MoneyNVRSleeps 5% a day Money Mangement Plan

What’s the latest news?


Can you dig it.,

There is a fine line between genius and insanity, And that line is Success!!

So, today, i sat an looked back thru this past 10 days of trading, and you know what? This is by far my best production.

Every single day, Im picking something up, Im getting better, Im getting more patiant, and everything is starting to fall into place with the direction I planned on…

I had no idea, that 3 years later, it would just start to click. Maybe im behind, maybe Im right about where I should be, but dang it folks, it was ruff, lol…

The thread, many might of takin as a joke, or a “here we go again”, but it turned out to be a pretty good small novel, in its own. I grew alot thru these strange and crazy posts. I took alot to heart, and made mental notes of just about everything that lite a bulb in my head, whether it was a flamin, or a nudge, I had great help from many.

It a journey for sure folks…

In the past, when I bragged, or posted my stats, or even gave advice, I hit a wall, sometimes within seconds of making my posts, or patting myself on my back…

That doesnt happen anymore, if anyone has noticed, lol…

Im hitting my groove. I have all the tools to succeed now. Im actually at peace with my own mental stability… I dont mind waiting now. I take my time at the store, in traffic, and really, feel hormoneous.

Its finding those final pieces of the puzzle, and just putting them all together, and having the confidence to make the move.

I want to thank those that helped, but didnt know it…

Thanks, You created a monster, lol…

This is my demo account, BUT, its my system, just more conservative, and more trades, smaller size, scale fashion sometimes.

My real account is up 55% in the same time frame as the demo


Good job money, i`ve been following the thread for quite a while and i see that you are now emerging from your losses and going to the success zone.

Can you give a link to your FXBOOK page where i can follow your system?

almost Proximus,

Current streak at 66 wins, (87 if i dont count the trail slip stops)

if it wasnt for the dang slips, and the boneheaded Trail adjust on the wrong trade, Id have a heck of streak, huh. :35:

206 wins out of 211 trades isnt to shabby,

Im almost to a great feat for myself, Double the account, which i have not done yet in my Forex journey.

Cant take some of these signals right now, to much uncertainty with AU. :58:

Very good work.

Congrats. People think trading forex is the same as going through a McDonalds drive thru, when it’s more like slow cooked roast. Again congradulations

If ever I’ve enjoyed hitting the like button, your post Money has to be it.
Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

^ I think your advice could be a little more ‘constructive’. :stuck_out_tongue: What are some blow-by-blow mistakes that Money is making?

eDollar, if you have a problem with it, why even bother reading the thread?

I have a different opinion of this whole gig.

It is what you make of it. Do you think the people at Cirque du Soleil even had an inkling that some of the feats they now consider easy were even possible 20 years ago?

Bottom line is, humanity is made to excel at whatever endeavor they choose to excel in. That is if they have the patience and the tenacity to stick with it until they succeed. With that being said, pride does come before a fall, but a fall is usually just another reason to go back and figure out why the failure occurred for those with the gumption to be in it to win it.

You can train yourself to do amazing things. Forex is no different than any variety of skilled acts from professional skateboarding to the remarkable skills of a brain surgeon. To get to that level takes an extraordinary amount of practice, and serious resolve. You just have to have that never-say-die attitude.

The high percentage of people that fail in trading probably equates about every other self employed profession out there. Being a fry cook at Denny’s is nowhere near the risk element of opening up your own restaurant. To go it alone involves much more risk, and tons more dedication than just an hourly position in which you start counting the hours until you leave from the second you get there.

Someone that may eventually fail again, but does dust themselves off and goes at it with the same go for broke attitude, and a short memory of the failure shows me someone that has a much higher chance of success regardless of the eventual method.

Why bag on persistence? Learn from it.

Do YOU have that same amount of resolve?


Money has been at this since his very first post on BP. I remember clearly because I was one of the first to laugh at him. I’ve gave him hell almost every time; much like you are right now.

After 3 years of it, you tend to let go. Word of advice, you’re just wasting your time and I realize now that I was as well.

Just let the guy have it. :slight_smile:

I think he is having a lot of fun trying lol

Yay I love BP challenges.

[QUOTE=“eDollar;580694”] You can join too ST! Just start with something less than $1000 and see what you can do in 6 months.[/QUOTE]

Lol well I appreciate the invite, but I already know what I can do with $1000 and am quite content with that without doing a few rounds on here. These contests never seem to end friendly, for some reason, and I’m a friendly guy so I’ll keep my participation non-competitive.

You guy have fun, though, and may the best trader win.

money dont feel badly buddy, I bought usd/jpy above 103 and rode it all the way down to 102 levels and back up before the taper. it started going back south on me at break even, i got nervous exited the trade minus 1 dollar
i missed the rally lol
I gotta learn to stick to the trade and dig deeper but im still around a 200 dollar account time for me to get more serious about making money but i was having lots of fun. lol

It’s been about a month. Any news?

Hey traders, been a month,

No giant account yet, but working hard on my prep.

Getting set to make a nice deposit, and let it ride…

Still breaking bad habits, and chippin away day by day…

This week, Im up 18% and 50% in past 6 trading days,

currently holding a 27-0 streak.

I can tell you, i fixed errors in my system, and things are going great…

And like everyone says, its eliminating that 1 stupid trade. So i just work harder on my entry, and minimize overall risk.

Also, I worked in another apect, or step in my system, that every trader shouldnt over look…

Getting my routine together is most important… Morning preparations, and checkdown routine… Kinda like kickin the tires and checking the fluid levels before the long trip.

Got me another dry erase board for over my PC screen, and today it says this.

Keep grindin folks, and great pips to all…