New to the forum

Being rude to newbies when any ask a question no matter how it looks to some old members will result in scaring new ones from asking questions they need to know on a subject to help them follow up like old members of the community. To ask a question is because a person does not know what he wants to know or understand, therefore that one has passed a stage of being a new newbie will not make such person to forget so easily that he was once a newbie in matters concerning Forex trades. I implore the management to help add a rule to check such undue reactions.

The truth is that no broker or trader in Forex trades will give out his hard earned or acquired system or strategy. He will only help you to know the way or means of developing your own means of making a reasonable profits in trading.

Most of these brokers don’t even offer actual strategies, they just want people to sign up, invest and start losing.

Hello All, Hope everyone doing well and safe. Try to learn about forex and hope 5yrs from now i can trade fulltime and ready to retires.
thank you

Hello everybody new here I retired this year in March, I’ve had a big interest in the Forex but never had the time to learn about it now that I’m retired I have the time and I have four grandkids and making a little extra money gives me give me the freedom to to be there for those kids and my family. All this is new to me I was in the flooring business and had a retail flooring shop and I was good the best in Northern Cali, so the way I learned the flooring business is the same way I’m learning the Forex business site like this are very helpful and I’ll absorb all this content and other people view and trades then I’ll come up with my style because KNOWLEDGE IS POWERFUL well glad to find this place and I’m open to any trick of the trade you all take care and have a great day

Thanks a lot for the heads up it’s really important to know these things especially when it comes to dealing with people because not everyone is that nice to everyone and usually don’t have time but with this I have a broad picture on how to go about myself thanx a lot … ur comment is very much appreciated

My Name is GODWIN and I’m PGISTKING by Username.
I’m most a very newbie to the forex world
I came cos a friend linked me up here that I will get all the knowledge, info, guide and most importantly signals daily to learn my forex journey
I pray to be taught well here

Hi I’m Victoria I love to learn and help others. Can’t wait to grow. I’m a minister and a life coach and a realtor! Hi again

@victoria_j And trading! Nice combo! Life coach must be an interesting profession!

Thanks for that reply, albeit not for me. I especially respond to the general guidance that you gave. We will watch out for the couth or lack of.

Anyway, I am a newbie. Fancy me stumbling upon this particular reply as way of my into to the forum!

My name is Le-Bang. I am African. Botswana to be specific. Sothern Africa, to be precise. I kinda like stumbled on Forex, after being scammed by so many muliti- level, pyramid schemes, ponsie schemes (sp)…et al…I was a skeptic…

So when FOREX came to my ears, I was like’yadah yadah…’ How much should I cough? How many should I recruit…In short, you can smell the stench of my disgust to the whole 'try this, try that gimmick.
Yep. I saw it FOREX as that.

It so happens that I am certificated, and unemployed with academic with post grad notched to my belt . In three discplines. I am not showing of. Just express my dismal state of being. That my continent for you. Theoretically educated. Practically unemployed!

Ok…before the couth erupts, I finally was pulled aside by a friend who was making it in the business of trading, and she expressed comfidence that I can make it if I gave trading a chance. I needed proof ofcourse. She gave it. I was hooked. Line and sinker…

Lo and behold, I am here to learn. Learn some more and to trade successfully at some point, hopefully. And perhaps, I can finally shine as the educational certificates I hold had long promised me I would…

Sob story…right? The long and short. I am here to learn more that the b…t degrees I hold and I want to be successful. iIhave years of stagnation to fill up. and I am disgusted with my lack of money. Period!

There goes my intro… I this even the place for me to do it? Tee- hee.

Hi, im zesty. Im new to forex, i have no clue what i am doing but i am willing to learn be cause i want to earn a extra buck.


Mi nombre es Jonathan, soy Colombiano, vivo en España, me gusta mucho el trading, y llevo estudiando cerca de 5 años, opero sobre todo el USD.
Bueno, si se puede estaré compartiendo algunos análisis.
Mucha suerte a todos.