Need some feedback on my trading plan

what? each mechanical strategy has static rules, that is why strategy is mechanical


LOL… thanks for your awesome knowledge on mechanical and static rule based strategies. LOL

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so explain me if you are so such experience :slight_smile:


Everyone IS looking at everything differently.

Regardless, bottom line:
• Use a tool or system that presents successful entry opportunities most of the time; and,
• Know your numbers.

Remember, too: The tortoise always beats the hare.

Combining the philosophies:
• .05% a day ≈ 12.75% a year;
• .10% a day ≈ 27.11% a year;
• .15% a day ≈ 43.29% a year;
• Etc, etc, etc…

Since trading is exponential and not multiplicative, it’s more important to report PROFIT/GAIN daily than it is to seek maximizing any study or indicator.

This simple concept will yield better long-term realized gains along with a better balance and quality of life.

  1. Look at a back chart

  2. Mark a random candle

  3. Move the chart forward until you see a setup that matches your strategy.

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Hi I just found another thread that refers to use of ATR based stop losses. Recurrent mistake is stop loss being triggered


I wont!

And I wont!

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mhm, you just proved that I am right and this whole conversation was useless


So are you lol and please do not continue replying i have important things to do.

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although I know you will not learn but static rule based strategies are usually dealing with fixed phenomenon for example when the M! of 5 cuts the MA of 15 bullish, enter but, these things are fixed and not subjectve and these strategies are proven to be nonfunctional. not if you wanna trade based on these that is your choice but do not inform others with so much confidence. put urself in their shoes and feel it, they are here to get valid information not your idea on anything! so talk based on facts or stay quite before making them lose their money. thanks

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proven to nonfunctioal where? which time frames, which markets, which time zones, which data
period, which combination of all above, right now you are misinform people


Thanks for pointing this out, Greg. :slight_smile:

You are right (obviously), and right to warn other people (obviously), but it becomes tiresome, doesn’t it? In these discussions with Vasil, several of us have stopped even bothering to respond to all the misinformation. That doesn’t help anyone else (as your posts do) but at least it avoids arguments.

It’s a frustrating and difficult situation, though. :roll_eyes:


I am hardly trying to get a clear idea on anything any of these two say lol. how do you find any of these useful? Like static rules are mechanic? and the other Vasil guy does not even provide any information, and I hope I am not making that worse but what I am seeing here is that the professor one is not admitting that static rules are static :smiley: and how do you find any of these useful? Are you two mates or is there anything I am missing?


man just stop acting like that. so now it is clear that static rule based strategy is not subjective? The qustion you ask needs a wise one to understand its answer i do not talk at that level with you until you say dynamic is static :smiley: that waste of time.

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I am saying a lot of information, check the text and say again!

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You are just pointing out to others false information and you are not giving any! I personally am not looking to find what is wrong; I need information on how to trade and how to be profitable! This information is not beneficial for me or for any other trader!

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You say this is not useful and also you say I point out when people are saying wrong information. it is you dont know what is useful or you dont know false information in trading can make people lose money! i do not say how you trade because i know trading is hard and people should find way on their own. i do not try to be a smart ass or show i am know-it-all. i could also tell people like: ohhh if you trade with RSI indicator you win big time because that is nothing like that!!! look at other peoples post and comments, this professor for example :smiley: i promise he is even good with giving you signals for trade and i am again sure that you lose all you money. choose yourself!

Lol, no, not at all.

We are in no sense “mates”: I have never had any contact with Greg at all, not here or anywhere else, not even a private message.

Our approaches to trading actually couldn’t be more different: Greg is into EAs, automation, CFDs, indicators, and MT; I dislike all of these, for myself, and am into price action, futures and non-MT platforms.

I still have plenty of respect for Greg, and I know he’s very good at what he does, and I think that our attitudes to forum-posting are pretty similar: we both try to help people; we both dislike misinformation; we both dislike opinionated, ill-informed posts.

So I am a supporter of Greg anyway, in the ways that matter for the forum and for the benefit of its other members. I think! :wink:

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He’s never given any trading signals and his advice is solid. He will still be here long after you’re gone, I guarantee that.


This is for sure. That one is a “safe-bet trade”. :sunglasses: