I asked Mr Alg626 in another thread if he had anything that he could show me to show that ftmo is really paying him money, and he had nothing to show.
i just really think if this were legit, he would have some way to prove that he is receiving funds from ftmo…
guess what? if he showed it to me, some kind of legit paperword, that showed money being transferred, THEN HE WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW…
this is the fluffy kind of response that all ftmo people give…
they dont have any kind of tangible evidence that ftmo actually is paying traders.
i have never been able to see anything physical from any of the “pay to play demo” business model traders.
when conducting due diligence, i can sometimes be a bit detail oriented and demanding.
if i were an ftmo trader, i would surely think that there would be some kind of a statement or something showing that this company had actually paid to me some amount of money.
there is always a paper trail.
even when i send money to someone at walmart or moneygram or even western union, there is always a paper trail.
when i am conducting due diligence, this means that it is my position to determine if some thing is actually what it claims to be or not.
i have always been very suspicious of these FTMO/MAVERICKFX types of companies.
i have always suspected that they dont really put anyone to work as live traders, but instead they make rules for the trader that are literally impossible to follow and therefore the trader loses his FEE and in many cases traders take these challenges a dozen times or more and never were going to ever become a live trader at these companies.
all of ftmo’s online testimonials are so far fetched and not realistic.
ftmo has no legit live traders.
thank you for your time.
but hey, if i am wrong and ftmo is legit, you would have some kind of paperwork, but you dont.