New from Alberta, Canada

Hi. I’m in the Alberta oil patch and moving on to hairdressing soon (true story). I’m hoping to also do forex/crypto on the side whether or not it makes me more money. I think I’ll be good at it because I have a fairly analytical mind and I’m good at math, although I’m sure there’s so much more to it.
I’m going to be doing my homework here each night for a while.
I’m looking for friends here especially from Alberta and BC or just whoever thinks they’d be a good fit. If you get to know me, I have quite the sense of humour.

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Hi and welcome. Afraid I’m the other side of the Atlantic but good to have you here. How far have you got with your forex/crypto education so far?

England or? I haven’t gotten very far yet but I’m taking a crack at it tonight over here.

Pleased to meet ya!

You will be able to check on your trades in between haircuts


Good idea. I don’t think I’ll be trading for a few months so that’s something to look forward to.

Yeah I’m in England! Lucky to have the best of the biggest trading sessions here. Learning to trade is quite the journey so strap in!

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Hey, I’m not from Alberta or BC but it’s really nice to meet you. I hope your trading journey is fruitful and successful.


A lucrative job! Good for you! My friend just had his hair dyed a “fashion color” and coughed up almost $600 for it! I’m glad you’re working a day job AND learning how to trade at the same time. You have no idea how rare this is to see in this forum where people seem to want to just quit their jobs and earn millions after 2 days of learning babypips :sweat_smile:

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Hello, welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here and ask freely if you have any doubts.

Nice to meet you! I definitely think learning to trade is a lucrative thing to do on the side, you should stick with it!

How long have you been at it?

Thank you.

I’m lucky more men don’t realize that it IS lucrative!

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I love your name choice- any inspiration?

Thank you. Have you been doing well with it so far?

About 4 and a half years now. Took me until the last 18 months to find something that worked for me and was a basis for me to start forming a trading plan.

Welcome to the forum @lyndongeorge !! Nice to see you!

Oil patch to Hairdressing, that’s a great change of careers. Good Luck!

And adding Fx/ crypo to that is going to be interesting, and you are in the most appropriate place for that, Sine Babypips now have both Forex and Crypto Courses, FULLY detailed and FREE.

Hope everything will workout for you and hoping to see updates too!

What’s the split in terms of gender for your client base? And what’s the average # of hours for each one? Wondering if it’s an exhausting job!

Sorry I meant to reply before! The job can be tiring for sure but I think a lot of it has to do with your outlook because in some ways it really is just doing hair. What can be exhausting is the anxiety that can come with building a clientele or just trying to make sure you give perfect styles- you can really upset some people if you don’t do it just right. Whether you get more male or female clients really depends a lot on you and what kind of a salon you’re in. Right now I am probably getting 90% men’s cuts because I’m in a barber shop in a new town, but before I was probably doing 90% women’s hair with lots of chemical and styling services. The amount of time it takes for each client depends a lot on the service, how fast you are, and the style of salon you’re in.

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You have my best wishes as you begin your trading career. Keep in mind that there is no easy way to make money trading and that it takes more than just maths to be successful.