My Trading Log

In order to try to keep it as correct as possible, I’ve reopened a silver short on FXPro and I placed the SL at 17.68 to avoid the same thing happening again. The true SL is of course still 17.65, Oanda feed.

Ahh, yes I’m pretty sure that Metrader sends up a file by ftp, I can’t go there, it’s too much for me to do, but I expect I could come up with a program you could install on a website that would read the report from on Oanda on your computer when you’re logged in so it would be secure, and replicate as is on your website. That I could probably do.

I’m going to have a closer look at the different options. If it seems that there’s nothing handy out there then I will absolutely ask for your help.

Very kind of you to offer :slight_smile:

Quick update on Silver.

Today the SL was hit for real, so now the trade is indeed over and it was a loser.

I will add another point to my trading plan. That point will be to make a serious analysis of every trade, winners as well as losers.

This Silver trade will premier the new routine.

On the flip side, the loss occurred in April, which means March was a 0% month (no trades closed during the month). That in turn means I’m allowed to add additional funds to my account which I’ll be doing today.

Due to Easter holiday and low liquidity I won’t be taking any trades this week. I’ll be spending my forex time analyzing and studying.

“Due to Easter holiday and low liquidity I won’t be taking any trades this week. I’ll be spending my forex time analyzing and studying.”

Very smart, I struggled to get less than +10 pips. I would have been better off studying charts and raking the yard. I’m done too until next week. d

I don’t know what top make of that, the first part makes my laugh out, the second makes me cringe.

But I must admit I feel rather smug with my little pips here and there.

I’m a simple man :stuck_out_tongue: and my main target is to not lose money, everything else is a bonus.

You should feel smug, you’ve found something that works nicely for you!

All right, I’ve created myself a myfxbook account to track my trading. I chose them as they support Oanda unlike other similar websites.

I think I’ll be using this clever little widget in my posts:

It’s a shame that signatures don’t work or I’d put it there. Well, as long as it shows a positive growth :smiley:

Just a quick update on EURGBP.

I’ve moved my SL to BE due to the ATR and the gap down. There’s a lot of support down where price is now and in the interest of avoiding losses moving to BE seems sensible.

This is the first thing I look to do in a trade now. Being stopped out at B/E counts as a win. As I’m sure you already know :wink:

Indeed :slight_smile:

I’ve seen you over there :wink:

Wow! It’s been a while since that post. Hadn’t forgotten though and figured I had to get to it now.

I’m assuming you know the difference between real volume and MT4s tick volume.

What I found was that tick volume probably works to a reasonable extent as a stand in for real volume, but I couldn’t find an edge by using it. Basically I would find the same trades with it as without it.

I think that tick volume is valid and VSA is a valid approach to trading, especially in markets where there’s access to real volume info.

I may find a use for it some day. If I start trading exchange traded instruments, then there’s no doubt I’ll use volume.

I don’t have access to a software with tick charts like that but I’ve also heard that they show trends better. Future project.

As promised, here’s the first analysis of my finished trades. I have the doubtful pleasure of starting off with a loser. Silver…

Below is what the chart looked like that made me place an order to go short at 16.80
Some things to notice:
A recent pattern of lower lows and lower highs,
Price reaching 17.50 round number and resistance and showing clear signs of reversing,
Very strong bearish bar.

Take a look:

Now, was there something wrong with this setup based on the chart as of then?
Well, no, not in my opinion. I would probably have done the same thing again.
Next chart is where I could have made a different choice:

See how price didn’t trigger my order for several days. In fact, not until March 22 did the pending order trigger.
Here’s the question: Was it a mistake to keep the entry order?
My thinking was that the bearish bar had not been invalidated and the failure of price to do that worked to strengthen my case for a short.
Of course, I could also have viewed the failure of bears to push price down soon after the strong bearish bar as a warning sign that bears were not as strong as I thought.
Hindsight is always 20/20, but I’m leaning towards the idea that I kept the order for too long. After all, a daily bar that fails to trigger in more than a week needs to be doubted. That’s the lesson I’ll try to take away from this.

Once in the trade it did actually go into profit for a while and then it turned and kept rising until my SL was hit. It never quite went enough into profit for me to move the SL to BE, so I’m not critisizing myself on the trade management. If there is a fault to be found, I feel that it lies in my keeping a pending order based on an aging bar for too long.
Here’s how it played out:

I’ve moved my SL on EURGBP to 0.8880 which means I’m currently at 0% account risk.

That means I can do some chart studying to see if there’s anything interesting out there. I’ll have a look while doing some late evening eating. :smiley:

I have my eyes on a couple of things that I’m hoping will present themselves as setups. Nothing yet though.

NZDCAD was mentioned elsewhere and it is indeed a beatiful pin bar, but shortly above it is quite a bit of traffic and then it’s counter trend as well.

No trades tonight.

Maybe, just maybe, we have a playable counter trend trade in the works.

USDCAD finally reached parity and now there’s a bit of a bounce. Depending on the daily close I may decide to place an order with a fixed TP.

Brent Crude today supports a coming retrace in CAD, look at the evening star:

I’ll be having another look after the daily close.

This was one of those trades that I had a hard time making up my mind about.

End result is that I’m staying out. If price does bounce I have a feeling that parity may be retested again and if so I could jump in then on a potential double bottom, but that’s just speculation.

I guess I felt so and so about the risk/reward on the trade. There will always be more setups coming. Let’s wait for something really good.

In the meantime I’m hoping EURGBP will continue to be on it’s best behavior.

Thanks a lot for your answer. :slight_smile:

Moved SL on EURGBP to 0.8865. Price has now reached 1R but I’m going to hold on, for less or hopefully more…

Several pins formed today on the charts but none of them with sizes or locations that really beg to be traded.
GBPJPY, USDJPY, USDNOK and USDCHF are starting to look interesting.

Guess staying out of USDCAD was a sound decision.

Monthly funds addition showed up on the balance today. Nice reward for good behavior in March. If EURGBP keeps running maybe April will turn into a winner as well. And there are many more days left in the month in which to find killer setups. :slight_smile:

None tonight though.

Since inception of my trading plan: