My Price Action Trading Strategy

We’ll see at the moment it is retracing back to my daily zone line. I’m not in the trade at the moment since it never came back down to my order after the candle closed. If it closes on the other side of my daily I just may enter a long position, only time will tell.

One for the evening.


One I opened this morning.


I’ll also be posting a journal for the last two weeks of trades. Just to help anyone out that wants to journal but not sure how to go about things. Also the way I do it isn’t the only way or even the best way but hopefully just gives someone some ideas.

Ok guys I’m going to go ahead and post the weekly round up and journal as I’ll be done trading once these last few finish up. Heading to my sisters tomorrow and won’t be in front of a computer tomorrow.

First the journal for the last two weeks.
Just covers the basic stats on a trade. I have older journals I kept that I used the notes a little more detailed than just stating the TP status. And also wrote down reasons why I may have been wrong or why I exited a trade early(usually due to fear). This one doesn’t have that detail, I may add it going forward.

On the last weeks journal I didn’t go back and log the Pips, just me being lazy not wanting to go backwards to be honest lol. I do log my pips as well though. And also have this weeks pips logged.

I’ll also explain why the lot sizes change.
The lot size is the amount of the trade I closed and pocketed.
On Majors/Minors I open a 2.0 Lot size, that’s also why you see on my loses they’re all 2.0 lots. But if I close some of my position that’s what is stated in the Lot Size column. And if it hits Full TP than I closed the whole position.

And yes I’m aware of the R:R topic and such that causes, for my trading style it works. I also try and post my trades live as best I can when I’m at my computer. Anyone can look at past price chart and make it look like they know what their doing(why you should be careful of social media guys, not all are scammers but there are a lot). So just want to be transparent for everyone.

On exotics I open 1.0 Lots so that’s why the lot sizes are different when I close some of the position.


Weekly roundup. I’m done after this evening on trading. Well I’ll probably trade the US30 tomorrow at open, NFP day.














Almost time for the markets to open . Yay. Thank goodness.

But wanted to share a few thoughts, nothing ground breaking or new but maybe just a reminder for some and maybe new to someone hearing it the first time.

Losing and Fear
In fact get use to losing, fear is what causes a lot and I mean a lot of traders to fail including myself. There is not a chart pattern, a book, a mentor or nothing but yourself that can wage that battle for you or even prepare you for the rush of emotions you’re going to feel. You just have to go through it and learn how to deal with fear and not let it drive your trading decisions. I have to do that everyday.

You can tell in the way I trade and still deal with fear, why I take some profit early and move my SL. Some call it proper risk management, which I agree with too. But it’s also due to the fear of losing unrealized profit that I have made. But I try not to let it control when I enter the market, don’t enter, or exiting early, that’s what my trading plan is for.

If you go around just entering trades at random well good luck cause that’s all it is if you end up with some profit. Just think of that rush of emotions, I know cause I have done it. Usually it’s “oh no did I just make a mistake”, “why did I do that”, “it’s going the wrong direction, I knew I shouldn’t had entered”. Why do that to yourself. It sucks, like really sucks.

But if you set up your charts, wait for price to get where you have marked and just enter it when it does. That takes away(for me at least) those doubts of well should I really enter here? What if I’m wrong? Well then what was the point of me sitting there studying and preparing but not entering when it gets to the level I want? Now this is all under the assumption your strategy is backtested and profitable. But it’s usually the trader that keeps himself from making money.

So learn to lose, study them to make sure you didn’t make a mistake, but if you entered based on your plan and it didn’t work out. Then hey onto the next and don’t hesitate to enter the next trade. Cause you don’t know which ones will be your winners and losers.

You can also tell how my trading has evolved since the beginning of this thread which is neat to see, like a journal happening right before our eyes lol.

Video about behavior while trading.
Tom Hougaard - Behavior Modification

There are a lot more things to trading and this can go even deeper but I’m ready to start trading so I’ll end my rant here lol. Good luck this week everyone.


Some trades I have set up this morning.


Already at TP1 with SL at BE.






A few more I opened this morning/afternoon.





Been a busy start to the week, remember to use risk management. Especially if running this many positions.

Going to follow up with some charts and things I’m looking for this week.

Ok, here are some mark ups or thoughts I have on some pairs this week. Doesn’t mean I’m right or even know what I’m doing lol. They may all go the opposite direction, but we’ll see. Just take what the market gives, don’t be so biased that it impairs your trading. I have things marked up but know that can change at any time.
















Hello, thanks for sharing! I’m really impressed by the number of trades you’re triggering :slight_smile: One question regarding the AUDNZD_2021-10-11_06-11-25 open - can you share what was the entry trigger here?

I had a couple more enter this morning.




Sure thing, I have made some mark ups on the chart attached below.


Let me say that I understand at times I have multiple positions open for or against a particular currency. Like at the moment the Yen and CAD. I do realize that they all could turn against me and hit my SL. If so then that’s part of the game. And I use money management that keeps me in the game after even taking multiple loses in a row.

I will even have multiple trades open, I try to keep it to no more than 5-6 unprotected positions open at any given time. Unprotected meaning that I have not took a TP1 and moved my SL to BE.

I realize I may trade a little more aggressively than some and that’s ok. I wait for price to get to certain areas then enter. Well I also make sure it looks to be a good setup(in my eyes that is).

I don’t go by a lot of things you read online or in books about how many trades you should take or risking only 1-2% per trade or keeping a certain R:R, or this chart pattern looks good. I know any of those can fail at anytime(meaning the chart patterns, good trade management never fails). And if everyone is going by everything they read in the books then why do 75% of people have negative accounts or not making money(going by the brokers published stats). I still use money and risk management, you’d be crazy not to, I just don’t maybe in the more traditional since that you read a lot about. Just giving a little insight on how I view things. I have evolved a little more from the original thread that I read and started to learn how to trade, which is a cool thing about trading is the growth that can happen and at times the pruning that happens too.


whoa, great thread bud. all pairs against JPY been on fireee

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Thanks for the kind words, it also has become like a live journal for me as well.

Yes the JPY pairs have been moving, hopefully there is a little more push left in them since I have a couple positions open, at least hopefully can get to TP1. Never know when we’ll run out of buyers but looks like it should make it up to the next level.

yeah i think so too. i’m in the US so i follow AUD/USD and NZD/USD every day too. both been in a nice little uptrend too

do you trade USD/CAD too?

I do. I trade 43 different pairs.

I’m also in the US. Atlanta, GA.

Nice, I’m in NJ. Who is your broker? I use OspreyFX. never any problems with them

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I’m funded through FTMO. I will eventually open a personal account once I have enough saved. I prefer IG.