MoneyNVRSleeps 5% a day Money Mangement Plan

You only win, if you win.

You cant always be right, or can you?

Has human nature made it a regularity, that losing must be in the cards?

Is it OK for a Doctor to lose once in a while? I know its comparing apple to oranges, or is it?

Am i obsessed with winning streaks? Dam right I am, because I worked hard to NOT lose,

Im up 108% in 16 trading days, doing the same exact routine that I plan to use for years. Im on a 40 win streak, shame on me…

Everyone thinks that losing is exceptable, ITS NOT!!!

96% found losing was OK,

I know where my money went, I want it back lol, I seem to have hit a speed bump down 40 buxs.

but you’re not winning. winners have more than $0.39 in their accounts lol

you’re just a past loser proclaiming that you won’t lose in the future. it doesn’t make you exceptional, just quite visibly delusional.

can you see it yet?

Hey pipslip, good morning to ya!!

I am Exceptional,


Great Pips to you Bro!!

Look man, I know its a small account. Right now its about following a routine and perfecting the execution.

I just feel, before getting into the big money, you must have a plan mastered. It reduces risk all together.

Also, Im at my most stressful time in my life Ive EVER been thru. Pinching pennies sucks. Im talking litterly. You ever buy a pack of Bathroom paper with nickles? I did just yesterday. Times have been bad and good here at my home. Wife lost job, car problems, Mom and uncle have cancer, both might not make it to xmas. Not sure how we are going to pay for funeral. Im moving her here today actually for her final days, so i can be at her side. I have also raised a baby girl as some may remember, she is now almost 2 years old in Jan.

Might be the smartest 22 month old Ive ever encountered. Knows all the colors, can count to 10, knows how to put her shoes on the right feet, cleans up after playing with toys on her own, tells us when its time for bed because she can tell time, lol… Knows to brush teeth when she wakes and before bed, ALMOST potty trained.

We did pretty good. She is a sweetheart.

ANyways, Wife just got new job and starts tomorrow, so things are looking up on that front.

What Im just trying to say is, Mastering the Plan, makes it second nature, which inturn makes execution thought process effortless.



Nice work Money, just a guess, is it the case that you are in control of greed, I mean that you no longer tolerate drawdown in the hope of it turning into profit. Is it the case that you now enter with the momentum and take the profit when it is there rather than letting the profit turn into a loss.

Just wondering on the thinking part, anyways never mind the taunts, it’s the pips that matter.

well I must say I’m impressed that you can handle all those life stresses, and still manage to trade your strategy profitably.

I guess what really confuses me is your overall business plan. I assume at some point you want to be earning a legitimate income from this trading thing, correct?

So when you add your first $100, is that all you plan to deposit? How fast exactly do you expect this account to grow?

Thank You peterma,

Thats just about it, … Ive gotten very good at trend detection, breakout moments, exhaustion/consolidation, and most importantly, News releases. Not really trading them, just being aware of them. By keeping strict notes of ALL High priority releases across the board, not just my exclusive pair. The do have an effect regardless in some fashion or form. But to KNOW that a positive or negative effect on the pair, and just stay out of the traffic and watch. That was one of my biggest downfalls.

Im not perfect, I do catch some trades a tad early, but they dont run like they used to.

Ive always had the, " Take what you can get" mentality, because lets face it, we really dont have a clue how far it can run. They HAVE to keep you guessing. They meaning the dealer. Its a game to them.

Stick and move, Snipe with accuracy, and get the heck out. Never go in weak, ( low units) give it all you have. Make every move count just the same as the last. Confidence must be the same, your either in or out…

But thats the way you have to look at it.

Getting 10 pips is way easier then getting 100 pips.

Is it a gamble? *shruggs, sure it is… Your gambling against your preparation.

I have a baseball next to my keyboard. And everyday, I read over it. Its progressively getting full of things I might hear that I think has influence on thinking mindset. One of the things I wrote on it is, " Luck Is Where Preparation Meets Opportunity"… You create your own luck. You put yourself in position for luck. Do lotto winners get lucky? Yeap, they bought a ticket, have to be in it to win it.

over my last 45 trades, im averaging 4.4 pips… No trail used on any of the trades, so manually exit, or my TP was hit. I use a Galaxy tablet for my trades, so I cant actually drag or adjust my trailstops. Maybe next week Ill start using the desktop java where I can drag and drop my stops behind my profits. Ive had a good 50% of my trades get alot more pips, but sometimes you have to just take what you can get and reduce drawdown risks and live for the next trade. ANd its not a confidence factor, its a expectation factor, because Im really happy with 2 pips a trade.

OK Bud, thanks for the props, Keep grinding those Pips!!

Hey Quick,

I do have a plan. Going to compound the heck out of it, and keep it rolling… WIll take me about 6 weeks to hit $1000.

I really dont plan to take any profits till I hit $500,000 so I can buy a house, throwing $50,000 back in, and not stopping till i hit $12Mill. about 16 weeks.

I will have to evaluate it as time goes by, with execution times and such… Im not sure when things start slowing down on the front… Just from what Ive read, it does happen.

So about this time next year… how much do you expect/hope to have in your account? Just ballpark estimate…

If I run without withdraw, and still hit my figures im currently consistant with, without running into fill problems, I can see it around $100 million

If I take some out to buy a house, a couple new cars, pay taxes, set aside 10 years worth of property taxes. Maybe $250,000

Id be happy with $1mill by next Dec. But to be honest, thats selling myself short. Id like to see that $100mill. Then just buy an island and chill out, FOREVER.

Sounds stupidly ridiculousness, but its very possible, and its very possible, I Will do it.

We’ll see what happens Quick, thats all we can do bro… Im in it for the Money,

Ive just programmed a EA, that I think might sqeeze out 25% a day, with some loses. Running testing right now. $100 to $300,000 in 36 trading days is my goal with that.

Chippin away man, Time keeps on slippin, need to ride the wave and hang on tight, Im ALL in…

Finished the day at



17 days

Left sooooooo many signals on the table, there was alot of nice action on AC

Even tho the account is small, its exciting to watch the percentage climb, Ive never experienced the current success consistently enough to see what Im currently doing…

I started with .16 cents and now at .43 cents ( lol ) Forggetttaboutttitt, lol…

I think I can handle a Big account now,


what happened? end of your series?

Hi Money… Must say…I’ve read trough the tread a few days ago and have been following it since then…
First of all, your persistant attitude is really outstanding.
I don’t know what you are up to at the moment and your figures are always skyhigh! I will not say that you will fail or succeed in the end, cause you’ll never know.
As said, I simply need to respect you for not giving up in these 4 years even though you’ve had some issues along the way… I’ve found your story here, both inspiring and entertaining and I know that you mislike people picking on your methods and thats fine. It’s your call to accept or not accept people that don
t believe in you.

Me…I kind’a actually believe that you’ll some day make it when you get the phsycologi tuned right with everything else.

Thoug…I hope you take this with a little humor…I found it on the internet here the other day and you and your story here was the first thing that popped into my mind :wink:


don’t get me wrong…i follow your thread for some time already…and i really hope that you achieve your goal…i like that you don’t get discouraged by all the people saying that what you want to do is not possible…

i was only asking because your last comment didn’t sound very happy…no offense intended…

Oh no! I hope not. What happened? :frowning:

I really don’t like the sound of that.