Newbie making money daily

Just got allocated another 3 accounts to manage… I am now officially a Fund Manager !!!

Way to go !!! Champ… I just need one more account and will be a Fund Manager too…thanks for your great help

Lol making numerous accounts to respond to your own thread.

Life must be hard when your only friends are imaginary.

newbier wil be difficult making money daily. but weekly can be possible.

OMG this is so funny

So if this is true, which I highly doubt then why bother even coming on here still, obviously he does not need babypips to get more idiots to invest in a scam company…3 Accounts to manage? Lol makes me laugh, and someone investing 150,000 buddy I dont know who you are trying to bluff but certainly not any of us

For those of you who do want to follow this guy please go ahead, those of you who are actually clever enough to smell a rat when there is one, good going…

In some way this guy, Patrick Sim from Singapore, serves a good purpose, people who are venturing into forex will aways run across scammers and low lifes like him. Seeing it all play out here on Babypips is part and parcel of an education in being alert to not only market traps, but criminal traps as well. This is one way to identify red flags, rat like qualities and trouble. To the gullible, take note.

Another trade done…another profit taken.

This time on 6 accounts in all

You realise if you start 6 accounts on babypips to respond to your own thread that doesn’t count right?

LOL you can kind of admire the persistence though… Real go getter this one, imagine if he puts his mind to actual trading he might achieve something

Wow…great moves on the market and a great trading day catching both ends of the move to our advantage on all 6 accounts… did anyone else get the same??

I know there are some…no many of the posters on this thread that are just spectators and have perhaps never even made a trade to their name.

Be careful with the big loss.

I have not traded since yesterday, let the sea calm down in a data heavy weak. There is always tomorrow to look forward to.

Thank you for your concern. There isn’t one

Ooooh, you should really listen to MrGone

Hey son, believe me, there will be, you want it or not. Period, it is a mathematical fact.

I am sorry. I don’t believe easily, especially when my experience tells me otherwise.

I was a player long time ago and my experience taught wich one were easier and one day as ussual the thing went as expected until she took handcuffs from her purse and when I reffused to she threw it to my face, 5 stitchies, today the scar remain on my forehead.

NFP was good. Dragged in 60 pips each account.

The experts bring home the bacon. The others just watch from the sidelines

Mr Gone is right. I’ve seen people scalp steadily for months, and suddenly, BOOM.

But then again, you don’t have to worry for him. It seems like he is trading with other people’s money :smiley: :smiley:

You are right if you assume I am scalping. Just because you have that assumption does not mean it is true. It only means you have an opinion.

I am not by any means scalping. I have a complex matrix in an arbitrage arrangement that consists of a multitude of positions representing a butterfly option spread and a bracket and ladder matrix backed by a theta sensitive triangulation.

I am immune to any moves in the underlying market but have the advantage of any one of my positions turning profitable at any point in time and it happens daily as it turns out

I just take the profit when I see it rather than watch it evaporate if I don’t do anything.