My Price Action Trading Strategy

Lol the Champ is going nowhere


“Ohhh hellll yeahhhhh” - Stone Cold Steve Austin

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To bad I missed those moves on US30.

yeah that was a big move there

i wonder why do people always try to reassure others that ftmo is not a scam.

i wonder if there is any way that you could demonstrate that you are REALLY an ftmo live trader.

maybe bank records or tax records?

i dont know…

what do you think?

I say that cause there are ones that don’t believe in FTMO. And I can understand their doubts due to all the other scams and crappy prop firms out there.

They do pay out and have not had any issues out of them.

And just so you know, I will not be posting any bank records or tax records. And if that for some reason discredits me or the thread. Then it is what it is. I have nothing to prove nor am I trying to sell anyone anything.

And out of all the things on this thread, that’s your addition?

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Weekly roundup post. Got by by the skin on my teeth.

I also will now be posting the graphs on dollars instead of pips due to that can be misleading as you can have positive pips but be negative in the money.













Journal Entry
Majors/ Minors




I didn’t say I don’t have a paper trail or statements, just said I wasn’t going to post them. My personal business so I can choose to keep it private just as you can choose to follow this thread or not.

Plus the idea about the thread isn’t about my FTMO account, and rarely do I mention it except a time or two when asked about it and at the beginning of the thread where I state I am funded. And you’re correct as we’re not live traders just as you’re not nor most of us since our brokers make our market and we don’t actually trade in the forex market.

Also the logic of talking about FTMO and not being paid wouldn’t make a ton of sense. If they were so fake they would have been weeded out by now. Do I realize where the money I am paid from trading comes from, yes. It’s from the other peoples fees at times. Doesn’t matter to me where the money comes from. But they do state that your account is connected to an live account(meaning you’re actually trading a firms money).

I see you have withdrawn your post for whatever reason it may be (now I see why, since you started a new thread about it). I’m glad to see as the thread is about my trading not my accounts. My trades are posted live, not after the fact (well most of them, sometimes I’m a little behind since I still work a normal job as well). So I can be as transparent as I can when trading.

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currently watching this vid by Tom:EXTREME - Day Trading +1000% day - YouTube
any other good videos Tom has that you didn’t list in the thread, let us know ALG!

Hey buddy, yes I enjoy his videos. He has quite a few on YT. I can’t think of any off the top of my head, I just post them when I come by them.

gotcha. whenever you watch some other good ones post them up, i like this fella

Please how do I get to identify significant support and resistance in chart

Take a look at the first post, I have an example there and down at the links I have another one too.

How I chart support and resistance, and thoughts on not being profitable.

Just takes practice my man.

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Trade I opened tonight.



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GM Fam… ALG, have you ever checked out Tom’s free Telegram?

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I’m in it, he post live trades and gives you reasons he takes certain trades along with the charts. And also gives you an update through the week on his winnings. Kind of where I got my idea to post how I do.

This is his swing trades, which are not open usually no more than a day or two.

This is his day trading, he trades mostly the GER40, UK100(FTSE), and US30.

I don’t take his trades but it’s nice to see a professional trader work and be so open. I have gleamed a good bit from him.

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nice brother! and yeah i wasn’t planning on following his trades, i wanted to see his thought process behind the trades. i like hearing his opinions on things. def feel like i could learn a lot from him… going to DL Telegram soon and join

I’m using trendline trading strategy and sometimes I dont see setups but when i see setup I be in profits like from 50 to 200pips… but it doesn’t occur frequently is it okay to learn new strategy or I should be patient?

Nothing wrong with learning a couple different strategies. As long as they work for whatever market condition you’re using it for and knowing when to switch.

I myself don’t have different strategies per say since my style seems to grown into a very discretionary style. Which may encompass a few different styles in of itself. If that makes sense.