Nasdaq 100 to bounce back up

Great time to buy nasdaq 100 on Monday
It will bounce back :+1:

I am almost sure that you are saying this because of the red line that I showed in this pic, but I promise you what sounds more probable, is that the price line breaks below the green box that I draw and then on its pullback to this box, you can enter short

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No it’s not because of the red line I use special software I designed it says it’s a strong buy :+1::blush:

I think nasdaq is going to 15618.5

I believe it will go down to 14,874. At least that’s what my software tells me.

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Ok be careful we shall see

that makes a whole lot more sense to me than a sudden rise to 15,618, i must say, but what do i know? :upside_down_face:

fortunately for me i’m a trader, not an investor, so i don’t actually need any advance preconceptions of which way it’s going to go, just a proven technique or two to trade it when it does :+1:


I will be buying nasdaq as soon as it opens. To the moon :crescent_moon:

Good luck with that

I’m off to good start here it’s a buy

Nasdaq 100 up :+1:

Take profit with nasdaq buy close position
We did very well

NAS100 H4 Potential Short Setup targeting 14,873.70
As of August 12, 2023 2:14 PM EST

NAS100 H4 As of 8/15/2023 9:26 PM EST

Our definitions of " To the moon :crescent_moon: " are very different.

Originally called out on 8/12/2023 in this post: NAS100 H4 Potential Sell Setup

Give it up I won you lost

Actually it’s playing out exactly as I called it.

Common man I made 200 pips give it up

I’m on gbp jpy sell today anyway focused on that today

It’s not even below Monday open atm but as you said
Good luck with that

And any away us 30 is going up probably take nasdaq with it up

I called it in advance and showed a chart. Post your charts and show your analysis. It benefits no one on this forum to just post buy or sell without context of your analysis.

Called what in advance a 200 pip loss

I bought “called it “ and made 200 pips
And your wrong again today bad time to post again as nasdaq 100 will most probably follow us 30 up