MoneyNVRSleeps 5% a day Money Mangement Plan

current account size?

hopefully you’ve graduated from the 3 digit accounts by now, lol :53:

Man, Im still tiny account, Still doing my Test to 100% before laying down big cash. When I break 100%, Im throwing in $100

Currently 56% gain over 11 trading days,

27 wins
0 loses

Haven’t you learned the cycle yet?

You have a lot of wins, you clock double-digit gains. Then you have a few big losses and are back at the beginning.

You’ve been repeating this cycle for 4 years now. Trust me, the next 4 won’t be any different.

Who cares? Its my time and my money. Its about getting better and minimizing those big loses, or better yet, those stupid a$$ trades.

But definitely love the hate, good ol BabyPips never lets me down.

75% gain,
30 wins,
0 loses,

and why trust you? You someone special, or are you here to throw hate around because your a horrible trader and had a bad month?

You are right tho, so I cant dog out that fact. It has been a cycle of fail after fail. Its about getting better each day, chippin away at it. In a business that has such a high failure rate, its expected.

Remember, Im in this for the money, Im looking to get rich faster then the 5% of the successful traders.

Practice crazy, it inturns becomes my normal.

If you saw someone else caught in a cycle of failure, wouldn’t you quickly realize that what is needed is significant [B]CHANGE[/B]. That is how you break cycles, you change something about your habits, your behaviour, your expectations.

You should be asking yourself why you recognize that you are caught in a cycle, but refuse to change? Perhaps a gambling addiction could be the missing piece of the puzzle…

I’m not someone special, but I do have a better perspective on your cycle of failure than you do. I can see that you need to change, and you cannot see that. You don’t have to trust me at all, just look to where I’m pointing (yourself) and realize there is a serious problem that requires serious changes to fix.

1st Change I’d recommend is to drop your expectations way way down, and realize you can’t use high risk to compensate for your [B]undercapitalization[/B]. Which, by the way, is another serious problem you have to deal with.

I did recognize i was in a cycle of failure. My failure was the trend/range/reversal recognition. I worked on getting better at those and being patient with news releases and when to be in the action.

Risk is my stoploss and my mind set. Mastering the entry of each trade, greatly reduces my risk, as my trades dont wander far from my entry in the opposite direction, which inturn greatly reduces the chance of my stoploss being threatened on any given trade.

From the beginning, my logic of, " Make the most of your trade" by using your entire account to back your assumption is vital. And again, I’ll repeat another, " Dont trade if you dont have confidence" in your assumption.

You dont measure confidence by lot value, you measure confidence by simply being in the trade.

That will be in my book after Im on the Forbes List!!

Lower expectations? MEH, the sky is the limit!!

Under capitalization?

How? I have to have a $10,000 account to PRACTICE? We’re talking about PRACTICE?

When Im ready, and the plan proves worthy, Things roll fairly fast with little to work with.

As of now, everything seems to be rolling along as planned.

So, 4 years, Ive spent around $300, taking stabs here and there on set-ups. Little bits and pieces from each one, tiny steps getting better each day, refining my mind set, getting myself prepared for the next step, Is well worth the time and effort for what Im about to accomplish.

It could of been worse, I could of went to school to be a doctor, that I really wanted to do.

The median four-year cost of medical school (including expenses and books) was $278,455 for private schools, and $207,866 for public schools in 2013 according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

By the time a doctor starts residency, they are usually around $420,000 in debt.

Add the fact of AT LEAST 10 years of schooling, and 80hour study/work week, THEN, add the average salary, less then 1Million a year.

I paid under $300 with the potential to make Millions then retire in 2 years. If it took me 12 years, its still worth it.

Oh, and I hate casinos, not much of a gambler.

Here’s the truth:

You wouldn’t be able to handle the emotions of fear and greed if you were trading your strategy on a $1000 account or above.

I’m right until you prove me wrong :57:

Well, I’m really happy for 5%/week with $60000 account!!

I made arguments like that when I was 13.

Well, time will tell! At least you already invested 4 years, so hopefully you have some positive results for next 12 months.
Good luck

Thanks Forexwizars, Im tryin,

Going to see if I get another signal or 2 today, not sure. Would like to break the 100% today.

Sitting at 93% gain in 14 trading days
34 wins
0 loses

Wow, way to go!



36 trades No Losses.

Althought it is a cent account, its all about entry, a pip is a pip. Following routine is key. This run started with .16 cents and its at .36 cents now, so I actually doubled it yesterday, by going by myfx stats.

I had maybe 4 trades that just missed my TP initially, and Im talking by 1 messly pip. So instead of 28 pips, I ended up with 3 or 4.

My overall average per trade is 4.7 pips and it took 171 pips.

Will be making deposit for $100 now, and keep the ball rolling.

lol, 36 cents

Talk about getting practice in cheap, funny stuff. Still a big feat for me,

Thanks for the support, and have a great weekend.

Great, I’ll be keeping an eye out for updates on the new $100 venture :wink:

But don’t listen to me… listen to Ah-nold


Good luck!

Just an update,

I havent deposited yet, *shruggs, no hurry. Just to close to xmas, to take money out of our pockets. Not the risk factor, just its tight as it is.

So Im continuing to chip away with my .38 cents, lol…

39 wins, 0 losses

Why are you so obsessed with winning streaks man. Small winners, big losers. We all know how is this going to end…

Before my accident I played poker full time and one of those times I was playing Holdem and I had a great starting hand and so I started build the pot with each card the hand got better, so this guys follows me to the turn I led he raised and put me almost all in, me it’s a no brainer, three’s only one card that can come to beat my hand, I call and of course the one card comes and I lose all my money except $25.00 and he said to me laughing I didn’t want to send you home broke, is $25 enough for bus fare? I said yes but if it’s all the same to you I want to lose my last $25 so a well known poker player says, ah my friend you know what they say. . .as long as you have a chip and a chair. Anyway got lucky in the next few hands won some pots I had been folding to him every time he raised exercising patience and discipline (Not really, I just didn’t want to lose to this guy,) he kept talking and talking then I get the hand I’m looking for won and doubled up and left him with a few hundred, next hand he raises all in, I called with a top pair and sent him broke.

Moral of the storey chip and a chair or in trading a positive account balance and a computer. Patience and Discipline and good money management will get you there in the long run. Good Luck