My Ichimoku Way

hello my name is peter nice to meet u!

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Minus $200 in March 2022…zzzzzz… :sleeping:

nice bro, following here.

By the way, using less lots and without stop loss would not be better in this strategy ?

Last Trading Day of 2022.

Thank You for the advise, I am using a smaller Lot now…

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How did you 2022 close out? Thanks for sharing!

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Later if I have time I will make a Vlog about My Trading in 2022, thanks.

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Great job here! @MARTENZIC

He we go again, in 2024…
My first Trading Vlog in 2024.

Still with 5k Trading Capital, let’s see how far can I go…

Closed USDJPY with $9 profit, not bad…

13 Positions with Profit $587 for January, not bad…

Minus $400, in February…
Make me so lazy to make a Vlog hahahhaa…