My top 8 brokers

I think that’s completely fine and every trader has a particular preference when it comes to choosing a broker, right?

Of course, if i talk about myself, i wanted decent conditions which i got with fxview and solid platform with pepperstone.

Agreed. In fact while demo trading I started using the OBV to measure the positive and negative volume flow. My trading indeed got better since I could judge that when OBV is rising, the buyers step in while pushing the price higher.

Hey Mitchel! Did you try watching divergence when using OBV? In case the price is rising but the OBV is falling, this could indicate that the trend is not backed by strong buyers and there are high chances it could reverse.

I suppose offshore branches of regular brokers is the best bet. Like you know this broker is established and has offshore firms to give traders advantage of leverage and stuff.

You’re quite a risk-taker by simply opening an account with then. I always prefer opening a demo account for instance to see whether the proprietor platforms offered help me trade well.

Demo account is the right way to go about trading for me too. I simply practice by using the indicators to develop new strategies and then integrate them with the current ones.

IC market
IG market
FP Market
Hugo’s way
Turnkey Forex

I used FX Pro a few times in the past but I just didn’t like the interface. Don’t know if anything changed in recent years. As for the rest of them, I would agree that they are all great picks.

It is also interesting to see that Finance Illustrated seems to agree with when it comes to the best forex brokers. A lot of the same names on both sides.

I too use fxview’s demo and live account on their MT4 platform, offers real time charting data. So far, no problems. And you know it’s one of the few platforms that actually allows that. Not all brokers make it possible to create both demo and live accounts with them at the same time.

Apart from these aspects, please look into their trade execution as well, if the trades are not executed timely, all the other aspects loose their relevance. You can also try the unregulated brokers, some of them are better than the regulated brokers.

I am not sure on what basis you have shared the list. But for me, a broker is not good enough if it doesn’t provide reliable and immediate customer support. We never know when we get stuck during a trade and need to talk to professionals to get solutions.

True in a way! But along with customer support, there are so many factors like the ones OP mentioned- spreads, regulation, and commissions that need to be considered. But of course, it is up to the trader what they are most comfortable with.

Have you used all of these brokers?

Ah! Thanks for sharing this here

Order execution speed shouldn’t have anything to do with regulatory status right?

I don’t think that a list of the best brokers can ever be complete because there is always a different broker that works the best for a trader. If you ask every individual here to share their list, I am sure that they will come up with different brokers.

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I completely agree with you. There is no denying the fact that for every trader, there is a different broker that works. It is all about finding the one that helps you reach your financial goals. At the top of my list, there will be Fxview, XM, and Etrade. I have been using them for years and I have nothing to say against them. Be it their trading platforms or trading costs everything has helped me become a better trader.

It’s difficult to say which broker is better than the other. Every trader I talk to is using a different broker and is quite happy with it. You just have to find the broker with which you can risk your money and trade fearlessly.

Maybe because you have different requirements! But I think that’s completely fine. It is always recommended to use the brokers that you like and want to trade with. Just because everyone else is trading with a certain broker isn’t reason enough for you to trade with it.