New UK PM Rishi Sunak is a fan of crypto!

I suppose from the viewpoint of the Conservative MP’s he is the least bad candidate. Ethnicity is a non-issue here. I’m sure that by now the Conservative MP’s would have elected Paddington Bear if he could stabilise the economy and avoid splitting the party.

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It took me just a couple of minutes to discover that when ConservativeHome surveyed Conservative Party members in July 2020, Rishi Sunak was the most popular Conservative Minister then in office.

Seems hard to believe that these same members used to be racially biased before then against politicians of ethnic origin and then they weren’t and now they are again. If they are racists, they’re not very good at it.


Let’s see if he can survive longer than 44 days before we get excited about what he may or may not do regarding crypto.


Well, there you go.
Last week Sunak was for fracking, this week he’s against it.

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In fairness they were whipped on that vote.

He voted for greater regulation on Fracking back when it came to Parliament back in 2015.

Exact age numbers for Tory party membership are not published but it is common practice to assume many are older - there is no evidence of this, in fact Prof Bale and 2 others did a study on political party ages - from a large yougov sampling they concluded that 57 is the avg age and only slightly younger for others.

The Young Conservatives was resurrected in 2019 - separately there are Uni YC branches.

I doubt that race plays a role in these organisations.


There’s a lot in there that I’ll have to dig into. Don’t know anything about the man other than what’s been in the news recently, so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance. I have some reading to do!

I wasn’t familiar with this term. After just some basic research, this sounds extremely frightening…

Well, that is where it is all heading to…

…and where it always was leading to ever since Bitcoin slipped out a side door of NSA HQ, and got floated on a libertarian ticket.

…and as you will already be aware by now…Social Credit system already up and running in China. They completed their regional based pilot schemes, and are now ready to roll it out nationwide.

Very aware of China’s CBDC trials. I’ve mentioned them several times in the past. But information on the social credit system was lacking in anything I was reading. China’s trials now make more sense. Their scope - the size of the trials and amount of free money that was distributed as part of the trial.

It puts a completely different spin to the entire trial now.

This gives you an indication of how this next reach for total control will go down…

It’s always been about debt enslavement and the extinction of cash… Infosys are already a major supplier of software systems for both Central and Retail Banks right across the globe… Those that have been paying attention saw this coming… Even prior to the Pandemic

They are using your own lust for technology against you… They’ve already had a dry run using your smart phones for tracking… Vaccine Passports… Now they’ll weaponize the frenzy and uptake of a Crypto Currency (CBDC)… The naive and gullible will leap at the opportunity to be converted into modern day Serfs…

Stepped away from the EU… Now the UK is about to pay the price… Dearly!


Crypto is nuking. I’m sure this will usher in for more calls to move to CBDCs.

With many CBDC’s just around the corner, I think there is a good chance that ‘wild west’ crypto has seen it’s last megapump. The question of whether ‘they’ set out to destroy the likes of Bitcoin or just let it die a natural death is open.

Would just take one central bank announcement to bring it all down…an announcement that ‘they’ could have arranged for at anytime, as opposed to giving the space a free legislative run, so bear that in mind next time you read some kool-aid piece about crypto being a threat to the Status Quo. Crypto is the Status Quo, pilot testing the tech for their upcoming CBDCs, getting the free market to do all the R&D work for them.

Sadly, those within the industry are doing the work for them, if that’s the end game. Ego and greed.

Excuse my edit of the quote -

I quote Peter Hitchens

"The Conservative Party is nothing but an organisation for the progression of the sons of gentlemen…"

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Within 48 hours of what may possibly be the largest CryptoCrash so far (FTX)… The U.S. banking community announced the launch of a proof of concept (PoC) project that will “explore the feasibility of an interoperable digital money platform known as the regulated liability network (RLN).”

Using distributed ledger technology, the proposed platform would “create innovation opportunities to improve financial settlements and would include participation from central banks, commercial banks of various sizes and regulated non-banks.”

According to the group, the platform will use distributed ledger technology, better known as a blockchain, to create opportunities to improve financial settlements. It would also draw participation from central banks, commercial banks, and “regulated non-banks,” including BNY Mellon, Citi, PNC Bank, Swift, TD Bank, Trust, and U.S. Bank.

This will probably coincide with FedNow, which begins July, 2023.

FTX was nothing but a bit of theatre and so obvious what it was paving the way for. I didn’t guess that the CBDC would be rushed out so soon after. However, Sunak has been going on about this and the US always lags the UK.

The whole spectacle/plan is just so obvious at this point that it’s tiresome. Given up - there never will be enough people willing to stand up against the oncoming “Great Reset.”

Social Media permeated society like Marijuana, Social Credit will be the Fentanyl…The naive and gullible can’t get enough coercion and will leap at the opportunity to be converted into modern day Serfs…

Very demoralizing.

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Kindly why it’s not allowed to purchase XMR in the USA and UK please?

Tnx and best of luck

It’s available on Kraken, which you can access from the US.

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They’ve been talking about this for some months. They released a paper in Nov/Dec about the threat of stable coins, and then penned an open letter to the public discussing pros/cons of a CBDC.

He is a fan of many other things too. And if this is the case there’s a chance that he may do developments in the crypto sector.