My Price Action Trading Strategy

That was a very articulate post from a technical point of view. Your strategy looks really smart and efficient. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Many new traders will find this helpful to get an outline to work with.

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Thanks for putting the effort on making this thread!
Hope you’re still finding success with your strategy at FTMO
I tried copying your indicator settings but it’s hard cuz I don’t know how to do it properly, so If someone could send me the pineconde script of the indicators I would appreciate that. Thanks

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We learned at lot from your thread,thanks for sharing, I am confused about your entry levels in the charts? Would you please define any of your charts with that? Thanks

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Hello Alg626

Would you mind sending me the scripts also please?

Kindest regards


Hello again Alg626

I managed to get the EG and Pin Candle indicators working in the end. I am currently been backtesting for around a month now. I am trying to backtest as many pairs as possible before going onto demo then perhaps eventually going live. My strategy is purly mechanical and I noticed the EG indicator sometimes misses a few EG candles. Is there any way I can adust the settings to pick up more EG candles please and if you have any more handy scripts that may be of use to me I would really appreciate them?

I may in the future incorporate price action into my trading and start backtesting it eventually.

Kindest regards


Hi Alg626, would you mind to share me your script?
appreciate it

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Hi guys, new member here. This thread has gone stale. Is this strategy still profitable?

Not really, kinda stopped working when the new year (2023) started. It did last for nearly 2 years before that tho.

How did you come to this conclusion? Price action just stopped??

I’m going off the first post and what I remember from following this over the months. Why would supply and demand zones and S/R stopping working?

Or do you mean specific to his entry rules?

How did you come to this conclusion? Price action just stopped??


Yes, my point exactly! :rofl:

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Is this trend still functioning

Can we get a status update on this?

Strategies don’t stop working, Mate. How did you draw that conclusion?

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I have been studying this post for a long time and have learned a lot of trading ideas. Thank you very much, alg626. I hope you can see this and continue to post your trading charts here.

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Thank you alg626, I’m sure your risk management works great as we can see from the trade performance you are posting, just wondering if instead of moving trades to BE you close the trade at TP1, as from the weekly recaps I noticed the majority of trades hits BE and you manage to take 1/3 of trade as profit only

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

its not work anymore, which browser you use?

Browser EDGE, the J. Fox link is right here on BP, it should work on any.

Forex Price Action

How is everyone been, hope all is well. Just stopping by and checking in.

Very surprised by how much this thread has continued and the views it gets(thankful for it as well). So I hope it’s helped some people out there.

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