I expect a retest of this major SR level:

If you look at the monthly chart, this SR level goes back to like, the beginning of time:

Which means that if price drops back below this level then July was just a fake-out, and it could stay below this level for a long, long time.

I feel like the US is on the verge of something big, a catalyst that will give the dollar wings once again.

Caught the breakout, but didn’t get my 1.3500. Best I got was 1.3460 then it dropped again:

Will this scenario still play out, or is it a fake break of the 1.33400 area? We will see on the retest:

Triggered my short order just to turn around again and stop me out. Fortunately, I had a tight SL just it case that happened.

EURJPY: Rising Wedge on the 4H. Short term I expect this to fall to the 122.650 area:

Longer term, weekly, I could see this hitting 1.2730.

EURUSD 4H - Double top? This could mark the beginning of a reversal:

If not, the next level up could be 1.202 area (Weekly):

NZDJPY 1H - Price squeeze, waiting for a break through this resistance area:

This is playing out nicely. I’ll be taking some profits here soon.

This one, not so much. But, there’s still a chance:

Price shot back up through this major SR area on the retest. USD is on fire today!